Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 May 1931, p. 38

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Winhetkça Scouts Receive Awards on Parents' Night * Winnetka's, Girl Scout Parents' Night wvas a great sucécess, i f success *is measured 1w sanid.wiches and cup- cakes. The Brownie Scouts slîowedl, their- ' parents. just how thev coià "lenda hand"' h i elping thie older girls to pass sandwviches and punchi. *They also did a verv îiice singinç" ganie. "On the Bridgeý of. Avignon," taking thie parts of various'personç. They seem ed to like beinig street boys far. better than gentlemen or ladies!' The Girl Scouts sanigsonie of their songs and did a singing game called "Soldier, Soldier." This is an Appa- lachian. folk song, aid one of the few real Amnerican. folk tunè's. Mrs. Hearne, New Trier comms sioner, awarded proficiency« badges. Sixty were éarned by, the variou' z Scouts. There were inany, cooks. laundresses, housekeepers, swiminers, and craftsmen. M4ary Alice Leslie if Troop 1 was aNvarded the First-Class badge,, A girl miust have covered a greatdeal of. work and done someé commnunity' service before she mi'N be considered a First C!ass Scout. Miriam Bartlett was the onfly girl who had earned the Artist badge. This badge mnay. flot be worked. for, but is awarded on talent alone. Cath- erine Hednman received a certificat(- of honorable mention f or having. showni great preseiice of mind in res- 'cuing a girl froni drôwning.' Cathier- ine belongs to Troop 3. Girl Scouts May Fashion Unifo rms to 1931 Smartnes Girl Scouts do nmot ne to have their dres s naker's badge to brinmr their grey green uniiformns into the ranks of .1931 smartness, if thcv mwill but follom, the suggestion of tho equipment division of national hlead- I lIt Won't Be Lonlg Now!I T'he bi,-d wizo is flot earl e,&o uqA for tihese Girl Scouit carpenters are bb YPrýozided v.ith seed. TropNews WINNETKA Girl Scouts Have J -uizcja ý,iri'kcut outtnÇ require. that full length stockings be worrî ivith it. Socks are perznitted %withi the officiai camp outtit of bloomiets and -middy, but they are flot worn. with thé regulation 'uniforrn by Girl Scouts who 'knowv and respect itir nattonal rufings. ....,Mat W~ uu au itr-i~> JJI1UUUilgItflLIplcie oraferwl be knowîi as members of ward wedisusse wht *e .ad te~ ew ethoistchuch.the national' field staff-, according to picked: Then we had sème an- WNe lhope that the spectators en- an announcement fromn national nounicenients. Afte r thiat ive played a joyed this eveinîng of real old- headquarters. Jt was also decided knot gaine. 'Oine person %vas a cow fashioned fun. as miuchi as the girls that where branchi offices are Io- and the other person iwas the Cow%'" njoyedà entertaining thein.. L i.1urca«din, regions' determined upon boy, Wlhen the cowboy had caughit .wisli that it become an animual event. by the national, 'field. division coin- the cow, shie tied two ropes together How about You?-Isabel Haskin, mittee, .these' offices shahi be called' with1 a square kiiot and 'theni tied Scribe Troop 1; .Wilmàette.. Gir Scout National Branch office. Eat. Some-Mores There could be. nlo more subtle cîieý to the characters of different peop!es than the dishes to 'which theyý have lent their names. The'ordina r v menut is a melange of them ail. Lt off er-z sweets* from France, sausages f rom .~*. Frankfurt, salad- dressitngs fron Rus- sia and stew from Ireland.. MaryV- land contributes ftied 'chicken and Hungary a> goulash. Boston stands V for baked beans. L t would be inter- esting to analyze just toà whicli the cok-catere-a healthy appetite: or . a hîighly' fastidious palate? Lt va- aluas oething distinctive, iindica- ?itie f0 heclnate or the character Of. the people in these cities, states. ajid nations. \ýow come the. Girl Scouts chal-. leniging the chefs wilth menus sui ta, to themiselves. Naturallv, a hea'ltli ~ ppetite ditates, somne of th1irishs but there are other factors to l)c con- si dered. Like ail Americans. theVý t aie a sweet toot*h," and tlieir palates like tbesrrised. But h cooks, have 'no inexhaustible larder on w hichl to lean. Ii fact, fewv of .... ..t hemi have more thati an 'ioe pantry," a pack-basket agin- on the nearest limb11. Despite tliis handi. . .ca . . e have a vu'red tab)le, on wvhicli appear kabobs, angels on horsbac, rig-tm-tidy, somle- .j Mores afid oth& : hiirgs savory. A.kaho.b >esss.o le.- ()ioni. bacon and celerv doite eni Ph ta catch the 7cormn' on't qo huinq v. brochette on a stick over'aw dfire. ýus naq bird homnes Jmih uil la*ter The- angels onl horselback are, toasterl cubIes oi cheiese wrapped 'in, bacon * whchaittr -ookiing,. are unhorsed i à around the cow with a. ol)Ohiilîtio, a split -rolli lined with lettuce. Àknot. . Ten -we <iscussed- some piantSorne-mores are made Up of-grahami After that we went outside to s,ýcaktwil r a irop4'%Aiched ioasted -marshniallows and. Wininetka. ' hocqlate bar WILME1E Mrs.Walter Straub CIRCSrnSUCESSHeads Scout Groufi

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