Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Jun 1931, p. 1

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LEGION PLANS GALA. SESSION Posts ofSeventhDistrict to Hold Joint' Meetingý in Wilmette June .17. By J. B. Stanton Wý'ednesdav eveing, June 171- will lea. gala e vent for the American Legion local 'ly, because on that eve- ning Wîlmet.t.pôpst Noô. 46 Will en- tertain thle Seventh district organiga'- tion of the Legion. The eent is Aurther sigpificant because it is the'. first meeting of the district* to lie hield here sinceDr. W'. W. 1awkins, .(,f 1. Xilmette post, ,bas 'been district commaànder. The Sexventh district consists of. al 'posts norili of Montrose avenue, Chii- co south of the Cook, County line, and east of -Waukegan, road. The festivities- will begin' with a parade. which will form. at the,:Xil- î m ette Village hall -at 7A:5.ý The parade will consist.of the drum and bugle corps of 'Wilmette,' Northtown, Ses;terlienn,Nle town-shîp and Ev- * anst ou posts, the Junior Legion of. Ev,\ans'*ton post, a.nd the m-enilierslip1- of aIl thec posts in thé district. Hopp la MarahI. Har\,ev, Hopp, past commander of Wihpiette post,. wvill be parade nar- shal. :The parade will start at 7 :30 march-, ing east on Central avenue fromi the 'Village hall to -Ninth street; north on Ninîh street -to Lake avenue ;>west. onr Lake, avenue.to Park.avenuùe>; south on Park avenue to Wilmette, avenue, and east 'on Wilmette avenue to the I.0.0. F. hall, where the meeting will be hield. The. parade m-ill 'le reviewed en 'route l)v State Commiander Arthur G. Poormian and District Commander W. W.. Hawkins, and' possilily also liy Past National Commander How- ard P. Savage. At the meeting, which vill begun And a fitting conlcuSon t ithe ceremonies wiW be the eats, of course. Whule a meeting of th de entire seventh district, this meeting is open to ail Legionnaires, as well as, non- member ex-service men, who are urged to attend. This will be probabily the biggest Legion meeting ever heid in Wilmette, and a good time is 'inl store, for.everybbOy. SCOURGE HITS OAKS Fungus Growth Threatens Many Fine Trees in Wilmette; Villa ' Mýanagér Nakes Survey Anthracnose, a. fungus disease, is attacking scores of fine oak trees iii Wilmette, according to Villaie Man- ager C. M. Osborn, Whotis0e 'called in tree experts to make a gen- eral survey to deterine 'theý extent. of the. spr ead of:the diseasei. White burr oaks and- swamp' white oaks areý paricularly susceptible to the (istase, whiZtr-is. regarded as the .wrtscourge affecting trees because of the extreme difficulty in effectinig comnplefe etadication. The, southwest section of 'the vil- lage. has been mo st, seriously affécted by the disease, accord ing to Manager Os born. -Village officiais can do littie in making a thorough,.cleaning okut of the scourge according to Manager Osborn; because o f lack of -enabling nieasures to permit work on private property. It is felt ýlikeIy, however, that con- certed action by proper.ty owners mnay be obtained. in order to eliminate the disease,. al' oak, trees, . even thougli only. slightly a ,ffected, àmnust lie trimmed and sprayed, while in instances wliere the scour_-e lias run its full course, it is advisabile to destroy the tree affected. Recurrence. of the disease in succeed- ing 'ýea!%ons is the rule, accordinrg to the experts, and trees seldom survive twNo or three attacks. Huerter Legionnaires Plan July 4th Frolie Arrangements are being macle by Peter J. Huerter'Post No. 669, Amier-» ican Legion,« f or a g ala Eourth of Julyý celebration.. Eventsý of the da ,ilbgin with a, street procession beginning at' 10 o'clock. 'Other acti- vities will be held in and about Hloif- mnan hall on Ridge road. Detailed information regarding the frolic is to lie made public in the near future, it. is announced.' PLAN CHURCH PICNIC The annual nicnic of tlie Sundav~ Music Page --.... ..36 Public Forum ý .... 