Marguerite Finds Selling Poppies Happy Experience Friday,. May 22, was Poppv Duy About twelve eighth graders wër( chosen and sorne New Trier studenit to seli the poppies. Our. group frori Howard, ichiool: werc to m1eet at tli North Western depd~t. WXVîen arriv- ing:there at 6.:301i1 the miorinig. we were giveniio ur poppies1 and cn whnsuddenly alonig:comies the first train.. One'girl ran up rather timnid- ly to the condtètor and, sold himi poppy. When we lad heen there a. fe minutes we found out, ve were in tlie wrong place and supposed to :be at, the Village hall. When we camec there we .weré assigned different places to go. .Another girl an d -f *weré assigned tb go to, Wasliingtoii and 15th street. Wlièn airiving there we'found business, xvas ratiier sloî Iso 1J walked up the. street to see îf anyone 'vas posted on Cenitral and Prairie avenue. There was no one( there and 1, tlîinking it a good cor-ý ner, went lowvn there, mnv girl friend staying at our post. Business wvas certainly riishing o.n Central and- the * poppfies were selling like liot cakes. I was kcpt busy running' fromi on, side of the street to the other. Mv tisual' greeting ývas, "Good xnorninig. Sirwoldou like a pop"Tlheý woufld get out, sorteie oney and give it to you clîeerfuly. The idea. was not how much môoney you gave bt-V how willingly you gave it. Onie ladi 1 asked tô buy. a poppy ariswered mie * tbps, "Oh1, no, nie too po(or.:' Aiiother said, "Me got no nonev." ' h certain- * ly was fun selling these poppies and, was a great experience.. The noniev that the Anierican Legion got fromn Poppy Day will enable the i to* caÉrr on their service .work that lias givenl the veterans -at the Great Lakes hoS- pital 50 nîuch enjoynient. .Everv cent ireceived f roDm these sales will Ibe(le- voted to this and other worthv service purp)oses.-Mlarguerite Petersenl, $B3 * Howard. By Theron Smith \Vith, brakes squealing a protesting eexclamation, the littie r6'adster, came n to a stop, its right fenider, a scani f oo-t from the coat, tailsý of aà, lapins, Cpedestrian. short -'f atlman who eshowed surprising agility. for hiý Thei~ youtig nian at the wvheel stniileil adsaid, "Sorry, Sir, ('lad L didnît hit vou." - The fat mian stared. "You're ýSmoke' BaIl Eddie Blan", aren't yo u?" "That's, nie ail riglit. Goink, to the' e game?" The mati nodded. "Hop, in," said Eddie. The man climbed 41i and the, car jumnped alîead. "Sée by the, papers M-ýac's starting v ou today." ~"Thats what I understanid." "Well, if you can start lem like vou can finish 'eni thcmi Beavers Lo' jhave a look ini." Edldie smniled. For t%'\o-tihirdsý of the seasoin lie had donc fine wvork as a re:- lief pitcher and today lie had a !ong awaited chance to pitch a whole gaine. "DiM vou reallv Jeariyte> PitCh thiro'\vilig rocks at rahits like' they sa-v vou did?" Eddie lauglîed. "Ne\\v,Ial)er., unik. But 1Ilcariied to pitcli with. a liae- bal." "Have a cigar?" Inquired Fddîe, "There's.a box of theiniii tlat donr pocket. Help, vourseif." A .pudgy hand wyent into ftlue pockc t and drew ont an unopetied bottie of Mwhiskev. .Eddie saw it anid latighcd, "I1 guess it rnutst he on ýtliis side." lie- said. H-e reaclîcd- intc, the othe1 l)ocket and passed over the, cigars 'Thlic fat in vs still lookinig at thic )ottle. "'The traîner wýantteçl it for.inv arm. If's the tlîing lie savs," Eddie griinied wickedlv. The fat mati still lheld flhc bottie. j"Xhiskey, aint it?" jwuz goin' to pitch today so 1 had to cum. 1 got a box soàt"I E~ddie wa.s touched. "Well t1hat's fine, tlncle Andy-Yoti'll root for me?" "Deed 1 will. And if you get ln a piflch you jus rub this heah raj.bit's foot on de bail. ]Der'-s no player ln de hole world dat can bita, luck bail." * Eddie suppressed a smile as he put t he rabbit's foot ln his pocket. t It wasa fast game. The Beavers:had their pitching ace in but Eddie was a match for him. "'No -bits. No 'runs. Ne errors," went clickIng ove r th e wires s until: the jend of the seventh when, Eddie's mates squeezed two runs« out of the other pitcher It went on the same' as before after that and ln the, ninth the Beavers had two out and, their best 'hitters coming up to bat. Zip, the first one- went* over for. a strike.