Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Jun 1931, p. 37

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vious purchasers of the pasteboards were placed in the mail Iast Thursday. The season ticket includes five home games on the Northwestern schedule. In addition the purchaser has the option of including the Notre Dame game which willbe played at Soldier field, October 10. Al home gamels are listed at $3 each. The season ticket selîs at $14, a saving ýof a dollar over the Single game.price. By egreement between Notre Dame and- d .othestern Krh authorities, the gamne at Soldier field will be $4. Thi's price was agreed upon since Nrh western.has already advanced $100,000 of the recei pts to aid unemployment. After both, schools have taken out the receipts which they would have olit.ained had the game been played as original scheduled- at SQUtlh Benid, the. remainder. of, the, receipts will go to mnake up the amount which North- *western has already advanced to, charity. Orders for, the Noêtre Dame ganie *alone will flot be received by the uni- versÎty at this tine', Mr. Hayford an- nounced. Only orders which corne *with. season tickets will be accepted. * Additional orders for Notre Dame tickets mav be placed when the Single game sale opens August 15. Thie home -games on the -WiId- cat. schedule .niext faîl are: October'3, Nebraska; October 17, University of Caifornlia. Los Angeles; October 31ý, Jîinioi:. ;ýNovember 7,1 inusota; Thie two and one lialf stiirv Englisli brick residence with one hiaîf acre of landscaped groundIs' located at 300 Stns'et. road., .Winnetka, lias heei purchIase'd by' Harry Thomi, associated withi Mayer, Mçyer, Austnian and Platts, attorneys of. 31 S. -La Salle street, from Mr. and Mrs. *H. B. Kraut of Fond du Lac, Wis. The Wiunetka office of thée E. E. lStultsý Relycompany represented al par.- t'ies to the transaction. N'ew hats mnade to order. Hats Cleaned, Refinished Peter Van Bree 202 So. Sf afe Sf. 31.8I Century BIdg. Webster 7 187 j j The golden text the Lord, praise ye bath delivered the from the hand of miah 20,,13). the Lord :for .he soul of the poor evildoers" (Jere- Among theý citations .v1lich coin- prised. the lesson-sermon was- the follo wing from the Bible: "Put on the Whole armour of God, that ye 'may bc able, to. stand again'st the Wiles of the.devil. For. we wrestle flot agaiust flesh and blood, but: against-_principahities, against pow- ers, against the rulers of the dank- ness of this world, against 'spiritual wickedniess ýii high places" -(Ephe- sians 6:11', 12). The lesson-sermon also included the following passagesf rom the Christian 'Sciene textbook, Sciec and Health with Key to 'the Scrip-. turc.s," by. Mary Baker -Eddv: ."The Christianly scientific mant. refleçts the divin 1e aw, thus becoming a law unto himself.' He does, Violence. to no man. Neither is lie a false ac- cuser" (p. 458). TO TRAVEL IN EAST Miss Helen Rathbone, daughiter of Mn. and Mrs. john. V. Rathbone, 523 Abbottsford road, Kepilworth, ne- turned from the Ward Belmont school at Nashville, Tenu., June 1. She is leaving todlay to spend julne week at West Polint,, wlq.erè she wjll Visit Major and Mrs. 'Muinna. Mn. and Mns. Rathbone will depart june 8, to drive to. Princeton, N. J., to at- tend the graduation of their. son, jack, on june 16., Helen «'ihi joîn. ber brother for commnencemenit. Mr. and- Mrs. Rathbone, witli their. son and daugliter, will then travel tbrough the east, retunning through Canada. Mvrs. Rathbone spent last week-end in Pentwater, Mich. Mis s Auna, Gen szoô an d M is s Irelle Smith 'of Wilnîette and Joseph an.'l Michel Balmes. of Gleniview ý, -ere guests last. week-end of Miss Smnith's p)arents and relatives ini Shebovgan. \Vis. Vn l Se a n NationaGeogrphic Back numbers supplied, MILLION..DOLLAR BUSINESS SALE1 of entire> stock of. rare and clusi ve art creations ,from al o ver thIv word consiesting of.. Continental porcelains, Buropean glass, tapestries,ý needlework chairs, fine bronzes,. marbles, furniture of IEuropan origin, paintings by Americe n oeg artists, Sheffield Silver, marble man tels, ornaments for the gardçn, fireplace furnishings, exclusive lamps-a very extensive showing of correct reproduc ti ons in furniture consisting of chairs, tables, commodes and hundreds of other a~rticles too numerouis to mention. SALE, BEGINS, THURSDAY, JUNE 4- PROM PTLY 9 A. M. dispLay--drastically reduced 'in price awaiting your Coming. 11» t Idallob- lire%-

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