cKI*a cl bets and 50 Matching Envetopes, SpeciaI, $1 Stotionory-Pirst Ploor Enameled Compacts $2 .50-$3-$5 Just as dainty as they can bo. Any sh"wiII welcome a new loose-powcler compact., Cigaret Cases' $1.50 to $5 hIn Sies for women these cases offor a choice of cielicatelY tinted onamfel. Germany, cor A..Special, Purichase at E.xt ra ordinarily Novel .Picture FTrames 75ctO$ Exquisu 1te frames. these, to add aà.Iightful note. to any table. mantel o6r desk. Memo Pad 75c- $1,50 Teyre of, enam. eled leattier. na convenient sie. Clocks a.i $3. $4, $12 Charming pnameled cases. andý -excellent timepiece's. too. Diaries. $1.50 *Rich ieather bindings adorn t hes e diaodes. *Others, 75c and $2.60. me. ntëresting Lof Sam pie June PJ Gis, r ices! BrusFies witlî Holders 75c to ,$4 This wise old owl, gùards a clothes 'and hot brush for "him.' Other equally novai holders -with' brushes-are avaitable a? -l-w rices.- Cigaret Box, Anyone would appreciate one of these Iovely enameled boxes for den or living room. And, Oh, Ash Tray Sets $6--410 Most unusual 'n shape and enameled finishi. So Many. M'ore!f If w. could only descrbe to you t-he many unique and fasciating articles awaiting selectioni There are few dupli. cats-es-so any .gift you sélect is certain to prove ;ndividual. And these prices for imported gifts are wonderfully IowI Gift Shop- Fit-si Ploor Ot her .Initialed Gft Compacts f or June Sle-Trimmed oilet S et $3750 Occas-io-ns Qive 'Em aNew Kodak, Davis Sf re.I -Shop With a :Charge Account in June- Wlete10 I V 4.ý ' 1. -i F lrom: Dav6 . Stréof Wilm.effe 1:1'00