Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 May 1931, p. 36

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cellently.cuîîitione n ec>vause UI Ia fayorable season hias pronîpted sev- eral of the north shore. golf clubs to commenice their evenits for womien golfers even carlier than Decoration day. the one-tinie siglial for tite. formaàlo)eninig of golfý courses. At the North Shore club. under the chl'airmanship) of Mrs. R.. C. McCaull of Ciéiago, thewxomen's golf season opened Tuesday of last week.. with a fieldi of -about fifty-five players cou Y-. petingin the ninie-hiole blind J)ogey event. A buffet luncheon will l served each week afiter texnrigsgae and many of the golfers remuaînini the. afternoon to play contract. Prizes Will be.given ,'everv iîonthi for the high ringer scores. puttting. and thé lowest score in each class, and a prize .ecdi 'esda orte't hest. score shot in every class'. Serv-. ing, on the conînittee with Mý1rs. Mc- Caul are Mr s. Ralph Boozer of- Kenilworth, Mrs. B. H. Huggins and *Mrs. Edward Barron of 'Eyatstoii and Mrs. Lawrenice P. Dwver of W\"innetka. For thie first time ini a niumbier of- years, a woman's golf team hâis Ibeen started at N'orth Shore witlî Mrb. *Robert H. Sau-tders' of Chicago as captaîi. M rs. Dwyer is chairnianl of ptnb- icty of tihe social *and wonienis golf events at North shore,. witl a Coin-, mlittee .Cousis itng (of Mrs. Cliarles, Barrows and Mrs. \\, HI. Mbl1tcr of Evansfoi.. Mrs, M. G. hlenderson of Kenilworth, and. iNrs. Jack Sde of Chicago. 'l'le iregular \Vednies- day bridge lunicheonls at North $or will commence* in .j une.' At the Wilmiette Golf club thie first "ladies day" was eld Tuesday ot) tlus week with aii opeinling Iuclicoaî. Mrs: Jolmhn enirv rodt ot lLvaîstoîî is chairmfan of the weekly vns Her. committce, as reýenit1y an- ýnounced,, includes M.Nrs. Courtnex' H.. Reeves, .1rs. W. A. Hlanseni, Mr-s.. F. S.Jonces anid Mrs. èlevHil- ,an MrsL. Dan Coiustock and M~ Sam Shipp make uthe wonîen' hiandicap. commiiittee, and Mrs. EÏd- ward Barlow, Chiairînian. and M-Nr:. s, ivi r. ýooaIland <eRoy lanid of 336 Leicester road. lsenîl- wùrth. The engagement %vas made known at a small dinner party given for a few o.f Miss W\oodlanid's in- timnate fricnds on Saturday. Mr Heagncy is the -son ofMrad r. Thomas Heagney o f orcester. NlMass., but 'is in businiess ini Havana.. for. the First National Banik of' Bos-: ton. Miss, Woodland and Mlr. Heag- ,ney met iii Ctba iniHcwitrof 1930' and agaitlîis 1)ast Winter. M.iss Woodland attended Rovce- nmore school' in EVainstoni and 'Snmith col lege. She made- ber debut two. ~lyears ago,ý and is now a director of the, Service club and: assistanit treas-, tirer of thé Lighthcouse Aids. Nr. FHeagncv served for tivo years in. the world war and wvas graduated in 1925 froni Haryard, wvlere lie be- longed to the, Hast,. Pudding cl. *Miss 1 oodlaiids fiancé, is now a *gucst at.her home iii Kenilworth for a short tinie. .The- .w-ciding wvýill *probabl1y take ,place ilà August as Mr. Heagnev vvill have a inolith's leave 6f absence at tlhat. tirnc. Miss M1ary Fowuler of 16 War zvick avenue, Winitetka, led the Juntior promn at New Trier HIi!i school last Saturday nigizt. Mi'ss Foziler, president of'.the. .àJnior cl-ass,~ is the first girl to hold that- office at Xew, Trier. AI Lind of It'iliiiette, ricc-presiden it, waLis wr partiler in the .grand inaTch. C. D. Ewers Giving Tuiip Tea Saturday -NMr. and Mrs. Charles. D. Ewer have is.sued invitations for théir annua' . .tulips .and tea" in their garden at their homie, 1111 Ashiland avenue. S-atuîxda\- afternoon. Max- 23, irom . o6clock until dark. Memibers of tice1-'vening (;ard(iI club of Wiimiette and the, \' ineitoc G-,ardeni club ivill be- included aniong their. guests. Assisting Mrs. LEwer*l ý%iIl be Mrs. J. A. Pancoast; Nirs. Gordon \\-Ilsoii, Mrs. Charles R. Bixby, Mrs. CIiarleIý R. Norman, Mrs. A. J. Stinison oui Evanston., Mrs. Marguerite CalkiniS Bride and Groom Elect, Feted Prior to -Weddin7g M iss Maude LuciIle' Davison, wMho is to the married on IMax- 30, toDr W\illianî A. 