.,on Harper, Junior, 719 Park, avenue; The golden text %%s "He that Edwad Godon atsn, sphomre.soweth to bis flesh shall of the flesh 1341 Chestnut avenue: Dorland Jonesuthtatowh )a\,is,. sophoniore, 727 El niwood ave.- reap corruption; u etbtswt lnuc; Carlyle Graeme Diincan-CIark. to the Spirit qhall of the Spirit reap) soI)hQmore. 228 Wood court. .and life. everlastiiig". (Galatians 6:8).ý Theodore Geêorge Delanig. freshmnan 1,501 Forest avenue. AmonTg the citatio' ns which 'çoM-.' prised the less6n-sermnon was the -fol- Because of their suiperior scholar- '.'xi rm h ibe Ceasèy sliip in, both their junior and senior f rom man, ivhose brea.th is in, his' easin the universîty, or hecause nostrils: for wherein. is he to be ac- theirý sch1olas.tic. average for the firs± counted of?" (Isaiah,.2:22). seven seuxesters, of their rollegc car The lesson-sermon also included cer is equal to or higher than-.that the, followisig passages from the (il an31 student chosen on the-basis Christian- Science: textbook, ."Science of suiperior sçholarship diring hiS and Health with Key to the Scrip-, iiunior and senior year', 31 seniors saw tures,", by Maryý Baker> Eldy": "Mor-' their niames inscribed o'n the bronze ta] mnan 's the antipode of immortal tal)let, unveile<l at'.the* conivocationi. mani in origin, in existence, and in his Soine 900 other students have 1,wNo i relation to God" (p. 215). scholastic lhonors by meetingthe re- qirements set 'forth.hv he Univer- Mr. and 'M rs. Plîilip Vaughan sity Sènate. the e(ltcatioiial goverii- Brîghit havre returnedl to their home ing boil% of the inlstitutioii.. and. were at.731 Ashia"- avenue from na three :1en r ecogi t ion for,." Superior 7ees' niotor rip in the east.' Thev Scholarshipe' or "High Schiolarsip." visited- Atlantic Ci.ty and New York l'li honored staudents are classiiiedl and caine back by w-,ay of Canlada. in thrcc wavs : first, thoc1'e oe.-o .-rades are In. the upper 10 peret Ms rceP.Oes71 En- .,.,f each class are dîstinguished by Wood avenue. spent Mytherl's day *fig Shoarhi'and1 are etîtlcdl with lier son, Parry, at the Delta Io have :their naines lrinte( illu ié Ulps(inhonsc, University o.f'Nic*i- Honors Dav prograin.. 'S-econd. stu- gani.. (lents in 0te uujer three perdenit of ______ ~ --________ Alhe -sop4binîore, ,junior. and, >L'nior jarship- In 1bothith*eir jniIor an1d se- classes, receive speciail mention as nior vears earil the righit to have having nîiianiife.ted Speir Shl-Lhix'na111& in1scribed on the br)nize ar Th."lir<l. those seniors wvho rc- tal)let ý,vhich i -. unveiled during the ceive recognition for"rir Schol- 1lonors D)a\ convocation. The ideal sports:dress inthe' 1931ý manner $19.751 One piecÉ boucele dress with.-scarf sash of self and c'ontrasting colôrs~. The-blouse of the dressis lace knit,, the skirt -a heavier knit. Sizes are 14 to 40'lwith the f ollowing co010r s : blue, pink, Sheridan Rd. at Belmo t Harbor Phone Biutersweet 2100 B. B3. Wu.sN, MR Do Kefiniore'at Granxville Phone Briargate M00 H. L. JoRi4SON, MGR. SECONDFOR I I j? ttYJ