10-11 Recreation.... ... i46-47 Society Pages....38-39 Diplonias Ready for 183 Students Tomorrow, Night .Oixe hundred and, eighty-three ,p i- pils are anxiously awaiting. their turns to receive diplomias at the, ai-. nùal eighth gràde commencement exerceises., of the Wilmette Public schools tomorrow (Friday) nighit. The. exercisesý- will be held 1ini't he HoWard school gymnnasium starting at 8 o'clock. Henrv E. Cutier, president of the Wilmette board of education. will present tbe 'diplonias. *Supt. J. R. Harper will present the class. The invocatioftiwill be given 1wv the Rev. Johin G: Hinldlev of the.-First 'Con-, gregational, chtrcli of- Wîimette. A list of the 1931 graduates of the Wilmiette Puiblic.schools appeared in last iveek's issue of WILMEfÉtTE LrmE The programi for the commiencemient excercises, also published last wieek Mn this paper, 15 repeated: Prograjn Procession i-Grand March. Ahr School Band Inoctin....... Rev. .1. G. Hindley Choral. Respone- Suppliant ,, I'hýy Children> Bend......... Ciass of 19. .Moar Aftoni Water*.;..-..,,,....Hm Old King Cole........ Old English Air Caaof 1931 Suite............... ..Handel Schooi Orches tra Largo, From Xerxes .... ..... Handel Where E'er Ye Waik, Fromi Class of .1931 and School Orchestra Presentation of the Class. J. R.,Harper presetatin ~f Supt. of Schools Diplmas.......Henry E. Gutler Pres. Board of Education L4ya!tS,' Song...........Class o« 1931 CHILDREN'S DAY Children's Day will 'be. observed at the regular services in the First Con-ý gregational. church Su;nday .'morning, June 14.. A special program lias' been arranged for the o>ccasioný and ýDr. Johin G. Hi'ndley the pastor, wiýl give the address. ing those wnose adverrise- ments appear regularly ini this paper you are assured of the utniost in service and quality workmnanship. WILL VOTE ON SCIIOOL BONDS Wilmette Board of Education Announces Speciali Election. Next Monday The Wilmeëtte' board, of education will hold a, spécial élection Monday, Juneý 15, for the, purpose of voting on, the ý proposed 'issuance. of bonds to the amount of $44,000, to -build an ad- 'dition to the Howard school, and also. 'to vote on issuing bonds of .$12,000 to *pay' an encumbrance against the for- mer Sanderson pr operty at 914 Cen- tral, avenue *now owned by the 'schools. The school population in'the west-> ern section of the'*village is increas- ing at, a rapid rate,. and more, class- rvoms are1 needed to adequately ac- "ommodate the .enrrol'hnent ekpected at Howard school next f ail, Supt. J. R. Harper said. this week. 1It is, proposed to b'uild a six-room, classroomn addition above the present'. estory. wing wich extends in a. 'westerlv direction from, the main unit of the Howard building. The board of education feels that now is a good time to build, because of the low price of -materials. The' encumnbrance against the for- mier Sanderson property, which the board proposes to eliminate by the issuancë of the bonds to the aniount of $12,000O, is represented by a first* mortgage ag ainst the property. This property was purchased last year, and the former Sanderson residence now- houses the Playground and Rec- reation board offices on the second floor and kindergarten rooms on thé first floor. PolIs for the élection will be op 1en from 12 -o'clock noon - until 7 o'ýclock in thée evening at the Wilmette Vil- lage' hall. Advises Owners to a Arthur Stark, superinitendent of the Wilrnette English Lutheran churchi Sunday school, will lie the principal speaker at Childreni's 'day sev'ices to lie held Sutiday m orning, june 14, begirining at 10:45 o'clock. There will lie' an off ering for, the. Nachusa Lutheranorphanage.

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