located at ltJ8th and Indanapolis boulevard Sunday aftcrnoon, June 7. it is assured that the speed fans of the Chicago district will ]lave their first taste of big leagiie racing in years. T he race will be restricted to twov(- mani cars. witb mechanics riding. This is tbe third track, in Arnerica that bas the opportunity of runniing the new Indianapolis specification cars witb mecbanics riding; ail the cars and . drivers . will corne direct from the' famous 500-mile évent at Indianapolis. on May 30. Billy Arnold, winner of thé 1930. hoosier classic. and A. A. A. champ- io,*ill drive. bis Dusenberg two- maný job; it is expected that this lit-. dle Chicagoý champion will'attract a capciy rowd hiniself; however.Ar- nold will flot be 'the onlly star ini the field as *"Shorty" Cantloon, wbo rail second to Arnold:last ýyear will drive the sanie, Millerwith whicb be bat- tled the winner ini Iast year s. Grand Prix, while Wilbur Shaw wbo took fourti, will drive a Dusenberg; Louie' Schneider will drive 'the seal fast special he pilots in ail the big events, and Bill Cummings, the sensation of racing, wiII be at' the wheel of the Empire State special, as will Paul ]Bost bis' team ma te; Zeke Meyer will drive the Mavvý special; Franký Famer will drive a Jones-M'iller. This lists but a few of the: stars wbo -wi11 be entered. Ih is expected that tbe twenty ,leading drivers ini the Indianapolis race will. be on band for the running of the elimination trials which will start at 10 o'clock, thé morning of the race. Oakland Production Increases for April Witb a production total of 14,188 cars for the month, April became the biggest- month of the Oakland Motor Car coman sic August* 1929- some 20 months ago. 'The April ,fig- ure compares with-12,245 for March of this year and 13,763 for April of a. year ago. April retail sales this year took a tended trip speeclily. But George C. Tenney, general sales director of the Marmion -Motor Car comipany, lbas returned from a long business trip in a New Marmon Sixteen that cleàr- ly demonstrates that the modern au- tomnobile affords b ighly efficient mensof speedv long dista nce travel., LeaVing, the Marnmon'factorv. in- IndianàpÔlis' in a Sixteen just off the assembly . nle,' Mr. Tenney visited sixteen cities and traveled.2,200.miles in,'Just ten days. Ili each city bis Stop was of sufficient duration to eni- able bim to transact business withi the Marmon distributor and to dem- onstrate the New Sixteen to dealers. Ili no instanice-was, he p ressed' for tirne or forced to cut, bis visit. short in tume to meet train or airpiane. schedules.- Wersted Motor compan. 562 Lincoln avenue is the.local Max moôn dealer. Subject: "God th READING]I Open Daily (excepi Wednesda Open Sunday Thte bible7 and Works1 of 1, ýCbrstian Scieiace 1Literature =Reading Roomn. THE PUBLIC 15 CC CHURCH SERVICE$ PAITRONIZE MMMIL-Wherever .yo uturýn AR! ~thes e dy s, you meet one of the 'new Chevro. jet Sixes. You see them in the driveways; of fine homes. Parked at the curb on busy streets. Scores of them darting through traffic. Many others speeding along the highways. The samte holds true for every cityv, toron and rural section the country -w- II 1:r-. JUNE 7, 1931 lie Only Cause and Creator" ROOM-x 3ei 48 Ceutral Avenue tini Wedneçday) 9 A.b M.-t 9 P. M. ly 9 A. M-. w 7-45. P. M. V afteanoons 3 P M. to 6 P.. . Mary Baker Eddy and ail other authorized, re may be read. bortowed or purchased artt 'RDIALLY INVITED TO, ATTEND THE ES AND VISIT THE RE JÎN OOM OUR ADVERTISERS overI For this big, -fine-looking six, has, -caught- the f ancy and. won the f avor .of, American motorists as few cars, ever have. Behind the wide popularity of the niew Chevrolet Six lies this fundametital attraction: It's the great American value I And behind Chevrolet's unusual value lie' 21 oùtstanding points:, I A snooth six.cyinder so-horsepower uuotor 2 Lowest coperating cost 'of any S3 Smart, com fortable. Fisher bodies 4 Fine appearance 5 Lowest prired six-cylinder car .7 Strong fuUl-length chassis 8Four chromhe-vanadium spnngs 9E asy steering 10. More bail be&ringa than auy other car near its price Tfhe dollar of 1914 today will Pur- chase $1.28 worth of autom-obile, whereas the 1914 dollar is worth only $.675 toda y, so. fan as. the cost of livig i cocenedaccording to sta- tistics of the National Automobile] Cham iber of Commerce anid reported by, the Chicago Motor club. Ou«r Chevrolet trained ,uechanics and 100% guarantee on all work doue assure you of gise best service to be lied. NORTIt SHIORE CIIEVROLET SALES, 61 Mi S. Wlete DIRECTLY O0PPOSITE DePOT Phone WÎlhnette 4414 i i i I E E = i E Ofitstaudinug points 21 of vahue. - .5. .-i -Cl t a I ~ -~ I -j' I.- -j. r