Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 28 May 1931, p. 44

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Wilmete League of Women Voters Has Luncheon Meeting and Hears Fine Prograni By R. L.Pi. Mrs. C. L. Clarke was. elected presi- dent cf the Wilmette League cf XVon en Voters, at theannual businiessmeet- jng and. spring lu ncheon on Mondày afternoon at the Vista del Lago. Mrs. Harry, Buriuside wvas elccted irst vice-president; Mrs. J. Kinnear, second vice-president;, Mrs. A. L. Fuller, recording secretary; Mrs. W. H. Rehfeld, corresponding, secretary;. Mrs. F., L. McGrath, treasurer; Mrs. L. B., Ermeling, program; Mrs.. W. G. Mitchell, publicity; Mrs.. R. Gullick- son, efficiency in goverument, Mrs. AK L. Grinnell1, village affairs; Mrs. F. Rye, education; Mrs. IF. 'J. Dowd, hygienie; Mrs. Hl. F. Ringliolm, pub7- lications; Mrs. S. A. Sundlot. women lai ndustry; Mrs. A. W. Hodgkiss, cbiîd welfare. Mi'.. H. J. tixon, vice-president and finance chairinan of the Illinois League of Women Voters, wvas. guest cf honer at the luncheon,. and spoke briefly after it, saying that the League cf' Wornen Voters is the most stupendcus meovement among women in Arnerica t'r In anyv other country. The' organiza- tion iS unique.i that it strives te make women better citizens and more iii-. telligent voters. The league has been. 'fanious for citizenship schools for a number of years, said Mrs. Hixon, and , it is making history ini a very extraordinary way. A very interesting program wNas given. in the afternoon by Isabel MoI- ter, lyric soprano, and Kate Peu *tzer .Stokes, dramatic reader. Mrs. MoIter wais heard in eue group cf short songs. * The resilience cf lher voice, its . îever failing habit cf keeping rigit >in the c eÙter of the pitch, and the lovely- quality made hearing lier a great pleas-, uire. Such songs as "I -Heard a Cry." býy Fisher, and "What's ii the Air Today' sbowed that she bas an un- bounded enthusiasm for sin ing, and f that slie does it with joyfuh. zest, ,rive the commencement addressi- the National.College of Educaticon on \Vedniesday afternoon. Junie 10, at 3 (V'clocl.. Seventy-two stutdeits coin- I)leting the .fourth year will recéive the degree of hachelor of ed-Ication at this tinme, sevetntv.-eicýht the Kin- dergarten E.lemetitary,.diipîGma at the completion of the tbree year course. and seventeen honorar-V sclholarships bille awarded by Presideîît Edna Dean Baker,'to students, of outstand- ing scholastic and teaching ability. The Rev. Samuel Har .knles of the: WVinnetka Congregational churcb %vil! give. the Baccalaureate address On Sunday afternoon. Julie 7,. at 4 o'cloc. The service will be held in Hfarrison ,hall and special music, for this* and the commencement prograin will b-c sung by the college choir under the direction of ýMiss *Totlise St. Johnl Westervelt. The commencement activities op en, .on Saturday, Junie 6 . with . Homle- Acoming day and the 'animal mneeting and eletion o f officers of the Aluni- nae association. followed by lunc heon and class reunions. Iii the evening the. Freshman class will sponsor -i Sumnfier formnai at the Vista del Lago. Th.e.anntua&l Mission Children's par- ty will be beld. on the campus at .'two O'clock Tuesday. Junie 9, and childrenl from Chi cage mission schools afil orphanages iil be entertainced bY the. students.. Alpha Phi Group Elects At the annual meeting and tea oi Oue, Alpha Phi House association, au occasion wvhich teck place hast we. at the chapter bouse in ,ii vatoni, the folowing new officers Were. elected. Mrs. Rahph Strader of Evanstoui. liresident; Mvrs. Albert D. Sandlers, Jr.. cf Evanston, vice-president; Mlr>. Robert Wooden cf \innetka, trea.s- urer; MrIs. J. H. LewNis, treasurer cf the building fund; :Mrs.2 BN-ronB. Snuith (Ruth Dillon). secretary: Mrs. George Nobile. chairnian finan ce cern- mitftee; Mrs. Norwood Burch cf K enilworth, chairman cf the wavs and means comnmittec, and Mirs. W. Jenness and Mrs. N. Hammnett as as- sisting hostesses, The devotional chair- man, Mrs. C. Herbert Jones, will con- tinue the review cf the book begun at the last 'meeting. The speaker-cf the.evening is Miss Marie«ILinder, psychiatrist, who wilI talk on "The Psycholôgy cf Children." Miss Linder bas had charge cf .the clinic for the pre-school department cf. the Inistitute cf 'Juvenihe :Research for the:. past five years. She wvill exp .lain metlîods and use cf the clinic and its value, andý will aIso explain ' whercin1 mrothers cati he henefitted. 