Buys Some Transportation Ride in an automobile. Good driving days: are here» again.. We. have cars- f airly priced-+that, will1 meet every transportam tion requirement. Austin 2-Pass. Coupe, 2200 miles.. $ 325 Buick 1928 Master Brougham ... .,S0 Hudson 1928 5i-Pass. Sedan.... 350 Packard 6, Packard 8, Packard 81 Packard .8, '29,,5-P. Landau Sed...ý. 450 Special. 526 Sedan.. 1000 626- 5-Pas:s. Sedan', ... 1350 633 7-Pass.,Sedan.... . 1250 640 Toôuring, ftend. wls. 1650 640 Sedan, fend. wls. 1650ý Liberal Terms--Trades Cati the Used Car De>rtment aywd Arrange for a Dem onstration PACKARD MOTOR CAR COMPANY* 0F CHICAGO 925 LINDEN AVENUE, HUBBARD WOO0DS Winnetka 3070. Greenleaf 6030 .The report' revealed that the total expenditure by Americanls for travel-i iniz at home and abroad was $4,91..- 000,000. The per capita expenditure is based upon a population o Ï 122,000.000 '*Neéarl.ý-. two-thirds ôf this. huge1 sum was, spent in the course of vaca- ,tto nmotor tours within the Uniite1 States,*" the motor club declarer!. "Natural-lv, there. is considerahie rivalry, hetweên. various 'sections. of the countrv to secure as mnuch as; piossible of this vast funid., As a re- suit, tourinigfacilities in the. past. ses'- eral vears have:undergone great i- proveflt in practically every sectioii, of the country.' Dirt and grave1 roads have 'in maniv localities givenl way.1 to concrete, and hotel and garagev accommodations hbave he'en raised t higher standards than formerly. "WVhereas, in. past ye ars 'car omuI- ers- regarded 200. or 300 miles -as ."a. good days' runl, they now plati on dri%- ing from 300 to 40 0 miles and event more before 'calling it a day.' WVit'i1 the cost of- motoring ever on thes downward trend, and with the im-, provement in cars and highways, it Ig nqt too mucli to say that within the past five years the field of motoriug lias been widened at least twofold.7" Miss Ella Waidner, 1048 Lake av'e-.t nue, will be hostess at the Travel' club meetinig at her homne Tuesday afterxïoon , 'May 26.t These forests are only one dàv's drive from most sections of Illinois and Indiana, and comprise a perfert setting for those Who love naturai, surrouindings," theý motor club de- clared in a statement., "Camping privileges are free; excellent fishing ma,, be expected, and also hunting- in season. The state fish andý gaine laws prevail in the forests the samne. as in. other -localities. 4'-The forests a1rethe, logical d'estina-' flou of those.whô wouild like-to buil a vacation cabin ini the wilds, -but hesitat'e to d'O so because of the ex- pense and possibility of, vandalisin when they are absent. The'.federal goverrument. imposes only one main; restriction, . which. 1is to be careful with fire. "Stores, and tradinîg centers are usuallv close at hand. Thus., vaca- tiusscani carry their lent, and ob- tain provisions nearby. 'The three forests are known as the Ottawa, Hiawatha and . Mar- quette. Trhe first is located so.uth of L'Anse; the second, south of Muni- - sing, and the third, west of Sauît Ste. Marie. Some virgin timiber will be found in each, and a large amountof second-growth timiber which lias. ,reached an advanced stage. "*So popular were national forests throughout the country .last .year that 31,904,515 persons visited them, ac- cording to the V.«S. Departm'ent of Agriculture. Nearly 30,000,000, of thein came Ihv automnobile." e Wilmette Dattery &Electrir,ýe rvice Tw,.elfih ýStree't Wihnette 69 1 à-696