Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Jun 1931, p. 42

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- -- -Dy ae..L. y. Te iNorth bShore 'Musicians club A very notable exihit of sketches held its annual ltncheon at the club North Shore Womnen Appointed and paintings by Florence Crocker Vista del Lago Wedincsday of -,ibis to Head Departments of deBeers, Glencoe artist, is now hutng week. Following the luincheon a Tenth District'in the living roomn and dining rooms ischrngmialpoanv1s Tenth Districtof Glen Gables tea rooin, Glenlcoe. ms hrigmsclporm"a Mvost of the sketches*were made dur- given by twNo of thée mbers. Thefolig new:' chairmen of ing Mrs'. deBeers',.year in Paris, from11 Mme. Alvenle.R esseguie, c eotralto,§ * dIepartînienîs of the Tenth district of ýwbich she has recently returned.-.tewth itr oj)ened teprogran it inner the' Illinois Federation of Womneni's ý Charcoal portraits make- up the.et clb.w'ere app ointed for the folloiv'- major part of thé small exhîlit, and ng rupo nscmped y iing vcar atth meeting of the b)oard these show that the rts is thor- a, memnber ofthe.club,,Eleta Austin o f d r é c o r s . e l d a t t e - 1ý o t h , r -, ,( ! u g h y ù m G a m o n c c o m l1 ) a 'n i e d Woman's club, Wedmesdav. Mai'2:isal to conivey h esnlt fMs Resseguie at the piano. AiMrs. Xiliail F'. Farrelli-of Chicago the mode! to the onlooker with arrest- ropof 'piano numln1hers wvas American citizenisip; Mrs.. Frank' E. ing charm. Some of thelportraits are then given k'y Miss. Franices Ander- XValjis, [ihertvville, garýdenis; Mrs. quick sketches. Onie is of "Ro.saliel" son. Mis Anderon. lv eatY Sarkis H., Nahigian. Evanston.ie' a- mode! of tenue yWh îeadfully. 11rnubrIwrlnubci Ciùhwonat.,,Mrs.- P. H. Arden. 722 ibis, likeý the othe 'rs, expresses eco--joyed because, thevsaifed- rn XV7ashington avenu e, Wil mette, Indian ilomicallv the inidividlual.. MXore pre- lohatcncla ~e1a uia welfare: MXrs. Arthur Tohev, Chicago,- tentious' sketches, one of a Mý\ulattosadoit junior, iembilersilip; Alrs.'- George E. girl wbich (lominates tlhe living rooul AMrs. Re ss .egnie then gave a group Orr, Glenicoe, lierature; Mrs., George and that. of -a French miodel, are aI- H. Beaudin, 726 Elmwood, avenuiie. most piotographic., One gets thefelmeup fGraFenb d XVî;lmette, motion Pictures, Mrs. W. ýof the- face planes and warm' fi esh nls ons n ano a o G. Mitchell 1009 Oak-wood avenue.tris vttîecharcoal is nyrmc bu r.'or ýN71mi.e. prssan pbliior ir musiciansh ip, for. thie r ~icb XVimete pes ad pbhciy rs mddy, fnor is it allowed to -sa-"toO Xo oné could forget lier beatiful *Mari' K. qSbivel3v Evanston, public' 11 . - -. oteate~hvo nC er t iveIfare; -Mrs. James MN. Massie, ChJinl lier oils,. Mrs. deBeers leanss b- This, program -s ar uscl cago, radio; Mrs. U. J. Griiii, .Gray's ward iinîpressioîîism, respectiîîg fo'ni treat andivillwas a rremicalh L.ake, Club ,institutes; 'Nrs. Normian i Ilrerai 1n H.aeuyet subduing it and mnaking it secori- memiories of hs bhearers d.uring .the H.Campii. 493 South aeuGlencoe, darv to color., Light atiîd siade are long stiuler. cooperation witb -%var veterans. Chirne hldngovr ro lsireflected througIr softly shaded colors. Their program follow'-s: and the wholet is immersed iii an a-Sna year, ivîlo were reappointed, are : -M\rs. inospherc of goldi..as iii the st-ill life .Exeerpts from -1River 'of Stars1,"! Fmnmer'soni C. Shaw, North Chiicago, of' lonquiiils and daisies iii. a coppî>e '. Alfred( Noyes ............. Public blilliad hlwefr ; Mr.pthr rand:i rea n ..1ý1..ý.Electa Austin. (ainî'oîî R.FrCiagodSpiaker'lbreaMsu: tle;orand: igena On Parent Knees <«)Id English) *R.For, CicaoSpeker' brea :the "Stud(io' Phanitasv";' or in i wbite.' *..... Electa Austin<ano * Mrs stele . Ptts Chcag,,An,\er - There are several. lovelv stilI ifes il,~ ter(hper)....... ican home; Mrs. Fred Clutton,Hfi-h- ý Electa. Austin tiainron1 land Park', art: Nfrs. J. M. Grove, w"""tes',("le '1i-i duJitou eswhb sug- Alvene Resseguie Evanston, commnitvltý service; Mrs. ges t roundness and asense of pt-etr E leuta Austin1 Gamiron, aceonipanNit XV.Prezel Zuic. cnseva-uncolor and shape. Thev are ai] Piano) W.ti tzl LneZuhcMsrva- E ,in o h yc n< ~aîfu t u d e cminor.....C(hopin tin is .M\attesoùi,- Chicago, cdu .otiiitote.vad el -itl Etude PFnhajor' .. .Cilorîill