Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 May 1931, p. 53

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the Unitedl States by ariy group ofaI l1_uàu 1a-hr ila artists. There. were 1,300 exhibi.s. the various processés in the, making saiiling for New York, whr ila The honor guests included Mrs. Roli- of telephione equipment, as well as returned to the Gunnery school in Con- ert M-\aynard Hutchinis, rep)res;eitinig many views of. the actual production necticut. Mr. Brassert returned on the wonien scuiptors, and Mrs. Pauiline of sounci picture apparatus of which S. S. Hamburg f rom England landing Palmer, representiîg vonieii painters. the major portion is made by the at New York, where Mrs. Brassert met 1Vser lectric company at the hm hyrtre oehrt hi The North Sbore Art league group j Haw\,ethrne plant. ho ey etnelwot te t hi ilncl ded M rs. Berthia B. Allinz àMrs. Hathoreplnt._omen________h. BeuahJ- l Bddl.Ms Mr .iAnother.picture indicated hwth e Bockius, M.\rs'. Elizabeth Bolden%%eëlz commercial aviatorisý constantly in] ËX HIBITS OILS &T'SHOWS Mrs. Anita \Villets Burnharn, Miss touch with som-e grounà satintais lc a akoduhe Carol Lou Burnham, Mrs.,Cora Goi1hl is continiually advising. him , as .to of Mr'. and* Mrs. Charles H. 'Jackson, I)avies, Mrs. Haziel Crow FEwell,.r. weather odtosaed teeye-o 07 Elmwood avenue, Wilmette, 1Mfaria, Gallagher, 'Mrs. Julia S. Gr-i-rninâting.one oàh hzrs iai- has several exhibits of her fine.,ail fith. Miss Elealnor B. Hatch. Rudolpi: tion, Mr. Petry explainied 'that this painting at, the various sprifig art shows Ingerle, Mrs. -daMFS oanc.Is, only one of the many ways ni Just nowv, Miss Jackson, i'sbsowing a Leslie Nash, Mrs. Sulsani Richi Patteiî. wbich the, teléphone. comnpany is en group. of four oils at the ,Wiltriette F. C. Pevraud. r. zetK. Pev- deavoriig to forge ahiead in its work Womain's club; olie at tbe North. Shore raud-, M,,rs. Cintali K. Shippei, Tonrfrii efr Itepb Art league showin Winnietka and' ser- Wirlder, àindMrs. Winifred Wilsonl. __________ eral-areon exhibit at the Ail Illinois, I show in the- Stevens hotel., Miss Jack- Aimong the patrons of the affair ' vretlie Al-Illiniois Societv of CN WLDEINIAIO oÉi o painting with Emile, Zoir, Artists, the Art i.st'ilte, Bsns The Wilrnette Village board at its a Swedish.artist and exponent of mod- tex', r club, Chicago, Societ Art regular meeting Tuesday - ulight ac- ern art, who is nowv in Wifmette,. Etclîts. Cordon club). llinois Acad -know-vledged an invitation from 'Vil- _____________________ cmv o f Fine. Arts, M unicipal. Art, mette, Post No., 46, Amewrican Légion. to REAL ESTATE LOANS league. Phin.ters iid,.Sctll)tors asso-: take part in Wilmette's Memorial1 da%-.-! Have funds t o .1on- on Nortb .ciatiî, Paletteand Chisel cltlb, Un:*- parade Saturday morniing, My3.Soeradniipoet tr crivArt gilNortli Shore r s___________I *nable rates. See un on penewala. leag, and other orgalnizâti0fl'ý,_ -Irs.George F.Shp anofAlso bmrtgages for sale. E. G PauUing & C.. 423 Warwick, roaçl, Kenil\worth, with 0SlaSleStlruia74 * rs. Rov C. Osgood of 43 sse their daughter Miss Elizab)eth Ship- roa'd. Kcnilworth, nvl evevr i an, have returnied ta their home atter for Penobscott 'Bay..aie o ped having spent a short time in M-\uskeIgon., the entire suînrner. M.\r.:Osgooad il Mich., wvhere they visited their' son______ joini his' failviN durinigtw,ýo weks lf and his wife, Mr. and Nlrs. George E. Jtlv and two of August. The boys, Shipmatl, Jr. The Shipmians will leave Alfred, Gilbert, and Clifton, wlh.o are, vcry soon to spend the sumnmer maonthis1 attndngschlools M ithe east. wl\ at her1cttge at Sylvan Beach, 'White ioin their niother for the sunitner. Lake, Mich.- Tested MI Chem ists. LOANS -on houses, apairtmeflts and business p roperties for 5, 7 Pr 10 yeor terms. CODY TRUST COMPANY, 10 outhLo-SalIle Street Randolph 6600 CHICAGO 8DECOiAtI *We pride ourselves. on our. ability Ito do expert wor - decorating i hatý stands the test of years sud I *gives -comploe.Satisfaction.,s tM.Portenhauseri P ai nter amidflecoaot"48 11030 Greelaf Phone 2764 of you Pasteurized MiIk and Cream-Butt er PHONES and Eggs Highland Park 1581 lu REAL Wilmette 3740 1649 Sheridan Rd., Wilmette Glencoe 606.

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