niate in a program at Memoriai park1 and ini the Kenilworthi clubhouse. Civic, social, political, niilitary and Scout organizations will participate ini the parade which wiiI start fromn the Culbertsoni gynasiunm, procced east to Leicester, road, south on Leicester toý Woodstock, east. on Woodstock to,.Raleigh,,xorth on.,Ra- leigli. to Kenilworth, and west. on Kenilworth to MNem.orial park. Army Bond to Lead Let bv- the United States Armny band f roin Fort, Sheridan, the parade will be swelled by troops of Boy Scouts, Cubs, Sea Scouts and Girl Scouts.: Veterans' organizations, the Fort Seèridan .drum and bugle corps and,'the firing squad take part in the * parade, as dothe.Kenilworth village officiais, includinig Ralph Hawxhurst, president. Arnong the others ini the parade wilI be .Arthur WV. Wakely, president of the Kenilworth club , spon- soring the memorial observances, * Walter Noble Gillett, president of the Kenilworth Assembly Hall associa- tion, Herbert B. Taylor, secretary Pm and treasurer of the Kenilworth club, and Harry P., Harrison, 'chairman of the Memorial committee for the day. Major CunniLîghaizi 1 'Spae For the program at Memorial park, Maj. James H. Cunningham coin- Mander of the anti-aircraft regimrent at Fort Slieridan, will be speaker of, * the day. Hugli A. Foresirnan mill1 talk on "Kenilworth's Tribute to Our Boys." The Rev. Herbert L. Willett Miss V avenue, N bus, 'Ohio wich Viii Chi f rai versity. tte, has gone ttend the Ana irty given by 7at Ohio M 'Forest DColum- l Green- [plia, Rho :ate .uni- I t * I k iL' L..1..LI' e Conumauder Housç Paint. A Waggener, Prat.t & Lambert product has exceptional covering .oapacity and long life, it, repre- sents true economy providing un- failing protecetion against rot and deCay. Folding, chairL For the sun parlor, porch or lawxi. Green or redi 1 a ecin * e p A is. Car-is.. c>, 636 I -- - a j~ew 1 raine Seat keclin- iag Chai .-the finest chair of its type ever of- fered. Green .- or red lac- A ci u e r ea Danforth will. present a taik at the Kenilworth clubh)louse. Children Of the Joseph Sears school will offer a ,niemorial exercise., Music will. be provided by the United S tates Army band and1 by ai (juartet conisisting. of Russell Smali, George H. Rigler, James Gatherer andl Charles ýD. Howe. N. T~ Musiie Club * a HsMeeting Mondai' 1 BIRD'BATH 1«G ra Yst one" - strikingly graceful -25 inches high. Very lnw priced at $4.95, STONE SEAT 60 inchea long - 18 inches wide. The simple Colonial de- sign wiil add to the beauty or your gar- den.' *14.85. Rocker t o match S6.2à.* Reclinillg .Chair Built te give more, service andi comfort.. A d j u stable to four po- sitions. Var-. r.: -Detacha- ble improved curved wood fo ot rests. N o t illus- trated. $5.75 FoldiflirCot 6 f t, 6 inL. long,' 27 in. wide. $4.50 Camp chair TACKLE TACKLE BOX Reavy tin, posi- tive brasa, plated c atch.- 2 trays, hinged cover. $1.60é BAUT - "B»as8- .Oreno" 8R7c-m"Babe- Oreno" ?5c-Baby W. KibII& and Mr. and Mrs. Edward L. Scheiàenhelm, of Wilmette; Mr. and Mrs. Maurice C. Leigh, Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. McNarnara, of Win- nekta, Mr. and Mrs. Lansing B. War- ner of Hubbard Woods; Mrs. Hienry, H. Brigham, Dr. and Mrs. Dwight C. Orcutt, and Mr. and ,Mrs. Howard F. Spurgeon, of Glencoe. Aee WILMETTE 30W SAVE ON: GOLF BýALLS Buy a Doze, Wilsofi's H 0 L - H I a high- powered extra distance bal. Glf's finest ail round perform- eleach 75c. 12 for $7.5 0 Succesa - Often sold at higher prices - each 50c. 12 for $495 Capitol-Tough balla for roughi useage - 3 for $1.00. 12 for $3M54 I