1144-46-48 CentPal Aveuue SIX TELEPHONES FOUR EIVE1E 'EVRYDAY FRIAY<cSATURtDt SPEaCIALS z90 Ibo Ail Wlst-StrictIy Fresb 27 ((Ilampe and. Sanborni) 7 1 M. Tisi 3 0 U~U(Kraft.B<lld) A new produet4 O D 5r e a -lke hore.irnade-tL. jar ~F 90ap,(Amerirafl Famlly) Soap 1le Bars55 Sawdh(KingOscar)17 Vaie s 50 1 n btte1 pi Tomato Ccktalarge Jar3~5 S. jars $1.00 Or Roe ~ief 49 Filet ('apers): ~n Soap Flakes -2 ped.a-sze aligs) 390 p arune Granulated5 0 lUce.Flakes 12 pk250 ]ROyal Ama cherries 1 ravi .Mushroms 390. large fan Potato Sla oIBh Ig"-e, .290 liolled or Standing RII Boast Mnerl._________ Te nfd~* eBet Shtoulder 220 W* Weloome ,Charge Acounts FREE DELIVERY TO WILMETTE .- KENILWORTH .INDIAN BuLLi WINNETKA -, BEDRD WOODS ÇLENCOE the Cook county lune, and east of Waukegani road. Full details regard- ing the place and other features of the meeting wiJj be announced later. The speaker of the evening ivill: be Arthur Poo-rman,, state. commander.. Howard Savage, past national coni- mander, is exrected to be present at the meeting, precedinig which there will be'a. parade, of aIl thc .drum -and, bugle, corps pf the .Seventh, district. Dr. WV. W. Hawkins Of -Wlmette, isthe commander ofý the seventb dis-ý tricti This wiii be the first district, meeting held in Wilmette.. Six Cases of Measies .Reported Wn One Week Six new cases of mea sies, f our. of mumps and one of scariet fever ini Wiimlettewere'reported: by the Xii- mette Health department f or the week endig Tuesday, June 2. The departuient aiso reported that therc are three old cases of scarlet fever stili active in the village. SUFFERS ACCIDENT Mrs. Nan Forester of Chicago, in- terion decorator, met witbl a serions automobile accident in Michigan last Friday nigbt and bas been in thè hospital at Mount Clemens. It was hoped' that, she could becnioved to ber home witbin a week. W- C 'T- U- TfO MPT sourcelJLiess; uuring tUU5 priod oI financial reconstruction the nation is preparing for a tomorrow which will be the most bxilliant era in our bis- tory. These were th e. viewpôints pre- sented by W. Irving ýBullard, vicle- president of the Central, Trust oni- pany., in his talk before the Wilmette Chamber of Commerce at the Ma- sonic. temple. on Monday night of this week. mr. Bullard, who is chairman of the Aviation committee of the United States Chamber of Commerce, rep- re5ented the Wilmette Chamber re- centl y at Atlantic City during the an- inual meeting of the, United States Chamber of Commerce.: He reported that, everyone wbo attended was there to contribute to one cause-that of prosperity. .Pointing out. that a great problem now is to find ways, of consumning ail that we produce. Mr. Bullard showed how -new and. vital uses- are being mnade of the vast supply of raw mia- teniais which 'the, wonld is producirig. NEW Q. C.,-MEMBERS Two new mem.berships ýreceived by the Wilmette Chamber of Commerce, during. the, past month were *announ-, c.ed by 1B. T. Clark, secretaryi ,,t.tl.e regular-meeting ini the Masonicé tem- ple on Monday night. The new ileni- bers are the Chicago and North' Western railway, and the Wilmette Auto. and Reconstruction company, 1207 Washington street. W innetka and Wil.nette W. Miss Irene Christophel is home J. will mecet withi Mrs. Cha rles fromn Sullins colIlege, Bristol, Vai. ail of 1195 Tower' road, Hub- She.will pass the summer vacation Vo'ods, at 2 o'clock Monday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. on, This will be the annual George M., Christophel, 201 Golf ter-w ~with election of officers. race. 4 i Wilauette I.. êTeang Co* 133 MaSt. Y. me tPU'opo WL 53 .nonl Utter