egolt course1 r is now havi intencis ta bu Valuable 'business property figured this week in a sale of the Johînson. Motor Service :garage, located at:666 Vernon avenue, between Park and Hazel ýave»ues, o pposite the. Glcncoe NIige hall. The land bas a frontage on Vernon avenue of, fifty feet and is improved .with, a two,-Mtory brick building. The seller was Rudolph, Kurschner, the tâte was taken by the Foreman State Trust and Savings, bank for an, undisclo-sed purchaser, the consideration being withheld., The residence at. 570 .Stonegate Terrace, Glencoe, was sold. by Frank G. Cooban to J. Walter Nelson of Wilmette. Trhe considération is flot disclosed. The ýproperty .is located in what is known as "Eiglishi Vil- lage" and consists of a,' two story white brick residence ýof English architecture and was crected several vears ago by Fredènick A. Cooper. ;É'he purchaser takes possession July 1. These three sales ,Aere Made b)y Carl L Lochner of the Glcncoe office, of 'McGuire and Orr. D.A. R. to Mark Grave of Revolutionary Soldier Th le grave of, Aaron Alineri a Rev- *olutionary soldien who died in Elk Grave, Ill., Manch -29, 1849, will be rnarked with a Plgrim granite bob!- der, iniscribed, by the General Henryl Dearborn chapter, Daughtens of the! Amnerican Revolution of Chicagô. om Satunday, june 13, in commernlor- *ation of Flag Day. Aaron MJiie wvas born in Woodbun\-, Conn., o11n March 22, .1757, and is buried in Elk, Groveý cemnetery near Arlington Heights, * A pro graým has . been a.rranged. by Miss Martha -Parkr,ý -chairnian of the conimittee in change, an'd. will consi§t of the si.nging of several pa- *triotic sangs and short speeches by the Rev. H. A. Kossack, pastor of tie Presbyterian church'of ArlIing- ton Heighits, and L\rsý Vinton E. Sisson of Winnetka, niational vice- chairman of the National .Defense been a member of the sta -ff of "The Sandspur, " Rollins' weekly news- paper, the debating team and fresh- man basketball squad, He is a mem- ber of Kappa Phi Sigma fratetrnity. This-summer Karnopp,.intends to wvork in his father's chocolate syrup factory in Chicago agshsipping.clerk. He .will returnta Rollins 'in'the',fali. Ry Jarrett of 534 Essex road bas returned to Kenilwtirth f rom a busi- ness trip to Cleveland. New Trier HgiSdhol BegIinrs are tangbit Iiow to mwhs 8wiumers beoîne better swlmmers 1D1ingu go.taujht to al REGISTER AT ANT -TIllE For informastion cmli .Mr . Jakson Winnetka 2400 DaiIy Evenings,ý University 6448 tidie îr Vuilting cluu on l members of; this club are tna. veny interesting designs in Inieet every week. Mrs. R. L. Fowler of 16 Warwik a venue, Kenilworth: lef t Sunday, June' 7; or aitLake City,, where she will visit her f.Ither. Man Office 1150 CENTRAL AVENUE* Phone Wilmeffe 3 710 or 704 &Pant-W-AUKEGAN & WEBSTER AVES., Highwood, Ili. Phone Highland Park 3710f VCATION CLANIN L O0K througk your ýWardrobe. YouIll find many things that neeci only a skillful cleaning and pressing to make.them- as smart as théy were the day you boughl lhem. You Can cul your.*vacation'e.x- penses conisiderably- by mWaking sensible u se of ERMINE Clean - inq-that means fewer cloihes f'o buy! I 1 eý_ia s. ana 1