Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 May 1931, p. 42

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Many Leaders to At t en d Summer Camp With Troops Already nmany Boy Scou.t tri)ops from Xilmiette, Glecýicoe.:and Vin- netka have registered their trooplb and théir Scout leaders for summiier campl Maà-Ka-Ja-mWan, owned-and oPerated by thie Xocrthi Shore Area council ' .it is.found tliat wherelthe regular Scout leader 'goes-,to camp with >his owil b)oys that three tinies as many boys accompany him as when the 'Scot- go alone. As a resuilt1 of the leader going to camp, the troop gets larger andbett'er camping experience. ýThe council çongratulates-the, volunteer leaders liste-d below for their'splendlie work-in Scouting and'their planis for summer'camping with their troop. WiIm.ette-Trôop 1, Kari D. King. Jr ., fourth -peri>od. Troop 2-Frank A, Wilson, second .period.: Troop 3--- liarrison Stormns, second period. Troop .4-D. C. Leach, fourthi period. Troop 5-L. C. Torrey; fourth period, Winnetka-Troop 18; jani'es Lyon s, first period. Troop' 24-Robert -Mc-li- ren, fourthi period. Glenco-Troop 22, Dr. . F. Hecg-, cock, first period. Troo'p 23-Fredf Charmer, second period. Other leaders' naines will. be pu)- lished froin' weeëk. to week' as t hey reëgi>ter. Bicycle Games Occasion SSpilis'But Lots of Fun Because of the warmi weather antI longer days Troop 5 is now playling, garnes after short meetinigs of an- -nouncements and business. Afterthe gaine on May 14 séven memibers -of, thé troop- rode*' in formation and played gaines using theïr bikes. T his resulted in a few -nminor. spilîs, lu was lots of fun. ThléIonie Pine pa- tr.ol is 17 points behjind the QÔvv pa- trol in the patrol contest and it is planned that the losinig patrol \%,ii!1 *have to do soniething. for the wininer. -Bill Bowen, refporter, Troop 5,W\il- *mette Presbvterian churcli. NATIONAL SCOUT NEWS 8y Williamn Lehie (President, North Shore Press club) The Bovs' Iife gold ýwatcih a >iard to tiue National.Press asso- ciation niemiber givingý the miost constructive criticism andl format of "Bovs' Lîfe Maane.va awarcle(l to Scout Robert W. Will- son of M,%atisfield, Texas. Scout E'ugene Fehneina xas thec frst' Scout to offer his services f0 Dr. McLain .Rogers,: Mayorof: Clititon,* Okia.. when a. torn1ado. struck that city ki lling. severai pers ons. Sol Labow, assistant :Scoutias ter of Moniess en, Pa. , reccntly re - ceived a "Boys' Life" style book- aivard for, the miost outstanding journalistic work i1ý the Nationial Press association. M'Nr,. Labow i s also active in several other Presý associations, besides being on tiie staff of the Motuessen Ne\vs, Cal!. Winning Glencoe Patrol Receives Contest, Award Fn dav, 'May. 15, Troop 2 2 of C.len-'" coe, met at the Glencoe Union ch trcl! ,and 1held its weekly meeting., Be- cause of. its being so liglit when we :>pened our'meeting w,.e plaved gamies .utside for- awhile, then .went in. the churchi where. Dr. Hedgcock, ourf Scoutti aster, made many announice- mients conicerning a iumbeir of' mlat-I ters. A nunîiber of thie Silver Fox patrol- who recenltlv wow:the, poit con testgotý up and tlianked thet trooýp tor the rewardý they. iad received1-ini 'inning -the contest. This was a large patrol mess kit. Jin Caîhiounl volunl- teereil for the position of troop *e.- piorter s0 the troop will be wnriting mlore news than usuial. \\'e were dis- 1 nîssed w,%ithi the usuial ceremon(ýlies.-- David Roberts, Glericoe district e litor. jBannockburn Jv"noe Winnetka Sea Scouts Many New Scouts Christen New Vesseli Added, to Roster Tuesday eveinig, M.