Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Jun 1931, p. 38

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Mr. And NMrs, Edgar A.- StevenlS,.33()~ Abbottsford road. Kenilwortit, will lie married to Carlisle Christie of WVash- ington. D. C., on Saturdav afternootî, Julie 13. at 4:.30 o'clock. at the Kenil- Worth Union clitrchi.'l'le wedcing will lie a simple one, with Dr. H-er- blert LI.. Willett readiu ie eservrice.. Mr. Christie's nxotber,ý Mrs. Artlhur C. Christie. of WVashîington. D. C., and, lus brother. Miltoni. are cotliflg n.011 for thte cereflioli%, the latter hij serve bis brother as liest mnati. .MNiss Katherine Stolp of. Keniilworth will )e :Miss Seeu'ol attendaitt. At- ter a shlort.trip Mr. Christie and bis bride Nivill lie at ionie at 1710 Broad-, viewv avenue, Hîigllaiid Park. Amtolg 'the affairs given for Mis.; stevens xvas the lunichleon \VwednesdlavN at %vhich NMrs. KeIiev Sanders ai!, Mrs. Bassett Rùf were hostesses. at Mrs. Ruf's. residence. 236 Cumnôiir road. Kenilworth.. Todav Mý,iss, Elca- fnor 1iîpiticott of '1132 Ashlanid ave- nute. ..Wilmnette, is *gi ingalchieon. fniday. junle 5. M.,rs. John Corey- of 1S'18. Asbury avenue. Hubbard Vood, * will have a shovver for lier sister, ecd guest bringifn'g a plant for the fi(les gardeln. Sundtay. Ilunie 7. atiother sj"ster.Nr. Ogden Iook. of 1092 SIprucestreet, X\'inietka, will be hlostess 1 at a tea and 1on Mondav a lhaidkerrhief * showver will he gîven bN Mrs., Wal1ter * Glass o vnt Miss Heleie, Sei- hold and Misfs Betty Hlarwood, o,, Wilmiette will entertain at a bu*tffèt supper on june 9, and on Wdèdy J ulie 10, Mrs. Ruifus Stoli) anid 'NIýss Kathierinie tolip of Kenilwôrthi are to he hostesses, at a kitchieni shower. * Thursda..June 11l.,Mns. Chiarleý * Ware and M.\rs. Alfred ofDugln 325 .Ahhottsford roade.ticilwortli, wývII ll etertatn M t qtevenI."ata i un ch eon. Vis ta del Lago. Notes.' Hostesses at the regular -luicheon)i and hridge at club Vista del Lago last 'Mondav Nvere Mr.. Walter Botthof * and1Ms \Valten 'H. Andersen of Keniilworth. 'Nfrs. Roy D. VVeilbreti- liner of \innetka, and Mrs. F.',K.. Benzing of Wilfiette. Anong os Who had gue.sts during the afternoo avenue. last Satùrdav evenling,.wvhen Mrs. Charles D. Heller, 808 EUmNooa 1 se od eiwrh iIb Miss Maude Lucille3 Davison of Ev- avenue, Tuesday evening, june 16, at51Ese odKniwrhwl b anlston becamie.the. bride of Dr. Wil- the homne of Dr. and Mrs. George. D. niarried to Theron Taggart Chapman, liami A. Maini, Jr. Spring flowers, Upsonl, 607 Washington avenue. Th,- son of Mr. and Mrs. George Chiap- paliis, and candelabra were arranged Rev. WNilliami E. McCormiack of mian of Oak Park, Saturdav after- iii the rooms for the cereiîîony whichl Aurora wvilI penform the cerenioniv. j~oojj, Junle 20. The service- wi11 be was performied at 8 o'clock by the The biide and groom will have aàra t 3 'loka h Knlot !Rev. William McCormack of Aurora tbeir ollv gttendants Mr. lcen Union churchand will be followed by and 'fôr the necehition wbich'followed.