Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 May 1931, p. 21

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Caliente, oil millionairés ivho try -tc become picture producers, gold diggers and jealous wves-ail joins in a merry mielange in "Stepping Out," filmizatioji of Flmer Barris* rip-roaring New~ 'York, stage play, The '.nei...picture wilI cornfe to the. Wilmette theatre on Sunday and Monday, May 31 and:. June 1. The prominent cast ini- cludes Charlotte. G re en wo'od of ~ : 'Tarlor, Bedroom and Bath," Eexila >Chaplotte H y am s, w h oq Gre.nwood scorèd in '..Neni Cati It Lovre" and other hits, and Regîinald Denny, last seen in -Partor, Bedroom and Bath." Lilian Bond, English stage star, plays the same rote inth film, "Stepping' Out," as she did on the stage. -Other stars 'are Clifi Edwards,: Merna Kenî- nedy, Hiarry Stubhs, Richard Tucker, Kane Richmond and WVilson Beuge., ln'addition to the zippy and --peppery -Stepping Out," the Wilmette will also offer on1 Sunday and Monday the cxtravaganza oi. cotor, comedY and en- tertainnient, .called Crazy ,House." Benniy. Rubin,, Vernon Dent,, Polly Morati, Kari Datie,,Gus Shy,"Clift Ed-. wards, Snake Hips and the Rasch bal- let are f eatured, ni this, colotone William HaineS Stars. * Interestinig ingredients go to fil1 the f un recipe of the comedy, "A Tailor Made 'M\,an,". new Williami Haines starring vehicle which wiIl corne to * the Minette. theare Tueday, Wednes- day and 'rhursday, june 2, 3 and 4. Big business, love, finanicial troubles .,f .a nation and a formula for pros- *Perit-tihese are alli woven into a tilt- ing, -scintilating play. in - which runs a charming, tittie love story. Haines iliterprets a. smart Young American (business-likc rather thail wvsecràckinjg) who isnt satisfiedl with !"iis job. He discovers a new "racket.": .As a.result he becomes a "»big ýhot." On Friday, june '5, the Wvitmete, ,N;llt present the mnith treat, .'Finn and Flattie," %vith Leon, Errol and Mitzi *Green:.. 5L ette MacDonald, Roland 'Young anuu J. M. Kerrigan are featured ptayers., Marion Davies will appear. at the Wilrnette tonight (I'hursday) in the clever film, "It's A Wise Chitd.". In this play Miss~ Davies is said to havç a role that fits ber even better than her successful parts in "ýNot So *Dumib" and. "The .Bachelor fPather." D l a3ýslo Aruvertise,- mat wmIJse,, sCommunity 1-buse echoisig and re- echoing with Iaughter on Friday and Saturday, May 29 and 30. Persons, who have vowedfthat they will neyer even smile again. wvttl l)reak down aànd giggte at the antics of Skeets Galagber*who, with Caro' Lombard andý Normhan Foster, 1lieaýds a perfect cast. With an advertis- ing-.campaign of, irresistible al)peaI, the three mnake the town, soap Con-. Mcous. Regarding the three delightf ut principals in the cast, Communitv: .House says:."Skeets Galaghier is aib- soiutely nonsensical-if you e ver wanted to Iaugh but found it hard. 1if you ever think you witl want to taugh again with a taugh reactiing f rom vour toes to your h1ps-see, Skeets Gattagher any place any timiel but most assuredty in "It Pa s to. Advertise.". Norman Foster, and Carol Lombard mnake, an idealty :-o- înantic pair in this. fresh. pepî)y. savory, h umorouis pi cture-d raina. 1Ût. certainty 'Pays to Advertisel"! Edmund Lowe IsAgn in, Love-Making Comedy Edmunid Lowe, thé poputar star of .,What" Price Gltory,"' *'.Tle Cock Eyed Wortd," and. 'Scotlanci Yard," is. again in a cemedy -of love mnakingý and beautifit woinen, this time in the filin *Doni't Bet on WVonen," which.i is playing at the Wilimette. theater on Friday. M.ay 29. Lowe bas the iead- ing rote, that of the social lion,, who inakes a bet wittî his attorney tbat within forty-eight hiours he cati kiss the first wvonan who crosses bis path. 'eatured with Lowe is jeanette MNac Donald w~ho recentt.y.appeared in '"O.hFor.A Mn. COMING ATTRACTIONS "Viennese. Nights," technicolor film with ViVienneý Segal and Louise Fazen- da, and -Girl f rom ithe Reeperbahn" .in alGernian dialog, wîth Trude Berliner will, be a-double feature attraction at the Teatro del Lago Saturday, june 6. On Suinday, Monday and Tuesday, june Ail BOR ComedY "Charey Cln"1laCominog Wvilliam h1-ailles as a haqb-pres- .s>,, 1'e.î ecutn'e -wall entertain ai 11w lUiîzet ta re on , Tuesday. lt/cu esan <d TusaJ 2,. 3 aid .4, in the sci4îtillaiîg. COM, '«. A Tailor M ode .1». T'his filiiiis t o onu' annisiniq, but reallY 'stimuliatjngý. HAS WiDE EXPERIENCE [lia Lee, who is seen in "Misbehav- ing Ladies" at the Teatro del Lago on Wednesday, Thursdav and IFri-- day, june 3, 4 a.nd 5, has played op-, posite more maie stars than an%- other actress of lier experience ini pictures, it is obs.erved1 From Rul- dolph 'Valentino and Thomas Meigh- ani to Lon Cbaney she bas at soute time appeared with virtually every maie star. of, importance WILMETTE MASONIC TEMPLE ASSN. Dunce and Card Parte.. lq 1010 CENTRAL AVENUE Friday June 5 8:8p. m TICKETS 75e Tickets on Sale ut RIENNECKAR'S DRUG CO. SNIDER.CAZ& DRUG CO. WINBERG'S PHARMACY Or et the Door OUR MOTTO "Quality Not Qanlity" Last Timnes Touight MARION DAVIES in "IlT'5S A WISE CHILD" also Charlie Chas. Com.dy, Friêiy, May 29 -", DMNDLOWE aie an nd Arthur Com.dy SattrdaY, May 30 GARY COOPER ini Sun.-Morn, May 314w.. I1 CHARLOTTE $REENWOOD -end REGINALO DENNY in "STEPPINCO OUT" Aiso S.tny Rubin in "Crazy Hou.' Tues- Wd.-hur., ane2,3-4 Friday, lune S LEON ERROIL end MITZI GREEN in -n "Charlie1 Ini ystem

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