Rexali Golf Balis (5OC each> ,combin e*distance, accuracy and- durability witli economy-regulation mse. Lord Baltimore Writ- ing Pôrtfolio, the handr, portable wrlting. dle s k, (SOC). Swim-Kaps in the new Fitwell and Turban Styles - the. very lateat developments in~ bathing hâa {5o to $1.00). S@Id 01117 at Rexali Dwug Stores. pntvs1-WiIumts Avmuoe ouestWuhhwt 28 and 29 Curtis, "W1icI iFowers," kitis, "Trees." Miss Ja( meier, will, play violin sc Miss Caroline Preston, bers.. Mr.. and.,Mrs. John Marshall Robi- erts of 32& Warwick.:road, X<enil- worti, w'ith, their daUgliter, Martia,, left the end, of last week.f orNew York,' Washington, and Philadeiphia. They wilI return by way of Welles-ý ley, Mass. toý bring their daugliter, Caroline, bomne with tliem from Daiîa hall.. They will be away about three weeks. GRAD11ATION GIFT BOX 42-ounce Assortineflt, $2.00 Rng-tiný3 cang oSh1ops 11,15 Central Ave., Wihuette Carl Milton Bee cher, recently aP- pointed dean of the School of MusicP No rthweitern tuniversity, was. guest of honor at a, reception tendered hi,, Sunday afiçrusoon .iii the reception room of: Harris hall ons the u;niivrsity campuis. Tlie event was one of tliefinales to the week of the North Shore Music festival. Dean Beeclier is not only an outstanding niember of the faculty of Nortliwestern university, but is pronii- nent in musical and educational circ les tlirougliout the country. p~us semi-weekly newspaper. 1.0v- gren, who was graduated from New Trier in 1928, also was elected busi- ness manager of the Scarlet Masque, campus dramatic organization at Wabash, recently. Cyrus T. Calloway of Wilnette, another New Trier graduate- of. 1928, lias'been, named as the recipient of a mnanager's numeral sweater',for bis work during the past two years. He was one of.the two football managers selected. this year to aid the Wabash coillege eleven. William C. Hughes of Hubbard .Woods, also a graduate of New Trier in1 1928 , has, been narimed senior bas-. ketball'Imaneager by Harry M. Schol- 1er, director of atliletics at the col- lege. Hughes also 'bas been elected as one of the six associate, art. edi- tors, of the Caveman, hunior mnaga- zine of the college, because* of ýthe art work which lie lias done during the past tli ree years on the Wabash campus., Edrnund E.' Fulton of WIviinnetka, former student at New Trier, won the coveted net trophy awarded to the state intercollegiate tennis chani- pion in thie .recent Indiana state'col-, legiate tennis meet held at IZLarllhami college, Richmiond, mnd. Fulton Il-as led the Wabash tennis squad thiroigh, two successful seasons. ... . .... .... .... ..... .', * w.. w .ww t w w.www. * ....., . . . . . ........ . J * *. -r. .... Cc~?. . . .n.. * ...#.w. '4~ .. *4*** **4 t. ... /4- t- These fine quaiity meats, selected, by our, skilled meat buyers, represett yo .sinfo C,~cWr~a W74at~ 185 Lia. 37eO VAN IDUEKSW-S Beauty Salon 1131/2Central '&Venue Aak Our Advce Coameticea ad Powder Blendhu,