Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Jun 1931, p. 31

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jean Hystop Rumry, rhythnis; Viggo Bovbjerg, manual tra.ining, and the followinjg rooni directors : Nursery schoo, Miss Edithi Mad- dox; junior kindergarten, Miss .Anne DeB3lois; Senior kinidergarteni, Miss Miriamh Brubaker; Fir-st grade, Nellie *Bail; .Second grade, Miss Dorotliv XXTeëler; Thiird- grade, M iiss Mary Gonnerman: Fourth grade, MisS: Violet Rush; Fifth grade, 'Miss Edith Fo'rd; Sixtli gra de, Miss Elizabeth * Springstui.' The inorniiig recreation, groups o he. ie.ld during the four weeks. J une 15 to' July 10, are. proving of espe- cial initerest. il is stated'. Theé folloxv%- ipg suggésts sîne of. the activities b lit undertaken by varions age gzroups: NVind( and vvater liold a, fascination for chihiren in, the kindergarten and first grades and1 during the iar.1 weathier wlien thev cani p)lay ini the .%ater,. ail(l: experin-Iienit wîtlî, hoats, kite .s and fieroplanies, this will prof)- alv be onle of their -major activities. *The chîldren, will 2t1,() eiijov, plaving * ivth pets. mnakinig birdl houses and( rabbit hutelies an(l caring for chick- ens, guinca âis )rI nd, other pets., .ow'i ;îg 1h ii gs-animials. or plant s -ý-arc, of intcrcst to Ille cliild of 7 ô r 8 and open tI) the possîiliy gardenis; gardleui sals NI( i~t ponds and aquariums to )ccomicý ac- * quaiintc( with fishi andl other wvatur life. Thesc clildren cnjov planning bhe menu and prel)aring lunch for picinics in the forest preserve or, for- beach p)arties-iiidlenta1lly lcaring somnething of food values. GeographyN pid litiy(r-s dust, disliked stul)jects?, Not t10oy alnd',girls of ý9 and l.12,wlvhÔ spd .a summiier gettinig acquIaint-,ed Wibl i, Clii - cago, past and, presenît-visit. ils, land,- miarks, dram atize .the' events of, ils. history and learii enougbi of thé ,, gorapliv of the surrounding t erri- tory to understand ilts p)osition. *Clay nmodeling, out-of-door sk-ctchl- ing ,trips, mi-ual training, p 1)ay- ground gaines, folk dancing and * music will eiirichl the progran and 'il ýùîiss B et! v Rrown of walniette 1: thre delorat ron-mt IJUinois Eptsilon chapter of Pi Beta l'hi and M'rs.. D. S. Suittot, .of Ph'aIstbnI, is the deIlegaite front tti North .Sh ore Aliimnj;aec clb Oîf Pi J3ta Piîi the tliirtù.yth conv-entioni of:Pi Beta Phi f raternit at A'sbiirr Park, N. J., The delegates Nvill 1eav~e Chicago on, a special tr ain on June 21. They wil1 stop at the Berkeley-Carteret hôtel in Asbury Park, where onc thousand (lelegates will register. Others attcnding 'froin the norîli shore will he: Alice James of WViliette and Mlarjorie Barclay, Frances Coleman andI Sara \'Velliver of Evanlston. Pi Beta Phi is the oldestoi woan s f raternity,. being founded in 1867. Botb. the active chapter at 'Norbhwestern andl thie North Shore Alumnae club work to support the Settiemnent school at G'atlinhuùrg, Tenu.,,an.inistitution found- cd tô educate and belp thepeople of the Trenne-ssee mountain district; Mrs. W. H. Williams of 614 Lari- ston rôad, Kenilworth, lbas. as ber. guiest, ber sister. Mrs. Lawranée. SUMMERTIME, IS PICNIC TIME-No, picnic is complete. withouf one -of our.-luWeous ROAST SUGAR CURED HAM.S 'Already roald nd ready fo serve 8 LBS. GUARANTEED, now prced. at 4O. Indo.d the town's outstanding valu, evrybody, loves - ifs ingering, sweetness. Plan lào take on. wtb you on your next outing. (OSCAR MAYER'S hams us.cI .xclusivly-sug.r- cured- -ighbkon our premises.) Poiid Orrington at Davis, lEvanston, Illimnois I IceC

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