Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Jun 1931, p. 10

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Fur-Trirnred Coûts b'y our exrperts,,for ',-We also soften skins, when furs are damaged byý steam or dried out by heat. No depostà required on re- pairing, remiodel1ling and. relining. Now is the ti me, while, ourwork-rooms are, flot crowded. lia. B.OKEAN" FU RIRIERtS, lma 548-550 LINCOLN AVE. Tel. 'Winnetka 2752 WILME"TF. 141E. Dear Citizens: It sems to be the plan of the Vil- age board to empioy a full time "Vil- lage Engineer" and inake the enforcing of the Building and Zoning ordinances part of his duties.,The qualifications f or this new offiiai seem to.be based entirely u pon his experience'in miunic-, ipal engineering and public ,works and the other dutieés are to he nmere- lyv incidentai. The De.partment of Building and the Zoning law erîforcenient are more im- portant to the property \owvners thaiî the Work of a municipal engineer .and these f unctions should be, given. prop er considerat ,ioni in the selection of an enîployee for WVi.lage Engiineer." There are no laws iin this Village that have as much influence in the protec- tion of property values and the healthi and safcty of our people as these lawvs and the person Who administers: thern slîould l)e îwoperly qualified and'should he a property owner, in this Village. A person wb;o has had no experi ence in thie actual building of buildings is not quaiýlified tô administer the build- ing ordinances and the people of the V'illage ucannot aff ord to allôw any. in sympathy with the zoning laws and ivho has a vital and personal interest in their enforcement should be _given this trust. The Village has had the e xperience, of allowing a, Village employee té, handie the' Building law enforcement and',the Zoning lawv enforcemenst along with, his other duties and it has proven a, failg.re, as evidenced by the f act that the Buildingý ordinancëes, :as revrised iu 1924, created a Building dep)artmenit.iii- dependent of any other departmnent in the Village organization and caused the appoiritment of a building, commis- sioner, and that 'the new Zoinig ordi- tiance, wvhich- is at present hef ore, the Village Board for adoption, naines the Building Commissioner as.the Zouingý Enforcing officer. The failure .of this Village employee té enforce tlie,.Zon- ing laws is evidenced bythe large num-, ber of ,'"Boot.leg Flats" that are niow unider investigation .4y a, special Conl- rnittee of the ýVillage board." I have no special interest in the ap- poiitment of a "Village Engineer'" and have not investigated the desirability or necessity of such ain office butt 1I do ohject to the doing away wiflî thîe and Zoning ignforcîng ôomcer to kecp* an engineer busy, it -is reasonable-to'. believe that a full tirne "Village En- gineer ' P is flot practical or necessary. The work of the Building commnissionier and Zoning. Enforcing officer will, tgke haif of the time of a full time eni- plopyee so I.cannot sce lioW or wvhy lie can be called a,"Village Engineer" and be expected to handie the amount of municipal engineering that is now hie- îing handled by outside,.organizations,. Our 'present Building and Zoni n laws are 'obsoiete. Th~e Zoning laws are. being revised lbut the Building' laws wiIl have to be, revised during the present ve ar to )ring them Ul) to date.- It will take someon meI or soi!negroup,.familiar with local prob- lems to do this,,and the bulk of the ýwork ivili fali'on the building Cil- forcing officer. Let mue, suggest that the' Buildiing (lepartmient be.reorganized under the plan, set 'forth i-n the Building ordin- ances of .1924, with the BIuilding comnnssioner as the head ýof -the de- partrnent and mith the plunmbing and[ electrical inspector under his super- vision.' That the 1)reseint Fl1ectrical ATTACTVE EAT PRICES FINEST -QUALITY'MEATS- CONVENIENT LOCATION. CREDIT CAN BE ARRANGED- Our Delivery Service Is FREE SALE FRIDAY and SATURDAT, JUNE 12413 Doneless RolIod Rib Roast Deef ............0c: Standing Rib Roaut Deef- Special 27e Ail Fa uoy Corn Fed Yearlinig Deef. Other Cut% i ~atIie Beef phone CITYMRECO mâmà

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