'Marn, Jr.., 1121 Gren- wood avenue, hias beeti and is to be the guest .of honior at several delighit- *furl parties. On April 9, M.,iss Screîia Ketchuin of Chicago' eîîtertaiiîed a.t a Ilinen shoivcr. May (), Mrs. Milan *Misura and Miss Genevieve Mlisuira o-f Wilmnette gave a lingerie shower, on M1ay 16, -Miss Myrtle -Moore of Chicago wvas. lîostess at a kitébien slîo-wer, and on May. 20, Mrs. Ray'- niiond Armrstrong of WVilmcntte gave a iscellaneous shýo\\er. *On May 14, Mr.. andi\ Mr s. Alfred .H. HWatt of Evanistoni entertained ,foLr Dr. Matin and Miss, Da.vison aind D-r. Gail ýR. S'oper of .Evatistoni gave a, dinnier dance for tlîcmn at the Eýdg:-u ivater Beach hotel Mayl 15. *Severa.l bachelor affairs have been», planned for Dr. Mann. Dr. atan, bazar of Chicago wvas host at a stag part3- May 16. Atistin Belgard wvill ~arty c chah ~rîîîel is* vo.~n R..dIIburg Oi r.vaiistof, and. witl the mnusic program in Pilgrim hall of the church. Tom Elv-in and Virginia Sprague are to ble soloists and, the New Trier High school orchestra wi!. play .instrumental selections. Is Junior League Guest Miss Cathierine Rogers, executive director of the Association of Junior 'Leagues in. A eri*c, was. guest of hionor at the' annual luncheon. of the Evanston Junior league Wednesday, M4fay 20, at the Orringto,î. a group ot Irienus at thxe dinner daiice at Shawnee (ountry club on Satuti- day.1 Mav 23. Mr.' and Mrs. Louis Stein, 1500 Central avenue, Wilmette, wýill lie at home Sunday afternoon, May, 24, in, honoir of the confirmation-.of their son, Jack-, for the wedding of Miss Uorothy Pearl Pearson, daughter of Mrs. joseph Pearson of Evanston. ani Paul William Cutier, son of Mr. and Mes. Henry E Cutler of 407 Central avenue, Wilmette. The wedding will take place Wednesday, Ji.ne 10, at .8 :30. o'c'lock in the ;evening, in theè First Presbyterian chvirch in Jivan- ston,. with Dr. David Hugh joue.; offlciating. The receptiôni following tlie'ceremonv will be heldat the Ev- austont Woman's club. -Miss Pearson, has, closen 'N 1 Cutler'ss,sister, Mrs. StanleY J.. Hall., as her miatron of honor, and. as bridesmaids, M.llrs.,Fred Ringley. Ms Meta Myers Strong. of Evanston: Mrs. Fred Schroeder, Jr.. of \Vjl- me tte: and Miss Mariam Richar dson 01 Goshen, md., liher cousin. Florence Virginia Anderson, daughter. o George, Anderson of Chicago,' and another cou-sin, of the bride-elem , wiîll be flôwer girl. Herbert West of H1anover, N. H.. is to serve as- hest man and the, tishers wvill be Hf. E. Cuitler. JTe.. Stan'ley J. Hall,' Fred Schroeder. j r.,. Phillip Robert Grant, H-ard - Mul- len of LaGrange, and Leroy Dreber of New York.' *Miss Pearson wvas guest of honor a.t a lunchieon and 'bridge \Vednes- dayat wvhich Mrs., Henrv' E. Cutler and Mrs. Hall were Itostesses. To morrow Mrs. John Nuveen, .Jr.,: andc. Mrs. Frank Kar-slake wmill ente rtain at a bridge luncheoil at the former'." homne in Kenilworth and on Sunidav. MIax 24, ;Nr. and Mrs. Stanlv J1. Hall %viIl give a tea at their home in Ev-- an ston. Tuesday, «May 26, Mrs. Ben- niett Johnson is. giving a bridge tea, tMaây 27, M.\rs. Kenn.eth L. \Vilsn ot1. Evianiston a breakfast at Kildeer Couùnt.rv club, and Frida., May- 29, 1Mrs.. Walter Cl de, Joiles. Jr., and M-ýrs. Joseph Falcon ofEa- ston are. to be hostesses at a bridge* tea ait. Mrs. Jonés' home 'in Gleticoe. Nirs.' Fred Rinigley of Evanstoxî wvill entertain at a bridge lunch- eon at the Chicagoz College club) Tuesday, Junel 2. On Saturday. June.6, Miss Pears-on will be hosteSS at an informaI tea and i tle eve- ming Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schroeder, Jr., of \Viimette. will erttertain. Monday, June 8, '.\r. Cutleir %\Ill givê. a dinner at the Drake and Tues- day, Jtine 9, Mrs. Pearson is to give.ý icoe a erson Dinner Hosts Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Cutler. 407 Central avenue, entertained a gr.oup of tw.enty friends îat the dinner dance' at Shawnee Countr-y club last Satul- day.

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