1w sncb a Catholic Club Gives ýList of Neto Members Thirty-four new members.this year -is terrothe he0 Woran's Catho- lic club of Wilrnette .just annoUntex, hby the menibership chairman. These neweongers tco club - circle' ar:Mesdames George Scherzer, H-oward Williams, John -A. Sullivaû.ý Arthur Robert Evans, C. S. Keating. J. M. ICrejci, Charles McCabe, XVi 1. liam E. Genner, Kellogg Logsdon, John Falvey, Michael G. Bauer. Francis Budinger, John P. Becknian. Ernest M. Mundee, Albert Salvi. Frank CasIer, Darriell G. Chatard, John D. Flynn, Peter F. McNamee. F. H. Blaineuser, Albert J. Hayes, James Mooney, E. Ray McCaffreV, A. J. Evers, Harry jacobi, Frank, Donnersberger, Pe rcy 'F. DeTanible. Louis H. Reich, lion.el J. Vanhal- anger, Charles S. Macferran, Fred 1. Tourtelôt,. William R. Armstrong. Y'~ argaret Eppig. Honot Off icers Tonigbt Th'le Business and Professional XVom- eni's club et Wilnette wvillh meet atthe, Gfeorgian liotel. ià F vanston this eve-ý ning for a card party hoiioring the re- tiring cificers,, Mrs.ý Florence K. Freund, Mi ss Ruth Slown, M Xiss Anne WVelch, Miss Lillian Leaf, and Mi1ss Jeunie D). Shant*. Miss .Shcwn is re-. turning to the executive ccnmittee as vice-president. and Miss L-eaf as. presi Invite$ Public to See Scbool and Grounds; N. S. Women on Board of Philantbropy ruesday, June 2, is the date set for a gala, Garden, party and te.a given, by the, Park. Ridge School for Girls at, ParkRidge, under the auspices of t 'Ienth District Federation of W\Vomi±iîS clubs. cf' Ilhinois Park Ricige School for Girls is .- unique institution of Illinois %whichl, to- a large degree, 6wes its'existence te womnenl's clubs. throughout the state. On this occasion, in a manner of speaking. theschool wilh mnake an accounting te its' guardians for the work entrusted to iýt. Ail interested.- persons are in- vited te the party f rom 2 uniil 4 o'clock. Corming just beforegraduation day, >the event. wilI give. womnen's clubs and t heir f riends the opportunity of. seeing -Ahe scbool ini tull operation and ýpar-, ticularly cf inspecting is newest build- ing, the 'Honor bouse known as "Tuttie Cottage," and all the recently corn- pleted lan(Iscap)ing of the prcperty. Tlhis work of caring for. the living and educational ineeds cf -about 130 de- pendenit-girls through I àl the'years cfo t g .rade and, higlu schol 11f e has- par- ticular interest 'On the lnorth shore for thc reasoôn that this charity- is p)art of the ,official prograincf a numuber of nlorth shore toNvns and women's clubs. 1Arncng the sciîccl's officiais are rnany -%wcrnen.f romn these neighiboring cerni- miuties. . Mrs. Charles Ware cf Kenilworth is president of the board cf directors. Mrs. 0. J. Buck cf Ev- anston Is one of the vice-presidents; Mrs. William C. Gilbert cf Evanston, recording secretary; Mrs.. William H. Nicholîs-cf \Vinnetka, corresponiding. secretarv. Aniong, the niembers côf the large, hoardcf directors, aside f rom. those cf Clicago, and other, communities, are' the fcllowing: Mrs. Herbert B. Mulford and Mrs. Burt J. Denman, répresenting Wil- mnette:; Mrs. Beiitley McCloud. Kenil- 1wcrth; Mrs. William Chamberlain. Indiafi Hill; Mrs. George D. Forrest, Mrs.. George Parker, Mrs. Charles, mil meet tth me orneeM r. anid Mrs. George Frazer, 435 Sheridan road, Wiowda, Wednesday evening, june 3. at8-Welock. Rudolph J. Dedved wil soe* e, Mde Architecture." L-awrence a.a rdter uiliversity. They w( Lillian Fogg cf M Louise Hamilton, Travelogues. were bocks on -varieuis'*. were exhib4td, A'imette and Mis of JCenilwortl givesi and scrap Eurapean countrie ss its next meeting at the b s~ 1-dward J. McArdle, Il h. avenue, at 1I-430 o'clock, 1 P- L. . Everyone is urged s order that the %vork -m pleted hefor e the end- of Club Changes Toaur Dag ia is baving The trip whîch the Wilniette Gar- orne Of Mrs. den club planned to mak e te the Il Broadway Waukegan Flats with Jesse Smith cfl 4onday june Highland. Park te study plant life te 'corneini there, bas been postponed frorn lune. a'y becrn t une 19, as%>Mr. Srnith could net: the year. go on! the earlier date. "'-'4 ~ -~ *.-'

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