Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 4 Jun 1931, p. 60

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W ANI.T R te,_15 cents a lUne la one paper. 25 cents a lhue ln any two papers. a îo cents a lineInuaal three papers. MIN1M CHARGE ONE DOLLAR. Average of five words to the Une. No black face type used. 10% odIscount on ail cash wlth order advertlseinents when brought te our office at 123a, Central Aie., Wllmette,,or 561 Llnçoln Ave., Wlnnetka.. Se g0nS ClassjfIed advertisemnents will be ao- Deadine foi- Insrtsnscepted'up to: Tu esday 9 b'clock for the WIL.METTE LIFE or ail three papers; Wednesday 9 o'clock for the WINNETKA TALK and Thursday 5 o'clock fur the GLENCOE NEW&. Telphoes:Wilmette 4300, Wiiuietka 2000, Greenleaf 4300 or Sheidrake &687. 8LOUT AND FOUND, LOST - RAY AND RED INDIAN blanket on or near Lake Avenue, WiI- miette. Finder pflease cali imet 1173.2L5-îtc LOST - 4 MONTHS OLD BLACK ANfl whjte wire haired. terrier. Reward. No questions. Phone Winnetka 2829. 2LTN5-ltc REWARD FOR RETURN 0F GOLD key chain aiarked E. T. W. and keys to State Bank.of Wiftnaetka. 2LTN5-1tp 8 BUILDING AND CONTRACTING CARL BENGSTON CARPENTER AND BUILDER REMODELINC AND REPAIRING PHONE WlINNETKA 2480 8LTN44-tfc M USIN"s SERVICK AIl Kinds of Carpenter Work Doue JOHN BOESCH Ph. Wilmette 2166 9LTN36-tft Il DRESPMAKII4S ANY KIND 0F SEWING DONE BY *day or hour. Dressnlaling a special- ty. Call Gletxcoe 543. 11LT15-ltp Dressmaking Remodeling. COLLETTE SOFIURS-Winnetka 1011. 11LTN5-ltp 14 GARDENINO GRMAT ýREDUCTION IN NURSERY e toick. John Otrowsky, 2343. Weàt Park Ave. Highland Park. Phone, Highland Pirk 49. 14LTN6O-tfc TOMATO PLANTS FOR SALE, 25 cents per dozen. '2938 Glenview Rd. near H-ibbard, Wilimette. 1'tL5-ltp 15 INsTRUCTION 26 PIETS GEIRiMANS HE PH E RD (POLICE) mnaie dog, 6 weeks old. Price $25. Can be seen at 120 Crescent dive, Gleacoe. 26LTN5-ltc 33 WEARINQ APPAREL. BOY'S SUIT, 14 YRS. 2 LONG PANTS, boy's oxfords, sizçx 7 ' Girls ramh- coat. 12 yrs. Good -condition. Ph. Wil-, mette 2h2;9.. 33LTN5ltpj 34. CLUBERMEMBEtSHIp, MEMÈIERSÉIPS IN TWO NORTH Shore Clubs at a sacrifice, Write B-64 Boxc 40, Wilmette, Il1I. 34LTN5-it4 85 LOANB LOANS TO PROPERTT OWNERS. Make and buy'lat and Znd nlortgages. EVANSTON BOND & MLTG. CO. 618 Grove St. Greenlaf 5600, 88LTN36-ttc 4'l SITUATrioN WANTED-FEMALE *NURSE MAIDS German girl, 25 yrs. olà Hollaad girl, 37 yrs. uld - Swedish gl'rl, 30 yrs. old *Norweglangirl, 35 yrs. old Dutch girl, 30 yrs. old Scotch girl, 28 yrs, old English girl, 29 yrs. :oId AIl above have . hospital training and. workiag reterence of more than 3 yrs.1 Pauline'~s Agencies Winnetka .,Evanston Lake Forest ýHighlaad Park Ph. Winaetka,2662-3670 HOUSEKEEPER AGE 30 WITH 6 year: child. Exp., good 'cook, reli able xorker. Eýxcellent ref. 1fomne more than high wages. Mrs. Nita Kutzner., Foi-est 1529-R. River Forest, 111. 41LT5-ltpj vvii au ira na ,. aen ç, v. u * . i.. Wilmette 1987. 4lLTN5'lnc WHITE GIRL WISHES GEN"ERAI. housework whole or haîf days, go home nights. Good refer. Ph. Wilmiette 3945 between 8 and 12.a. M. 41LTN5-lnc COLLEGE GTàADUATE DESIRESý PO- sitîon as 'offie worker, clerk or care of chlldren. Ph. Wilmette 965-R. 41LTN5-ltp NURSE WILL CARE FOR INVALID or bed-ridden patient, atý my farm home. Rogers Park,1346.. 41L5.-1tp REFINMED WOMAN WISHIES POSI- tion, as trained,. practicai nu.rse-com- pandon to elderly woman. Ph.. Long- béeh 5723, apt.à610. 