iu g n1I uIIU'vuVVIIs Marion flavies surrounided herseif with a cast, of Broadway celebrities in the supporting parts .of "It's a Wise Child,' which will be shown at the Wilmetté theater on Wednesday ,aiîçi Thursday, Mav 27J and 28. Pronjinent inithe list of supportiiig playgrs: are Sidney ~** *<B 1 a*ë k-lack enr, wl]*4 teýmporarily gv tip ftic stage to ap', :ký» pear ini -"The TBad Mari*n Davies Mî; lie Gleason, identified . -b.h schBroadway stage bitsasTh Shanntons, of. Br adwvay" and **Is Zat, So ?- and Lester Vail, wlîo ias scored in a lngstring of, f o0tl ighit produc- R ~ Pollv Mo an rd 'Marie Prevost bave Caltt'Geenzz character rotes of widely (ilfereiit na- h<ý-,'e lister Keato.i tures. Clara l31àlaîick, Robert nc~e eck hold,if olle johiniy Arthur., Hilda Vautghin. Ben eve(s ;Intis s _cct'nef, *Alexander and Enilv. Fitzroy are the.Ï ons eoijzed, <a remarniîlg memibers (of the impd)smg B aili." to lie 1untea.l cast. m ie te afer OnS Ili"l*saà\Wise- Child" MNis~L)aie ad 'eda, a is saici to have a: part whîciiÉi fits lier -____ even hbetterthan lier successful rides ini -Not 1So Dumnb" td*TeBclrDecorations C Fathler, ' 'eicstor ,concerns the*uid-t 1ing Of a *miîlbiil inito 'aninountain t Junior Pi throuigh the (levastating eflects >of siall Ail dav last Satui tow n gsî...- scene about1 Here's Buster Keaton 'hall. The objeet of On Sunidav, Moiday and 'Tuesdav, vas ton nake then Mav .241 2; an] A),dte \\'rimiette Nvtîî as a private dance f sway ýwîth laughtcr as Buster Ke.iton hotel. This wvas don looks glumn and acts i -unny ni PTarlor, nre of sticcess, for Bedrooru and B)athlu. I this iarce BU 1,,_150 couples gasped ý ter Keaton cavorts.throwh a coincdy of lair stîve errors in which too tnanv s\w ectlearts, tlîought -,as a mess. jealIou.s.husband i ih agui, d.polcecool garden joined mandiia, balky auto .figulre 1hina. rip- trîsederae :, ýsuit of niuch vorl< roariiig series of trials:and tribulations.thjuirfothi Charlotte Greenwood,, the celel)rated Thlihs er crniediennje o i"So onjety a telle pink,. about uýther Broadway smashes, adds no endsrasorse.T of joviahity to .tiise scenes.ini whîch , 'as l)f'rke in fer she goes through gymniia-stic stuints Nith te'rhe~dvdn the long legs that made hur fanions.. banked in plnsTf The uùnusuially lýroîiii1ici.1t supportiflg1 the dancefs -,ent -ti cast is f urther auginentedby the pres-1 decorated in sprays In'ood .secms toý n ut ozio wli ha inay trust hi$ froui the upréar- !r, Bedroom anîd shed, at thc ,WiI- Sunda.v, iMonda Y ý24, 25 and 26. :ontribute brom Success rdav witnessed a New Trier mess )f' ail this activity mess hall, àppear floor of a mio(lerii mi -Aýtl i alllne<~ two brilliant attractions in -- i ti Gang Buste?' which cones to Coni- niuhity House on Fridav and Sat- urday, May 22 and 23. The old saw, "Fools rush in whiere, angels fear to tread," is illustrated in niiodern and. zippy setting and sea- son1ied with a'paprika of bullets. But. it 's largelv,,a laugh.when Jack Oakie. apparenflly a countrvl)unipkin. valks into a gang and calmnly proceeds t,.) kbist" it . JenArthîur is vivacious and cliarn-, ing-enough so to lead jak Oakie to bondage after hie f rees lier. But there are a lot of persons whio take stock in those bonds, and Jack Oakie endls. happil3 ithflithé p'icture. As -for- the audience, "The Gang Buster." is a scream.. Ca eteCo.lbet.Lau.ghs Her Speeches in Movies One of- the f ew scçreen actresses,' whoI. eau 1laugh adtaksimnultaneous- ly, is, Claudette Colbert. The' corn- phruent is paid lier hy sound techni- cians who recorded on the new noise - less equipient at a New Y'ork stu- 1 dio, "Honor Amiong Thieves," which * features %Miss Colbert with Fredric March at 'the Teatro del Lago on11 WedesdyThursdayý and Friday. Mýayý 27, 28 and '29.. « *Miss Colbert laughs he IIpe. whereas another actress would put the'lauglr or'-chuckle before or after the .Words, declares C. A. Tuthili, -ex- pert on souind. MINC. f~ATTRACTIONS riterecI wtiat tP e1' Police", with Ienneth Harlati, and ;hall1 and behielil ;'"Thie Hot H1-eiress 'swith 'Ona Mun- 1w a heautiftill-ý o n e ý1'o s- , lb..fa This-was the re- snadBnLo a obefa ontle ar o Iture prograîn on Saturday, May 30;: kannual p ,pro fand ."Charlie Chani Carrnes; On" wiVth :ored wnaltit IVWrn er Olan, d"Mt f ihe vih ere hung Vopa- Wrld" with William' Powell as. a teorheta tadtwin bill on Sunday, Mondav and is and .palmi 1s; also Tuesd'ay, May -31,' june 1 and 2. 1g thle.liall were, To enter thie fl IOIr COMPLETE COOLING SYSTEM ihrougth an arho.0r, The nevv ventilating sy-stenI at ti-e M. flowex'rcs f rom X.Vilmette theater Nwill he- cole1ted OUR MOTTO "Quaity. Not Qmantity"p Last Times Toniglit G~EORGE BANCROFT in Frday, May 22 VIRGINIA CHERRILLin-;' "GIRMLS DEMAND Saturday, May 23 GEORGE O'BRIEN in Also New Serial at Matinee "ýKIng ol the- Aiso SilIy Symphony Wed.-Thurs., May 27-28 MARION DAVIES in Iso Charlis Chase Comedy Fr«iay, May 29, il story ot colîege lie"im ullu u.-. banded togeth er agaiust coeds, the cli- Mr. Nelson showed us some sIfcre max coming in a seinsationial basket- Iictures of the differenit birds in thieir bail game' almost won by the girls. inatuiral surrou.ndings ; also hie showed .charts illustrating the daiiiage done John Wayne came into movie promi- Z nence as the star of "The Big Trail." '-dfern id adsm i grationl chants. After the pictures Tongh (Turda) te ihuete roop .2 chose a patrol to go to the wil ofé Gore ancroft as, the edi- Camp 0Rl-imDnhe assistant torial tyrant, meek toward b is edi to, Wilmette. ifinthe play, "Scandai Sheet.", Fcnture Startsat 7; 8:30; 10OP.nl GINO IIALO lit "Ttie Frencli Liney» "M3ysterlous Mose" Cartoon. Mdetrotoue NewsI "D "Viel ea 'Ai Il ON WleÀ%11'4À'N 1 ý