Ilumor........... ...... Dave Lott Inquiring Reporter ........ Jane Orr Book Reviews ...Ruth Jackson Reporters lceAltschul, Ethel Anderson, John Barden, Emma Bickham, I3ud Howard,' Bob. Hutchings, Virginia Lotz, Harry Kinne,, Willard Kus,- Jack Mee,' Meta Miller, Earl Moss, Mazie Mouat, Jane.Norma 'ii, George Ogan, Babe Ricli, Virginia Riethiei- mer,, Leila White, Jane Yost, Helen Putt, Tom -Elvin. WORDS IN PARTING This week the editors and staff of the News.Élasihes bid adieu to the. reading public of New Trier town- ship.. We feet that. this has been a most successful year and hope that the, students have enjoyed reading the news each week. Next week the underclassmen next year' s editor-in-chief wiMl publish the last issue. It was intended to announce the diàfiiîtr ofDotty Dimiple, the fu- ture editor-in-chief, at the s'opho- more-junior ass mbly, last Wednes- day. Lack of time prévented our doing this, but we, shall make. the' tbrilling disclosure now. .Harry lKinne, now a junior, lias been. edit,- ing the popular 4o'tty Dimple col- * umn which has given sorely needed advice to many Newv Trier studenits. This Year's staff wishes him ail * the success possible. This is easily a ssured if he lias the splendid co- operation and support of the student body and. faculty which,' the News Flashes bas had this year. The staff wishes to acknowledge it's indebted- niess to Lloyd Hollister, Inc., for tnak- ing it possible for New Trier ta, have a sthool paper this year. BOOK REVIEW "Ture Gdood Earth"-Pear'l S. Bùcke 4The Good Earth"ig, the Jatest epic of the soil,"Writteni in thue usual. *sadistic manner of, such novels. In its depiction of miani,'s love for th-e soul, his reactio n to we.alth, and the primitive urge of his c:notions, it is indeed excellent. Its stark Chinese actul211U ive hefore one's eyes. As aout -ai Encycoppedia Treverian "Grave-yard Stew"--o th e r wi s e known as "milk toast." Xow for the absent-minded con- tortiohist Who threw bis wife out.,of joint and kissed. himself *Èoodby, A Scotch Joke (80 you'II know) The kilted laddie wanited to saye f uneral expenses,* so be butried his face in bis hands. Ed'î Note: It's a good thing that this, is 'our Tombstone .Edition- otherwise the above dead jokes would seem rather out of -Place. IInquiring Repùorterj Question: Wha.t do yop. think, of Mr. Friýsbie's new idea of having the- front stairs for going up and the back stairs for going down? GEORGE:QUINLAN,.'32- "I do not approve of Mr,. Frisbie's idea, but I believe that I have ivorked the idea out thoroughly. I have found a solu- tion to the traffic problem." BETTY KETCHAMl '31- "The idea is 0. K:, but it's fine the way it is V, ITOLLIS .GLEASON, '31-"1 be- lieve this to be an excellent' o~ tion to the crowided condition in thé rear corridor between classes. TI;e present 1sys.tem causes too many tardy permits and mnuch delay owing to the congested situation at the back stair- way"0 JANE ERICKSON '32- " do not like it--it's terrible l BILL BURRILL '34- "Sure-it's a good idea. Mr. Frisbie' is pretty snart about things like that.Y missec i rst base after hnnung a double in th e third inning. As -a resull. five runs were scored. Both Lind and Kus have vowed that it will ilever happen again. ýKus played first base instead of. Church, doing a fairly good piece of work letting. only Qýne bail go througb bhim. The rest of. the lîneup was prac- tically uncbanged. Harry Gillogly batted in, place of Paul Williams in, the seco nd and then went out to rightý field to take Paul's place.. New Trier Girls' Club ýConcludes Active Year The Girls' club bas bad. a most sur- cessful year and wishes to thank Miss Wright,. the. sponsor,. for ber unfail- ing interest and ready enthusiasni which have,-marIe the Girls', club oneý of the vital institutions of New Trier- T 'he outgoing officers have done some. splendid work; they are, Sally Kriebel., president; jean Linclstrorn, vice- president; Polly Spiegle, secretary; and Ruth Offner, treasurer. The of- ficers for next year are Agnes IHalley, Mary Fowler, Betty Dostal and Mar- garet New G.* A. A. Oficers Announced at Banquet Next year's officers for G. A. A. were to be announced at the annual banquet on .Wednesday, May 27. The nominees for the office of President are Jane- Snyder and Esther Kriebel; for vice-president, Helen Holten and Jean laskins; for treasurer. Eleanor Culver, Frances Ellis and Beatrice Drivers ; for sec- retary, I.ouise Varney and Rosemary Karnopp;, for after-school sports chairman, Jane Waidner and Loretta Anderson. Tbe elections were schedý- ule(l to be. held during advisor period un Tuesday morning, May 26. -Ornithologists to Take Field Trip on Saturday The ornithologists at their regular iKriebel on rriday and, baiurday, respectively. These girls were excel- lent in their roles as nurses employed by Dr. Gerald Sumner (Dorrance NIy- gaard and Phil Von Ammon). ,Thie part of thepoor, Iovesick Bud Wood- bridge was taken by Dave Crawford and John Barden. Ruth Offner andl Sally Clark played opposite Dave ana John in the role of Grace Tyler. Both- were exceedingly fine in this part. Olin Sethness and Dave lott were the bit of th e evening, playing .the paret -cof the doctor's French valet. Their. mixture of French and English was extreme. The role of the dignified Mrs. Woodbridge was played by Constance Addenbrooke, and. Mary jeanne Tansili. Martha Forman and, Louise Wagne.r very aptly.took the' part of the doctor's sister. N T.Students Will Be. in New Lens Club Film, The Lens club of New Trier High schoôl plans to pre.sent on Wednes- day, june 3, and Thursday, June 4, a three-reel motion picture. 'Two Eggs and a Cbicken." The picture will bé shown in the school auditorium botb days after school in the after- noon. Fred Wetterer is the scenario writer an~d director of the produc- tion. Elwood Mons is doing the camera work. Ijollis Gleason bas the rd!e of the bero in the picture, and Betty K(etch- amn is the heroine. Don Nelson haie another important role as the tool whom Gleason uses to niake Betty jealous. This is the second attenupt at ýma- teur motion picture production (in tFe part of New Trier High school stui- dents. A few years ago New Trier students presented a two-reel movie, "Young Love." Alice: EiblingPresiden, of Junior MusieGroup, Elections for the coming year were held by Junior Music club on Mon- day, May 25, in Room 126. The fol- lowing ~were elected: Alice EiblinL-. ORCH ESTRA IN PROGRAM New Trier Symphony orchestra played for the Missionary society of the. Wilmette Congregational church on Thursday of last week. Tom Elvin and Vrginia Sprague- fÙrn- isbed vocal selectiong. or L T. N. T. ELECTS OFFICIERS The officers of the honorary organ- ization,- T. N. T., were recently elected They are: Colin. Finlayson, president Betty Dostal,- vice-president; and Tom Sinding* secretary. FELL'S* WINNETKA> 'M