SKari, Gasslinder, assistant dircr- tor of the art department of Worthi- wiestern university, wunIll direct, classes in drazîing and -/'aintig, de- sign in industrv, creati-ve wzriting and daucing ýand drainaties in a: sclzool to be, held. this sioniner at Poupers Lake, JF'Vis., June 29 Mo A ug. 8. Mr. GassIander. a mniber af the Chicaga Sýociety of. Artists. is exhibit- ing at their spring showing at the 'Mid- land club, Chicago.: He j.ý also a niei-, ber of the Illinois Academy of Fine Arts and has a drawing and block print, an exhibition at its current showv at the Merchandise niart. H-e is a meIniber of the' University lub of E.yanstan. Wheatojn College ýHonors Inez Larson of Glencoe - M\,iss Inez Larson of Glenîcoe, w~ seven afilher -senior classmiates. dis- tinguished herseif bliv winnin g schoqs- tic honors at Wheaton. collegei NWheia- tan, Ill., and was presentcd vwi t 11a certificate of rnembership, to the newv- lu ç-nti7e( qholasicr TTt-or so- Vacation Church -Sehools Continuin- the vacation churcF schools wh ich have been increasingly successfil in. Evaniston. during recent years. the Ministerial Association of Evanston' is spons oring. the 1931. schools durinig the four week period bet.wen June ý22and, July 17. Boys -and girls of, kindergarteni through junior age (approkimatelv 4 to 12 vears) may attend thes*eschools, which, are ýin session, from'Monday to Fridav,' inclusive, from. 9 to 11 :30 o'clock eâch morning. There is no tuition *fee, -although each week the pupils are.asked to bring a free-willi offering to'help- defray expenses. The courses i nclude -Bible stories- devotional music. supervised re'crea-. tion. religious art. dramatization. and other subjects. and will be taught at Covenant. an.d Wheadon Methodist Epfistopal churches. St. John's Ev'an- gelical church, Northminster and the second Pré'sbyterian churchesý, andl Oakton and Foster schools. Joriorian Provides Rug for Speaker's Platform S. K. JorJorian. of Lord', store in EÉvansto0n provided. the rugefor the sneaker's . platfo)rm at NwTrier Hih 5 cfioil \edniesday ni-ght of last week - hetu Presýideuit RobertMa liard Hiitchins of the UivýersitN- cf ('liicagn a<dressed the New Trier Hi-lh scio.ol ParentJI'eacIier associ- tion. The Sound Distribution 5S\-; teins compariv provided the pn!h1k address sv-stem:ý and iiicrophonie wice tmade i»t possible for th:e aid iene t liarPrésident Huitchins iil aIl parts of the room. TO CONDUCT NOVENA, The' Rev. Thos. MN. Schwertner. 0. P.,of Xe'w York, well knIciown ihisto-ý rian and Doinican- preacher, former editor of the Rosary magazine. ill c ondUct, the -s, lemn novena in'honor ofý St.ue to be heid at the: Shrine of> St. jude Thaddeuis. Ashland ave- nue and l9th s;treet, Chicago. This event beg-ins Sunday, May 24:, "Better Pictures . Better Values", BER j1NESTUDIO 1623 Sherman Ave., Evanston Tel, UNI. 8998' I AN E TA-r.( '40JC NORTH *TE 1A ~.~A~441d'No Ji Your narne f or our new dry cleaning proce~s. The Village Cleajiers, lac. 1209..,Washington.,Ave.. WILMETTE PHONE BUCKINGHAM 0620 ISee ad ini National Geographic Magazine Back ,numbers sigppliedý 225 SOUTH ABASH AVE, CHICACOý