- The batter fouled thé next One. Just orle strike between Eddie , nd'.Basebail's Hal ofFanie. EFddi thought of the rabbit's fot. He pulled it out of bis pocket afid..touehed it to the bail. He threw, It In. Crack and the hall . iled. into the vight field bleacherqs lie was: mad and he, struck out the lastt Unicle Andy had his rabl)its foot re- turned te hlm ln a, way te beave hlm a picture of -palned surprise. Eiddie was s;oon hback te bis car and soon the fatt nian eame out of the erowui. "Such lurk," said Eddie. "Oh, 1 den't know, voung fellow. Tht bail hit me square ln the pocket and 1 haven't anii evidence te held you on.", (Finis) Glee Club W orks Hard on Program for Concert The Gîce club) people are v'ery .busy. This week is the Spring cou ceit, a:nd we are practicing very liard. The concert is to be lheld in the gymti- nasiumn of the H-oward school. The Stolp school comnes to Hjoward to practice. The baléony is full up te> the last step.. Everybody is wri' verv bard to inake tlîis the bcst con- cert we hiave éver lhad. We are goincg te> sing together, "'Leaves of Dain'ty Green" and "Whiere 'er you W.Nalk." We are workitîglhard, and fiope ;I will tuIrti ont nicel3.-.-Marv Louise Schaeffer4l3 Howard. HoId Memorial Progra M-* in Howard Auditorium Last Friday îîîorîing at 9 o'clock the sixth; seventlî, atnd eighthî grades held their Memiorial Day service in Eighth Graders of Howard Vote Pienie "Finest" Both Howard eighth, grades en-7 joyed a woniderf ul af ternoon in thile- Forest Preserve on Harms road,. Weqnesday, 'May 27. After the picri'c, Mrs'. Jones, 8.A teacher, exclaimed that. it wvas. the l)est picnic she ever, went on-: 'e left the Howard s chool in cars about two o'clock. We played basebaîl and had. a treasure hunt ini which everyone participated. We were sent out ini groups at two-minute intemvalsq. The trail wvas marked by d stinations' where directions were hid ecn. Tieý prize was candy bars. We had. dinner about 5 o'>cloçk, the menu being beans, potato salad, hot dogs,. sandwiches, olives, pickles, cake. and ice creani., Each- person brotight a special food and it was, served cafe- teria fashion.-Charles Moreau,Ho- ard 8B. Just a Bit of Dope Concerning Swallows The barn swallows. the .général1 .naine of a family of birds somewhat -resemhling *the ýswiftsý, aIlre found -in. all parts, of the world except the coldest regions.' Thev have, weak feet and legs b 'ut their wings are long inid strong for their power ini flightf. The, tait is a little longer than the, rest of the hodIv. Somie -swallowý,s go near to polar regions in tinunier * They tavei-n large numbers, rc.sting çitnilitinthe woods and rnarshes. Soi-e build in trees, others' bui!d tucco, nests on the under side Ôf- bridges, in barn lofts and such. places.' Tie eggs, four or five in Inumber, are white, somnetinies spotfed, with brown. The NorthiAnîclrican b.artiiswallow ii the. swiftest of Al the fliers. The plumage is blue-gray aholve, ancd chestnut cojorcd beneath., The trec swallow, cliff swallowN, anid tle piir- >le mnartin are fanîiliar, residents of he United States and Canada.--' Eleanor Speredes, 7B Howard. a r I The jiany uuungs in titis roofi. tiere are 1 '-j±aEdie, som: ados fotsoosshîpswateupaný,duthen sprî some-radis, fotstolsship, m, s trides be was g4 paper baskets, lamp holders, necktie "Wlihat are o holders, and even more than 1 have homë, Ujîcle And: mentôned-are there. It was very inj. "I's a delicate. terestih1g.-Patty Lake, Miss Evans' "A deliate t room. *ventien. I -;een *Suhi?" fllania boked__________ ang to hlis feet. il, two rasping a blaek hand PICNIC IN COUNTRY- )u deing se far fromi Last Sunday , we %vent for a picnic y?" * out in the country.. We played lbase- baIl. It was a lot of fun. After, that de Cutied Baptis' .coii- we atteýsupper. Then we wenit home. in de PaPers dat you -B3ilv Dodds, Third. grade, Logan. and canoes.-Norman Evanis, Mis s IFrank's room. SEE DANCE PROGRAM Last Sunday my mother and 1Ien to the Civic Opera to see my cougin and other girls she danced with.-- Sarah jean Curley.