4LN-t CULTURED: YOUNG- LADY, EXP. companion, gov. or sec.; city or trav- el;..salary oLntional. Va:n Buren 4442. 41LTN5-ltc WHITE WOLMAN 'WANTS HOUSE- work, Saturdays. Washiag dlshes and servtng in the eve. Ph. Wilmette 9M 41T5-ltp GENERAL HOUSEWOFR OR COOK- ing. Good clty and north shofe refel's. Vietoria Hunter, Douglas 4744. COMPETENT WHITE WýO&AÀN FOR general housework,- excellenit .cook.ý Best ref. Ph. Wilmette 217., 41LTNZ5-ltce EXPRIENCED WOULD LIKE Washing or cleaniag by the da3r. Phi. Wilmiette 1890. 41LTN5-lnc WOINAN WANTS S~TEADY PLACE for Monday and Tuesday laundry wvôrk. Willrette 210. 41L.TN5-ltp EXPER. WOMAN FOR LAUNDRY OR cleaning by the day. Winnetka ref. _Phone Winaetka 1667, 41LTN5-lnc 42 SITUATION WANTED-MALE EXPERIENCED GARDENER BY DAY or houx', also wiadow washing and. houseNvork. Ph. Wilmette 2345. 42LTN5-lne SALESMEN TO SELL *OAKI4AND. Pontiaci and Mvarmnon cars. Good op- portunity te rearn automobile business. Wersted Motor Co. 562 Lincoln Ave. Winnetka. .42LTN5-ltc ,XPR Itý% a nd lh. MNWANTS, WJN- .var .uamstrom. uiencoe 77.. 42LTN5-lnc, 43 BIT. WTD.-MALE AND FEMALE COLORED COUPLE WISHtS POSI- tion, man, chauffeur anld housemain, woman cook, and general work. A-i N.S. references. Ph. Drexel 6U34. 43LTN5-ltp COUPLES 4 -white couples, with reference of 3. tn 7 yrs. PAULINE'AG1ENCY 748 Elm St. ýWfÎinetka 2662 43LTN5-lltc FREE SERVICE TO EMPLOYERS Everythlin lu HI-GRADE HgLP References POSITIVELY INVESTI- GATED., ASK YOUR 'NEIGHBORS LEE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 1631 Benson Ave., Evanston, Davis 8116 UNDER STATE ýSUPERVISION 43LTN5-ltp COUPLE WOULrD LIRE WORK IN' >home. Womani exp. ln gen. hswJf., good plain cook. Man sorne- exp. as butier and houseman. $75 xnonth, room and board. Ph. Winnetka 3341. SIT. WANTED - NEAI' RFLIABLE col. èoulle; e*»erienced. North Shore references. Cal1 .Kenilworth 3961. 43LTN5-ltp EXP. COLORED:COUPLE. HUSBAND, 4uIler, yard -work, chauffeur. Wife, cooking, general housework. N. S. ref. ,.Phone University 6366. 43LT5-ltp' GERMAN COUPLE, EXPER.' chauffeur and..gardener; wife generaI housework, plain cooking, or second inaid. First class ref. Phone Winnetka 101. 43LTN5-ltp COU~PLÉ" COL., HUSBAND CHAUF- feur, houseman. Wife cook, maid. Best city ref. 10 yrs. exp. Normal 4297, G1, White. 43LTN5-Itp 44 HIEL.P WANTEO--PEMALIE ~WANTEb AT ONCE Cooks Secondmaids Nurses General Maids couples husthavegood .worklng ref.. PAULINEIÉ AGENCY ,- 748 Eln i S. Winnetka 2662. 44LTN5-lte YOUNG WOMAIN, WHITE, OVER 18, care of year-old baby during day,- daily and SundaY. Home nlghts. ~Igetrefers. Tel. Winnetka 3155, and rurnisa nered for th( from $200 up. harses guaraz ee- IN FA N TS NURSE HOSPITAL 8 We trained. Best North Shore refe'ence. 'V use Ph. G'reenleaf 3726 rooni 502.- ian* 4lL5-ltp EX] [ces ai AIl EXPERIENCEI) WOMAN WANTS -.SJ u, laundry, or cleaning Mondays and EX. . Wednesdays. Cal! Wilmette 4288 after ýd( 4-ttc -.:30. 4lLTPN5-ltp 7et RIENCED MANWANPS HOUSP garden work. North Sho're ref- ce. Caîl Wilmjette 3C73. 42LTN5-lnc. RIENCED MAN, WASH WIN- $,. care of. lawns, garden work, Winnetka 1552. 42LIÉN5-itp OUNG MAN OVER 23 YEARS 0F age to assist local manager in1 sale of high grade electrical product sold throughout the world. Applicant shOuld have fair acqü,aîntance Ia Wilmette, Winnetka, Glencoe, and Hubbard Woods. ' Address J. C. Zuendel, C/O PElectrolux lac., 4554 Broadway'Chii- cagôs 111. suite 3611, 45LTN4-3tP 1

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