Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 21 May 1931, p. 59

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Toloff Photo John 'Tonlinson, graduate of Northwesterti universit-y in 1925.. lias been appointed chairnian oif the /lmerican conittee at Gesteva for nu'xt szaimer, .according to zvord eeceived b.% his parents, Mr, ai Mrs. George HI. Tom1ijsoni. lit Ahis. capacity hie zwiIl supply inkûr- ,'nat ion on the Leagne of Nations to mcrcn vi.iting Geneva. He has been studying this year 01n a feliowship at the Rappard School of Interiaýtionial Studies at Geneva, and plans. to return next f ail to become a 'professor of political science at Wabash coliege, Indiana, where he formnerly ývas an instructor. Taxicab Driver' K111edjin Crash. Last Wednesday Tliree s erions automobile accidents. one of which resulted ini a fat.alii. occurred in- Wilmiette in i the week, about 4:40 o'clock in front of 1000 Michigan avenue when a car which Lincoln Hall,' 22-year oid student at Lake 'Forest college, was driving south on that street turned over and pinned Hall. beneath it. Hall. stated, that iocking of the car brakes caused the accident. He. wa s taken. to th .e Evanstoii hospital. suffering -with, a scalp wound ýand cuts about the face. Wilmete eaders: Look to Ideal of Communiîty ,House The,,ideal of a comimuhity houseas a 'meeting. place,. a means ofunifyi ng_ Civic spirit,, a-recreation cente r, a building to, show Worid's Fair visit- ors-ail this was stressed by repre- sentatives of organizations at a meet- ing sponsored by the Wilmnette Chamber of Commerce on Monday night in. the Village hall.. *Here ,are capsuied comiments on the community house project': .1 Fred' M. Coxcon of Wilmiette Post No. 46, -Ainerican Legioni: "The' committee: "A comnmunity h'omle wilI consolidate civic' spirit and be a great advertising force for our village. Thle committee has agreed that this is not the time for 'a large expenditure of funds, but it is the occasion for a permanent community bouse organi- zàtion." Lillian Leaf, Wiimette Bus.ineËssand Prof essionai Womnan's., club." communi ty house would serve as a suitable place .for us to Iniet."p Daniel M.. Davis,, directo 1r of rec- reation, Village of Wiimette: ', We sce thé need for a community house time and tiÎme again, especiaily when we want to acicomplish things for the village as a*whler W. A.- Hillinger, of. Peter J Huer- ter Post:No. 669 Anaerican Legion-: "We agree with Winmette Post No. 46 about à community house." Dr. Beatrice' Hawkins, of Wiimette Post No. 46, Legion auxiiiary: "We're heartiiy in favor of a community jaines B. Ho1fman, of St. Joseph's Cthlolic church: "The people of the Ridge area are in favor of -a coi-1 Oakland-Pontiac Has Production Increase A progressive mo'nthly increase ik Oakland-Pontiac production ýsince the turn of the year culmiinated with a total, of 11,291 units built in- March, which exceeded flot only January and. February but also, was larger than March of 1930, according to Wersted MotOr company, 562 Lincoln. avenue, Wininetka, Oakland-Pontiac dealers. Unexpected incr eases in- retail de- mnand have . necessitated emergenicy trainload shipments to various points. especiallyý in the West a 'nd M ,iddle West. Both the Chicago and the Minneapoiis-St. Paul areas have re- ceivéd large emé. rgency shipments of, .Oakland-Pontiac cars,. while the air-. rivai *of' twq trains carrying n.early 400 additional automobiles to Pacific ICoast points, was followed shortly' I afterward by a further cati for 21Z c ars in Denver Sait Lakeè City and Oak'land, California.' This~ latest emiergency shipment 1eft here last week in a' train of fifty-three cars. IF III "Spcil elivery" hot water ini most homes costs Iess eoch day than ac Special Deliveryf letter. Are you denying your fmilY a0 00% 'S e- %' dis trict chariel Friday about mid- llîght. AI] were taken to the Evanstoit hospital. In one car' were two Fort Sheridan soidiers, joseph Brilliant and H. -B. Williamnson, driving s'outh on Sheni- dan road. The car traveling ini the op posite direction which -figured, in the crash was driven by Lt Me îe r of s. .5' "111 Iuxury you -con weiI afford? Sée, the many models of auto- matic gas-fiued water heaters at your 'Public Service Store or

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