%ayv26, vs the! ofINe S. Council date, set aside for îthe christeing of! the Winnet ka Sea Scouts' newV land A large numnber of new.V Scouts, ship,; Albafross IL. The vessel is pat- Cubs, and Sea Scouts have been reýz-- terned] after a steamer and, is corn- istered at council headquarters in the: plete mith deck house, f.unnel and past week. The totals for thé th ree mas t. A s for the formai christeiini'. groups are.,now: .Scout, 1,306, Se a bottle'of Lake Michigan water w4i Scouts, 95. Cubs. 312-a grand total he broiken over the bow. » of, 713 boy$. Parents of Sea Scouts,« relatives, The latest aqiiin nthe colin- f riends, ýoffi cers and crew's of other 1cil are: ships are. invited' the certinonies tak Wilmnett-Troop' 1, 'Philipy Samiuel- ing place in the new Christ Church: son.o Parish * House,, 470 Maple avenue.- Wintka- .Troop 15, Bob Bro oks. ,\innetka. ,cotmmiencinlg at seven- 'Kenneth Cobb, Fred H'icks, Richard! thirtv o'clock.1 . bivingston, Roger Oyen, Frank Rob- In charge of arrangements are Sei iins«oi,- Morris Schoenthal,' Schuv.ler Scouts Pavev-, Davis, Melcher. Sinitl, Watrous; Troop 16--Allen .E ck-irt,. ind Kidd. At. Neilsen:, re-registered, John Bal- leniger, George Pederson- (was for- Organize New Cub Pack ! 'rvi Top1'; rol- at St. HeIighwood Gréer., Charles Jacobs and Jack Ven- Another newv Cub pack hias been nema. registered, this one in the St. Jamnes' Galencoe-Pack 6,Per Cloud. Uatholic church ini Fighwood. ThIe .Stanley Kadala, David Waters: Troot>) group meets Monday afternoons .àt- 22-Yack 'Leary (tranisferring 'frontî 1 :45. Here is the lineup: Cubmaster, Troop 23, Glencoe).. P.W. Siegele; committee, Fred A. Highland Park-Troop' 30, J 1ames Ebirens. chairman; Ryanhall J. Wil- Aubrey, George Olsen, Don Siljeý- Niains, Wjldon E. Grahiai and Dom- tràm. jim Snobble; Troop 32-Rich- .inc Pauierali. Çubs are Charles a rd Clark; Eugene Snyder, Robert PrnCharles and Lawrence Dean, Snyder (transferring fromr Troop 94, Lee East, Raymnond Garrity, Weldon Indianapolis, Ind.) Troop 35-Eddie Grahamn, Edward Hangren, Robert JTunI Francis O'Connor. Pack 65- 1-angren, James. Mcberan, Peterf Bilvl" -fribk, Allan Freiburger, Ar- Mý,urphyv, Rober.t Muzik, John Rettig. thur Hoffinan,1 Jimmy Rosenfels. Casper Santi, and John Sargent. Thomas Straus. IHighwood-Troop 37, Harrv- Madi- tE1ect New Members of 1 son.. Wilmette's Press Club Lake Forest-Tr-oôp-45 'DickPoole. At the meeting of th. WWilm.ectteCPannon, 9ArlexAndersoncn, *' ile-. Press - club, Friday, May, 8 several to 'Cifroy, 1amNbe Scouts were eleetedý to theépress otbokTop 6.Wl staff. ' Under the direction of Bill.N ~oo-ro 6.Wliam, Lèhe, ei t rthetheeScut, ltéd'Eldert, Harold Goodwin, B oyd. Head, Were as follow%ýs: Jimn Donahue,- assis- Frleik WEloif Kng, Pakl9,Kora tant editor; Elmer Stone,. treasurer: li.EofKih alKria Bob Rich, communication manager. Toseph Orlandini, Richard Smnithi; \With.the assistance of these Scouts, Troop 73-Arthur Thumel. Editor Bill Lebile hopes to run more. Deerfield-Trooo 52, Unit. Abra- 12 to 9. In a 50-yard dash .Waynle use bis legs for sonie time, but hie Cochran of the Stag patrol came in x%'Ill soon b.e able to go -with thet first, Stanley Cochran, second and troop on hikes and aIl troop activi- Donald Lynch of the Silver Fox, fies. Also, during the meeting the third. Ina. treasure hunt the Sta ' , troop hiad a fire-building contest in came in firs.t, the Silver Fox, second, the church yard. A patrol bas chosen and theEagles, third.-Geoýge Coltoîî,.toj represent thé troop -at the' Canip- Trôop . 1,, Wilmette CongregatioîlaI -Ral.--im Donahue,* Trcoop1 W\il- church. .- :nte appreciation for which h a stands'. hte.a What we say to the Scouts. about this day vvill flot be long re- miembered, the activities in which they participate'on Memiorial Day wvill becomç., a part of them and be remembered the ,rest of their lives. of the j ournalisin menit badge.- in the afternoon, a trip to the Cuneai Press is planned. Scout Williami Lehle of Wilmette, president of the Press club, is in charge of the 4r- rangements. Dave Jenkins of Troop 32, Highland Park, and Lewisý Cook- sey of Troop 61,ý Northbrook, are the ,two latest Scouts to earn the Press Club quill.

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