ý brotber-in-a tdsistet~, Mr. ..atînc eetoi tteIdinHl on -rhe bIrid.e wone a .gown of white Mrs. George Voss. try club). Thie bride and groom will, lace. with a girdle and slippers of a Fneietidsof..Miss Gibbs hiave beeii be at honie after August 1,. at 1366 pale shade of green, and carried a fetiing her at numenous ,shoivers pre- North Dearborti, Pankway, Chiicago. large bouquet .oc %hite 'roses and ceditnglier marriage. Early iii M\ay isFreml ascoe sle lfes -of the vl« .Her only attetnd- a linen showcn -was gtven by MItis s ant Misv.Doisey no anig . . agt ndMis ýý1aehattendants lier sisters, Mrs.. Warren ant Mis DrisBratiof ansngIjilvClaget an Mss ltzhet McCracken and Mrs., Richmnond Mich.. xvas dre.ss'ed ini pitîk ongandie Goss of \iltiiette a nîiscellaneou; fashioncd ini long, sim ple inies,, atud :shiowen 1wv Miss Margaret Callanen Kenv%,oni, of Barritîgton ; and, Miss arried pink rss at lien. home in \Viinetka; )es tia an M1ilstead, of Wintietka, 'Mrs. Dn Mtii ndbi rie res1îî-shover 1)y M.s. George Voss- and, a Roger White of Chicago, Mnýls. Eýd-, ing a ot ooi iii the cast ise-atîossc aive b , vardHihben cof Chicago. (sisten of atnd Nve1 the returi tbey e xpeet to, NIrs. George A. Stone of Glenview. - the gùoom}. and Mrs. Howard, Bab- tlîy ______________cock of Buffalo, N. Yý Stephien Hor-, reCtleilrvaWdd'u totn Of Oak Park will serve Mr. Chap,. 1earson-utl edg"gwanias best matn and the ushens ill Ruth Truska Pianist: Takes Place on! June 1 O be. Robert, Carn of Chicago, Ward . McCracken, Richmond Kcnyon, Èd atAuxiiary Tonignt Ne.xt \Vedtî.esdav at 8 :30 o'clo k.. wr Hbe, idnoe Wie Miss Ruthi Trus ka, daughitcr of t~ce inluthe First Preshytenian. rdvr.iiiS ac 715 'cli of Eva-nston, with Dr.~ David ,LastFidyMsHiengv a Mr. and Mrs. Statîlev Truska of 715Htu'l Joncs offi ciating, Mliss Dorotli .v dtntien party for lier l)other atdîd u- Forest avetne atnd an artist pupil of1ni1-a.Yetra Mme. Eda Gedecke, isgiving thePearsot.î . w111 ecomne the bride of turc sister-t-w. etcdyMs Paul Williati Cittlen, son of \Mr. and Be,îtlv G. M.cI od1aidMrs dwt programn at the dit1nen and social meeingof ie utiorauxhiay o M s.Heliry E. Cutler of 407 Centra: Hedrick entertaincd at luncheoti and theWoan'scll)niWimetetîisavenue. Tùhe bridc's inotlier, Mrs slîowcn' for Miss Foresmriaiiat, Mrs., eveing. kMiss Trulska, a nmetùber ýot - hfli. Pearson, of vtso, niHdik.hm,30 ers vne hav the reception at the -i eEvanistoù nilworthi. .ext Wcdilesýdav,, Jutie thîe auxiliary, wîll itîclifde on lier pr o- Wtascu.d griFil>ibesýbvch, Pbilip r .' .Th.e îvedding party flý5 u(,partv for lier soti. atd daughiter-in- Chopini, Bla c,_uin \I i r. Staiiley J. Hall, îîîatrn otî flaw-to-be. M\iîssMiste w l ehost- inan isate l brast dee binsein. alînnor-, Mrs.. Fred Ringlev, Mrs. Metà ess at a dinnier p arty at: the Exn'îoor prograti f-ollowing, for this season1, M y ens Stroiig, Nfrs. Fred Schrocdcr, Cotîtr.