cation; Airs. Edward Caier<on, Clii; decorative. Reflectiona' in the Wter .:Dtebussv' cago, legisiation ; Mrs. William . . The exhibit wil h at tlbc tca roomi Prelude, B fiý-tait rý Pîgott, Chicago, music; Mrs. J.ervîs f -r seî'eral eka(l is open 10 ithe Fr'anoes Anderson 0. Newton,. Clica<,o-) Park Ridîge ltll)lic. ' Senlgs -Schooî for Girls ; Mrs. 1. K. Farlev..EnSluhritMenFen Jr., 300 .Abbottsford roadi, KnlotArt League B'nlis o.ti'm.h..... w onsut fS) revsios;Mrs. G. W. frhlCi-. L'e Papillon (Aýlexaindre) F)u1rdî'ain- cago, finance and audîîing. Raise Funds for Studio siste ,l The Rivais (stephens.) . Dee.nis Tav,'" \Ir%,. XVlliam .. Pigott. ch!airman The North Shore Art Leéague meim- iîove I Vent a-Ricling.......e *of music of the Tenth. district fia., bers are, giving a series of card l)ar-. Alvene Resseguie been appointed to the state board as ties. b blelp furnisli the niew studio 't *staté chairmnan of music. iliat is beiiîg gtv'én to thie Art leagtoeWiBen o Th ovmeidsritmetn bh v innietka Cominiitv House. The W'..Be n C arge of bTheld ai ibe Wdisclu!> of i __fi rst' is to be held at.-the home of Guild Flowers Tuesdau be hel at te ý\,man's lub o î v CIr..ar t.arv-er of I,anistoni. Nort bridge Club Notes lrhe monthly meeting ,of the Nortli- ridge W\om.an'"s club wil.I be held Mon-. day, Junie 8, at the hoine of Mrs. George_ Scherzer, 2135 Tlorn,ývoo,4 avenue, at 8 o'clock. on. *The History of XVallpap.r"; Mrs. R osalynde Hutchinson wilgive a group) of whistling solos. Others on the program wiil be Mrs. Frances Clemmer, .îioliniist; Carol Hayes, soprano, and Mrs. Elizabeth Vitale. dram atic " sopra no. Vera Kelly. will be' acécompanist.. ganlzatlons. Four, of oui' wom n)a'rt in the play given by th~e Lc League Board Meets'* Women Voters and we sent ter sentatives to the open mneeting The. board of directors of the Xvii league ofl January 26. , Temn N< mett Legueof Vome Voersmetwonmen' helped the phllanthropy. mett Lealleof Wniei Voers m'lent of the Wilmette Woiuap at tbie homne of its president, Mrs. C. Sew for-the Baptlst -Old People' L. -Clarke, 220 Wood coQurt, Mondas' and twelve members of the elub discss lansforfor the Amerlean Legion on Pop morning, june. 1, to dss'plnfo- . We have. hadreeena the omig yer... .nea'î'î.y every meeting.- of the s Club àhomp tagged1 y day. es- at ,Village Report at End of First Year Ex- plains Purposes of Organiza- tion and Accomplishment (Contributed) The Northridge Womn't's club,' an. oganiaton whose, membership is, colfllosed ýof those living in the new section of -XVilmette just south of WVinnetka and west of: Kenlilworth, lias compLèted its',first year. In a' survey of the year's wo'rk inade by' Mfrs. P. Jav Chur ch, the :presîdet,. each of the four. purp o ses of, the clubw'as stated and the .nflowdby .proocf of its acom'plishmnlt. 'This lias béeen a vear of organiza- tioln, said Mrs. Church, "anid it* has been one of achievemnent, of h appi- ness, and friendship. I feel that we have everyv eason1 to 1)e, proud andi happy as we look back ov.er thé vear's. work :and pleasure. 'A vear agoat April, thi-ee niihb)orý. 'M-rs. Van Deursen *-Mrs. Purelîl, an'd Mrs. Revnolds, met.in nmv bouse and we £akdabout l)ringing the wolnen of this grow.ing commnitv% togetherin a'n organization, the main purpose oif Which would be frieiidshliip. Follow- ing tis',informnai gath-erinig we had ouN. first regular -meeting on Mlay 5,, '"Tle first I)tirlcse of this club as. stated ini the bv-laws i s 'To promiote- a communitv spiriL T-hat we have accoruplishiec this is apparent. .W have f.oster'ed thieconîmnitvý spirit iii otr social .gatherings, most of \viiici inchpded ouir famnilies ani our friends. T'hese informaI good t1imes to1gèth1r have éreated an extrenielv f riet . dlv "urprogr;1nw of th e year hv éidded.to) the comniunity spilrit and almi have aiiswered our steond purpose, 'TOý study -the 1)robleims of olrui' coniiunit;y and toý work as a unit foi, ti inp rove- ment and -development.' "I1n our s;t.udyý of the. community -we had. M'.%. O,'ner"q talk on 'The' rEar1v {i.stol'y of :Wilm-ette* '; Mr. Pelling.', Lalk on 'Roa1 Constructioni.' 'Mrs. Nol'- thaîn Spoke to us about '{lpngOur Vilmnette 'Nelghbors.' Mrs. Snydeî'. the illage truçtee, explajned 'The Wat-m' Bond Issuel' and Miss' Skidnore to]ld of

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