New Wi Crepe Frocks' Yes, they, do compare, favorablyý- with the..frocks for which w. pad atas twice as much a agol Every on. is vogue-sponsored .. every one is prac- tical and washabte. Davis Streef Included in' tbs group ýon. fitids. thi. important jacketf rock, -the .swagger sports mode. the daintyi, smple after- noon dress, achieved in white or deli- cite pastel-finted washable siIk crepe. econd IPloor Stor.é Hours, 9 A. . to 6 P. M.-Saturdays, 9 A. M. fo 9ý P. M. Luggage,, Makes The. Ideal Gif t! GIadston eBag, R.gularly priced ai $7.95 thes. bùgs of ginuine black or brown cowhide have sfurdy leather sftaps. Fibre, Suitcases at $3,39, Of vulçao- ied black fi- bre are these suicases with leather straos. Th.y are the convenient, si"#. r.gularly priced at $3.95. Overnight Cases, $ 49 WiIm.t100 IO $7'90, $6-794