Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Jun 1931, p. 30

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Warclrobe Hat Boxes $10...,up fI s 0.wvm £mr 8859, CHICAGO j Read the Want - Ads work iii coxnnection 'with Ilfle new. school, it is stated. Arrangements for the party wvere made 1wv the foi- lowingt- commnittee: Mrs. Arthur Schwa'll, chairmnan,' Mrs. M. Placek -ind Mrs. Joseph Borre. LEAVING FOR CANADA \,r. and Mrs. R. H., Nasonl,.1200 .Greeiiwood'aveine,. and tlîeir daugh- ter,,Saticy, are leavinig toio-rrow .for Nottreai-'aiid Quélicé to attend a part%. on the new "Eýnlîpress of Brit- ai" whicli is, toô begiven *-recedng its' niai(len voyage. The niew Cania- (hati Pacifi ,c steamer is nlow the nîlost luxnriou)Ii one afloat. whatDid aPabst 'Beci A'd, Look Like 1907?, What it Iooked ike is in- teresting. But whatit said, is even more. interesting. For, advertising merely puts i.nto words what an institution puts ino deeds. So, you can get a rather accurate picture of what Pabst was doing 24 years. ago.by reading what Pabst was saying 24 years ago. You wilI. note, that the Pabst name was buit then, as it is today, upon the quality and purity of a wholesome malt beverage which everyone knows is Planes at Curtiss Fifteen ,New Trier Highi school bo0ys, neinh)ers of the fourth year en- gineerinig class at the school, visitcd ,Curtiss airport at Glenivicw \ednies-ý daày moirninig,--NMay 27. They wvere ac companiied. ,y their instructor. R.. L. F. Biesemeier. One ofthe instructors at the.Cur.- tiss-\Vrighit Flying school explained to thie group the construction of. the different planes and the uses of the varions typso.egns The boys also visited the lying school labor- atory where Work i (lotie on .se)a r- ate parts of the planes. There ýarcétwe.nty bos ini the fourth ycar engineering class at New Trier. Fifteen of thenin made the trip to Curtiss airpQrt.> Several of the boys, wlio lia(lohtained th.e per- mission o( their parents, took ir- plane ridles follow.ing, their stifdy, tour. Theeclass inistructor., Mr. ,Bies e- meîier, states that thé boys are inter- este(1 in aviation froni' thée engiineri- ilng staniipoîn01t; Most of the memibers of the class expect to dIo soine.kind of eniginieeriî'ig work after comipleting.t tlhein education. Sky Ha ýor Restaurant Now Open to the Publicç 'l'le restauranit at Skv Hiarbor air- port is îo open for tUe uise of the public. 'fle lounige noomn at the air- ports. clùbhiotse hias been gilven . a thor-oighi spring cleaing, inclu(ling painting and redecorâting, anid. is now readyN to reecive the inany visi- tors. who arc- expected- duinig the stitnixmer iiontlhs. Sky. Harbor will be a. popular objective for week-end nîotorists .f rom -tle nortlY shore ii. t le coming -weeks. "Rusty" Campbell Pays, Curtiss Airport Visit E.' K. *Rustv' Campbell, regio'nal saIlu-s manjager for. Curtiss-Wrî it airptanies, visited Curtiss airport at rli~e ecieîtlv.ý, bringinig ith hini Flight at Curtiss Funeral services for Shirley J. Short, nationally, known pilot, who %vith three companions was killed Tuesdav,, May 26, whenthé Chicago ,Daily N1\ews, plane, "Blie. Streak," :crashed near Wheaton, were heId at Maywood Thursday afternoon, 'Mam 28. The remains were taken to Gold- field, la. , Pilot Short's* formier homne, for burial. The.(leatli of Short and' his three c ompanions isof particnlar interest to the north shore because of. the fact that the "Blue.-Streak." started on its ill-fated jonrn'ev froni Curtiss airl)ort at Glenview., Çarryi.n9g-a heavy test loait. the plane took1 off at Cturtiss shortlv af- ter 9 o'clock iný the mo rning on a projccted ten-hour flighit over a 124- n mdc course lying letween twvo points sanctioned1 l)Vthe Na tional Aerotiau- tic. association. The crash occurred' abîout Il 'o'cloc'kon the second.tnip over the course- Besides Pilot Short, the three others killed were Robert J. Gorin- 1eV, niechanic; Lewvis S. Rice, radio operator., and Richard Peck,,, photog- raphler and co-pilot. Short 'held Pigh recordI for effi- ciency and, caidion .amiong Ainerican pilots. Eanly in hiis caréeer le servedi as" an air rnail pilot _btenchi- cago gndCleveland'dnritig the pion- eening stages of mail flving. For his ýrecord on that line lie ias aivarded. the Harmon Internationial' trophy for safe flving. receiving that' honor fromn the hands of Presidext'i *Coolidge in, 1926. . The crash of t.he "Bltîë Streak" .was canised,-,accordlinig to experts i the field of aviation, by structu-tal defects and ,Yas, not.,th.e .fanlt o NotedDoctor Flys Baek From Business Trip East. Dr. Harry A. Richter, 622 Gregory avenuie, WiImette, hlas receîxtly re- turned from ia. two Neeks' tniin the east, made for the purpose ofrei- ing the heart %ork done ini the hos- lg!1land Pli. Bverage o. Tél.: Rtglîland Park ý1700 - -... -- - - - 4,7t,ýuriss ~aiuport. i'Fie airport is 10- DaW Klingenberg of I3arrington, cated at Lake avenue and Sbermer Sttident pilot at Cuirtiss airpor't, has road, 'and the ne w paving'1 is expected retuirned fromn a fling jaunt to New to be .completed as far as Shermer York. i aete n i o - ithin the next few weeks. This inand-air. Dave is taking a trans- will again mnake C.urtiss airport more port flyig course at Curtiss. He has accessible to-.visitors. from the New had about.oeehundred hIlrs ofjTriert tow-nship villages-ýW.ilmette, aving. Knilworth, inetka and Glencoe.

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