Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Jun 1931, p. 35

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ftralitiIcjC, wiua mooJI~uV a.venIue, and James T. Seng, 1222 Chestnut avenue. Each of the threé lias beev a1 student at St. John's for the past. two years, and ail three have been active in athletics. Coris.,blasparticipated in junior and liglitweight footbl)l, and. %as onie .Of the lightweigbt basketball five last wia. er. Senig went out for academy Aootball last faîl, having played wth oîieof tlhe minor teanis ýduring bis: first year *t St. Jolil's'. He was alsô a memnber of the light-. weight ,basketball sqluad, Iast , winter. and this spring hielhas. played lef.t fieki on the academy basebal itie. Krafthefer lias plaved on threc academny tcamns during the l)ast year. H-e played end on the academv ftoot- ball teami, guard orY the acadenw bIas1- kethaîl teanii, and during the 1ast spring'hlas played tennis for the academy in both singles anid,,doul)les, "*Krafty" also I)articipated: in junior football and lightweighlt basketball during Iiis first year at 'St. John's. Commnencemient Opens l'une Il Commencement at St. Johntis tIiis, yeropens. on 1Thursday, JulieIl. with tei)reseitatioii of iNvo one- act plays I1w the cadets'.dramatic çýr- gaiiizat.ionl, the, Swaggerstick club>. The plavs chosen. this vear were " Niglit at an Inn," 1w Lord Dunisaiy. 'and ~ Sülbmerged.", bv -H. Stuart Cottmnan anid ,IeV1ergne Shaw. Medals:and prizes are aNvarded to the two lower classes of the academiy tiiat evening, 'iol1owing the parade. Friday will be Fi eld. day, -and events . will include an intra-miural track and field ineet, basebail gaine. and crew race. Class stone exer- dcses, a ceremionv whichi is amiong the oldest traditions, of St. John's. wl be hel.d Friday' evening. SaturdaN, ktiown ias Nlilifar3, Day, ill sec. demionistratioiis.of the cadets' varjous mlilitarv activities. and on Sunday., followinig the conîipetitioni for the oratory miedal and the. awarding of the reiniininedals 'and prizes, îlie 'la", of: 1931 ilf ecive. their di- fflomias ini the St. John'*s Victory \féiiorial chiapel. wl Othier Wilmnette bovs who .vl e tuiru to St. John's for another vear are Joseph P. Klein, 2003 Chestniut st«ree.t; Thomas S. Temple,. 702 which is located at 65)0 North Clarkc street, Cicago-a refuge for stray aniima-S.' Chairman of 'the box comnmittee was Mrs. William B. Sturgis wbo was asssted by Mýs. Ogden J. Armour, Mrs. John J. Mitchell, Mrs. Eanmes MacVeagh, Mrs. John Jay A bbott, Mrs.' William Ennis and others. ".Outboard Stunting"-famlily. "An imal World of Make' Bell eve"- Lflhly. '!Diamond XExperts"-f-aniIly. "Fight to Live"-family. "Water Bugs"-famlly. "Facing the,. Oallows"-famlty. c4JP~aftcd~ stock avenue, Kenilwortb It 5. for commencement at the sity of Colorado. She is a the Kappa Kappa Gamma She. will make some visits west before returning home. You will Brt b. attracted by the pure white Porcelain-on-steel finish of Frigidaire, inside as weIt cas out. It is beautiful with a whiteneqs and lustre which years of service wiIl not mari Vet yoo wiIU soon Ieam, that enduring beauty is but on. of the. 25 advantags which make Frigidaire the. truly Adlvanced Refrigerator. Coin. in and'let us demonstrate ail of the inusual fectures isted below. 1 Porcelain-on-steel inside and out for lii.- time beauty. 2 A umooth, Riat top--easy to ke en I 3 Deuign to hannonize with any Iitchen., 4 Acid and stain-resisting,, u.amless porc.- lain interior. 5 The CoId Control-for extra. fast freezing. 6 The. Hydrator-for freshening vegetablu.. 7 The. Quicicube c. Tray-for releasing ice. cubes instantly. 8 Surplus power for every ne.d-juut. as in the. modem, Iigh-powered automobile. 9 Extremely quiet operotlon. 10AIl mechanisni encosd and out of sight. ilEconomicat opëration. 12 Cconveniently elevtd.Fôod shelves. 13' Ample Iood storige upalce. 14 High-sped Ireezing unit for desserts and Ice cubes., 15 Beautiful, poliuked, tray fronts thcat seau in the coUd. 16 Metal freezing trays specially freated to f D)OW'lÇTOWiN DISPLAY ROOM: 11N. Mlchlgan Ave. Tel. Bandoliih 4951 Evaflstofl .161 Shei'anan Ave. - Greenleaf 4480 W. G. Beyrer - - 1131gps irai Ave.. Wilmette 81 Hubbard WVoods- 984 IlInden Ave. - Wnusetka 1&12 Publie Service Company et .NortberaIMinuois ai ail their oMees. WH eN YOU BUY AN ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR BE SURE THAT UT IS PORCELAUN, Univer- ýuest at bouse. in the ~ration FRIGD AIýRE appeals to Most women for thesé 25resos.W.woukidlcto, have your pinion, too

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