*Sundav evening, May 24, soine miolasses-fingered individual,. visitcd, our garden during our teniîporary absence and deîiarted with a speci- men of Prunus. Newport and 1 ean assure yoiu this did not sit very well with nie. M Ny onlv motive in mwriting of this, is 'thiat it miight warn others to be on. the lookout for'su h 1lighit-fiingcred gentrN. It. is to be à ol)d th at this depredation wvas flot commnitted b.y a resident of our Vllage. It behiooves us to imake ain exanipile of anv . ho are -guiltv- of uprooting plants, floôvers and shýrubs thiat liave beeîî carefulv nurtured bv ,thiose 1,00o arc anxiotis to make thieir surroui- ings more beautiftil and attractive. Yoûr vers' trulv, patul C. Lang, 933 Asliiand Ave., LET US HEAR FROM YOU! n.Itisîote: "Suggestionis ,havei reachied the editoriai rooti of W. - mm~rr : Êf rorr residents of tihe vil- lage çxpjresýs.îng the hlope that t1w \"ilmettc, Park hoard \viIl thi"stme permit operation of a xvehi regulavd . at the batliing beacli. This request, it is emphasized, is miade iii the interests of the hundreds of children xvho are at the beach alinost daily throughout the vacation scason., It is understood thiat the Park board will comply %vith 'this request should there be il(ication of a, gencral demand f or a- ref reshmient .stand1. Communications inay h 'e (irectéd to the. Wilniette Park boardJ or to .W'î.- NMETTr LIMg CONDUCT "CAMP *Miss Mar% Orem and Elizabeth Glassford of Lake Forest are ta'Kiný-, a small groýup, of children, to the Childreli's Farm camp of Lake .Wiin- (lenere in *fthe Canadian Rockies, for a.n eight ývecks' outin.. Miss Oremf, w~ho lias suipervised siniuilar camps 111 the East, itvill bliii charge. and Miss Glassford ill be' phvsical director. The group Will leave *Jiinc 28 on a special -car fr.om Chicago. Acti-vities of' the camp will iiclu(le'ri(lilg, boatý- ing swii 1 ming, .hiking and handi-~ crafts. Dr. Harriett Cooke, of Cli- cag-o. vll acconl)ariv the group as of thie niteci States lu its develop- ment for recreational uses of the hundreds of acres under governnient control ini the national forests. 1lIe ivas on his way to the Blackhills Na- tional forest where lie will study land- sc ape problems. Mr. and Mrs., Arthur. W. Wakeley and .daughter, ýBarbara, of 234 Lei- cester, road, Keni worth,. spenit the week-end àt, their summer cottage in1 Lake Genieva. Xis., Redii. Type Mac1line eliminatimag .&1 Lat and heavy 'wights Test curi, shampo. and linger wave :mIl .for $7.50 ind $10,00 Tel. Edewater; 0553,. (Lïccnsed perManent wave specialiat) Always Bright ThIle drop in, price. of Raw -Silver is. reflected. in. marked, reduction.s in ýthe. prilces of. SU1ver Flatware. Radical price revisions have been -made in...the- Leather., China and1 Glass sections. and Fresh e.. T T'S ever so satisfying always to have one 's ry is n for SPAULDING- GORHAM, INC. 1636Origo Avýenue EVANSTON Established 1921 OTTO P. FJscHIËR, Presides*t 1150 Central Avenue Phone Wilmette 3710 or 704 Main Offilce and Plant-Wmukegan and Webster Aves., Highwood, II. Phone Highland Park 3710 THE'NEW LOWER PRICES' ........ Warclrobe I 'I 1