ail amateur gardeners, a complete list, of ribbons being awarded to non-mem- bers of the Men's Garden club, and a bronze medal going to the non-member winning thie nist points. *The shoy is open to the public with- out, charge and* there is no f ee f ore- tries, norr nust en tries be madle in ad- vance. If flowers are brmght tu the conservMtory by 10 o'c ocC in the rnorin- ing june 13,'they may ý e entered and will be staged Ilth . 1omnittee. The Men's. Garden club is composed of Chicago business men vv.ho are in-. terested, ingardening,, and ,who rmeet once ceacli month at lu nch to discuss their hobby.anci hear talks on varions phases ouf it. Van N.. Marker, presi- dent of an electric supply company, is presidenit., Members. include profes- sioqal and business men in many lines, living in and around.Chic ago. Entries are desired of peon.ies of alV colors and types, bearded irises, beard- less irises, 'roses, .hules, pyrethrum, primulas,- poppies,, violas, colum bines, disies, delphiniums, herocahlis, lies- and any other tlowers in blootfl at the titue of the showv. A prerhium list mnay be obtained by application to James IH. . Burdett, corresponding secre- tary, Room 1311, 130 No. Wells St. The flower commiittee consists. of 0. V. Morgan, chairman; Arthur F. Bronwell, W. A. 'Schuekr, W. F. G alitz, J. Warren Isett, Sidney 'r. Co1llns, Jr., and G. E. NicKana. Children's Sehool Has Prograrn for Parents *Cildreii of the fourth, fifth and s,xth grades of the Children's school, National College of. Education, en- *tertainied their parents and friends Friday evening, june 5, in1 Harrison hall-. An original draniatization .i the "I<nights 'of the Silver Shield" was given by the sixth grade in the *Mýargaret Farrar auditorium at 7:15., and at 7:45 the fifth grade 'presented an original play "Westwvard Ho l" in the Jean C. Arnold auditorium. The stage setting and costumes, as well as the plays, have been worked out by the. children in connectic'n with their study of histor.v. The fourtb earth xear the habitants of ti of him. For done; lie con fast" (Psahms stand ii , and il and it Among' the citations which ýcom- prised the lessôný-sertnon w as, the following from the -Bible -"To.,Whom then will ye liken mfe, or shallI be equal? saith the Holy One., Lif t up your eyes on:high, and behold who bath created thesé things, that bring- .etb out their host by numnber.: lie calleth 'them ail by nrames by- the greatness of- bis might, for that he, is strong in power; flot one faileth" (Isaish -40:25, .'26). The lesson-sermon also included' the following passages from the Christian Science, textbook, "Science and Health« with -Key to the Scrip - tures," by Mary Baker Eddy: "Mind is flot the auithor of matter, and the creator, of illusions.. Either there is no omnipotence, or omnipotence is the Qfly powver. God is the- infinite, and infinity neyer 1,egan, witl never end,.and includes nothing unlike God", (p. 249.). CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SERVICES "God the Preserver of Man" will be the subjeç.t at the services in the First Church of Christ, Scientist, in Wilmette Sunday morninig, junie 14, at Il o'clock. Suniday school con- venes at 9 :45 ,o'clock. Spevul Vour VAATiON Amid Scenes of Matduless Grandur .- the. I.vigoratig Air of Uthe Mjghty COLOIRADO 9OCIES C.0tDb EiNfLIJXE I---- ----- - - ---- -- -- -- -- -- --- eÂIEK% O vles n j $25. SECOND FLOOR i- glxi