% club for Miss Foresnî.an and *~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~I fo,\Iîadnnraihiie nJtej. iss, Mariarn Richardson, tiie.Mn. Chapmnat on Satunday, Junie 13. 18, the a-jlir' ýil1 couchide. its bridesinaids; Floretnce N I rginia Aui- v car. anIt3 lersoni,,flowýýen maid; Herbiert West, Lorrai ne Barbour to W/id ______________-~best mati, and H. E. Ctiter, Jr., Statn- ley J. Hall, Fred Scliroeder. Jr., Pil,- Reuv. R. Spoerri June 10 Garden Club Wins Award i1î Robert Grant, Hovard N[ulle, Tearigf ls Lran Thei Kenilwortlî Gardeni club took td* eoDee, h shr.* Bar-bolur to the_ Rev.. Raymond: tlirehoir ttcana wr .penri will take- place at 4':30 o'clock showM lieki itn(lèr the auspildes of the At Shawnee WVdedncsday afteniooiJ ulie 10. .at LakeForest Garden clubi at'.the es- Tmro.eein.Jn .at t lehoe of the-bn Ides istrns. tateýo 'iNr.Rockefeller NfIcCor-i1-Sbiawniee Coutîtrv *club there ý:vill lie Donald I)ixoîî, 524 Hawthorni lane. 1 -nayan Muda. is. ,Fran a ',sixtl, sevenith, and eigh th grade Win netka. Thie Rcv. Jamïes Niadi- Barre. t ivo-à first * nibont for hier (lanice' ,Son Stifler, pastor of the First .Bap-. flovvering slîrubs ini a b)owýl anîd sec- . trh i~ît~ "i ts hn"o0 '- i ond rililiotifor a luinclieonitable. A. auravnil l. l d.cub \WiII 1101(,_t S.,) IAf Eanstoti, wmss read ril)bon of*oînn etoi*v~a setnior (lance' ad cabaret (iiier.tli te service l)efonc a smnall gnoup of awadedto rs Ba o \\11- Tire \v ill le, tables in the b)allroouli relatives and friendls. There ivill be na.rddforsr rSitnie a.1 i Wau-anid dancing frorn9 o'clock ttil 12. nattendants. shlti~n a'largre hottle. On Decorationx day. the club lhel,.1 The bride, a daughter of Mrs. Ger- wîll iemcciai tie homie o s o'u i ii.'.m M.I, Culleti, 1226 Ashland avenue, Monida>y, June 8, at Il o'clockl. To Have Dinner June 5 The Marnicd Coup)les class Cnithie Wilmctte Bapist chuncýh will 1101(1 ils annual dinner at Shawnee, Country ç1ub Fridayý,'Jume 5. To Arrange Flowvers Mrs. Everly L. Haines of .115 Wý\aslinigton avenîue, Glcncoe anîd Mrs. R. R. Black of Chicago anc lin charge of thie flower arrntgement. atnd tables. for the anitual. 1luncheoti of the Delta Kappa' Epsilons on June 12. Manchiester ofni G 1iecii c o e'. Miss M\ickey,, Miss IHamilton atid, Miss Manchiester, all taleinted iniisiciaus. . are to be in Europe thiis summiier for sfudy atîdl travel,. ,\iss Hainiltoti left XNiitietka $,umday, and, Miss. Mickey and Miss Matnchester arc 'sailimîg June, 18. E ntertaining at Exmoo0t Mn,.atnd Mrs. jolît O'Connor, 149 Kcnilworth avetne, Kcmilworthî, wil entertain a group of fricnds at diii- nier at Exmoor Country club il'* ,Highland Park Satunday on the oc- casion of the' opening of ti uu mter dinner dance seasoti.

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