washable in the most satisfactôry se 1nse of the word.. ..one, piece, sleeveless sports models, trimmed. tontras'-, ingly with ftclings and'app liques. *..in white, naturaol maize, blue and green. Weareble .wheneveér you want t fgtrn out'ait your best--.for ani affer.- noon cf bridge, shopping.or aII'day'oùtdoor sports. In» te Apparet Section-LORD'S--Sécond'Ploor $ Sizes14to20 Hats ol DANDY ELECTI TIýE PRESSERS, Sýummýer are bath smarf and pra cticail for week-ends in the country Fa brics $5 loule . .Piques . . . Linensi Light and* ool to: wear, easy to pack and mosF charm- ig with s portscths.Wie-or, pastel. iades 'or ýcombinations of both. li the Millinery Section-LR'-Sc P loor WHITE ENAMELED .Y 39C REFRIGERATOR' DISHES,. House'wmres Section-LORD'S-Pirst Floor,ý East Rooin rS-1zI.PE Is the na 4of a beautifýjul Iri- sheer S-Ilk s$ig-with a newC very individu friped welt- 94c 'k (<'-J, 14 - e You1I Lose Yourt Heart to Thus, Silýk Blouse $595 Port Iitle scallops- fis thls utterly femnininie double-breasted fiat çrepe blouse, wfth ifs cunning revers, short steeves and glass butions. mn white# yellow. pink or, eggshell-colors. Sizes to 42. In the Blouse' Sectioi-LORD'S-Second Ploor Gardon' in the Hosiery Section- oo ta'16.' As wel1 as regulation white, bIue, tan and green collar-attached shrfs for dress up. A big group at,$t. In the Boys' Section-LORD'S-Pirst Ploor colors in sizes to tit ai- most every Iamp. j o In the Giftwares-LORD'S-FPirst Ploor, Davis St. I