Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Jun 1931, p. 40

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Curtail Sweets at Camp Andree Clark-Ruling. Fifty ce nts a week for sweets alid. fruits is plenty for* Girl Scouts Who are planning to ipend their vacation time at, Camp Andree Clark, nation- ai! Girl Scout camp, at Briarcliif Manor, N.« Y., -according to the ruling of the national organizatiôn. The camp dietitian provides _plen1ty. of sweets in the menu, so, more than fifty cents spending moneyfor extra tid-bits is frowned upon. Because Andree Clark, sixteen year old daughter. of Senator and Mrs. William A. Clark was a Girl Scout when sbe died andlef t in lier diary the story, of hn.,ý much, Girl Scouting, meant to lier,, her parents gave. the site, for Camp Andree to, the national organizationii i ler memory. It is , sed as a national experi- mental camp whetre iiew ideas are tried out and. if acceptable are then introduced througboutý the field to the quarter of a miillion Girl Scouts in the national organization. Camnp Andree is restricted to girls from fotirteen to eighteen years of age Who have passed or are qualified to pass their second class Girl Scout test. The girls at Campii Andree live ,as muclh like pioneers as possible. They -go down a long hill to their mnarket. to shop; chiop ail of their own fire woocl; nake their own ires, cook their own ineais, budget their allow- ances and the troo ps plan ail sorts of hikes and exploiatiohs for thein- selves. I Troop News I TROOP 4 (Winnetka) As archcry promises to. be olne of the more - opular, sports tis su mezr;, Girl Scouts are alrc«dy trying oitt thrir .b ozc st rings. A bove 1 a Westfield, Y. J. Girl Scout is learning how to "nock" an. arrow, ler ins;tru-etor betig .Airs. Donald Beicher, also of Wcstfield, wvinnier of many archery competi-, tions. An Expert Shows.How and. snowedulus now'to imake anke ex ~y surenc 1Ubi somejob Uin 10k'11 some but found. the stores closed as wild fiowers (we had permission) for rolis because our troop is going on' after the outfit. it was onîy a quarter to six. We their rock gardens and we played an overnight bike Friday. There Wben we arrived some of the- girls returned and went to two barbecue tili about 5:30 when some of tbe were not enougb blankets for every- stayed in the woods and made sup-' stands and did finally get some su- motliers came for us. We returned body to do it at' once so it took per wbile the others went to the gar for our cocoa. After breakfast borne baving had just a wonderful quite a long time. When we were barn to make tbe beds. We climbed we played baseball, dodge bail, and time, but 'quite ired. We hope to go ail~~~~~~~~ sueta ecolnaete ln pito t. ant make the otber games to get warmed up. At on another trip some time inte al ket- roll and tie it up we bad tbe beds and discovered wben WC finished, e o'clock. Miss Jiumpbries and theé-jean Gordon, Scribe. Fear Greatest Enemy to Hiker iLost in Forest The would-be woodsman with lit- tle, caution and less-craft is always apt to find himself some summer. sunset standing.with divided feet at a spot where the trails -fork and: there is, nothing familiar on the earth bout him. - Lost l Ites incredible when it hap-. pens for the.'frst timeand the ama-, teur may be pardoned: if a primitive fear grips him at the' prospect -of speniding a night in a strange wood. He will. be lucky if he does flot lese' bis nier .ve as well as bis supper and. suifer a seem ing eternity of the agony called panic. The observant- amateur will find, after the first shock is over, that sub)conscious.ly bis senses bave blazed a return trail by means of an'un- usual tree,_a fragrant shrub, a stone pile, a patcbh of moist eartb. The ex- pert, of course, on starting will have taken bis.bearings andi will be play- ing in bard. luck if' be lacks som eý compass to steer him hom4e. By day there will be tbe sky, the sun shadows and perhaps a watcb or a knif e blade te supply him ahl the sign-posts he needs. By night there will be. the north star, if tbere's no storni.- 1W both there will be a wind perbaps of known direction. But wbat is the man to- do wbo lacks craft and comnpass and who bas iîever trained bis eye, ear and nose?' lie ist take a leaf from the, Girl. Scout book of lore, the-first dictum of .which, is: The woods aire as safe l>y night as by day 'for those Who keep their heads cool, and their feet quiet. -Wben lost, says the Girl Scout bdok, sit down, look and listen, *keep your hecart and your mind calm. If the landscape reveals notbing. .famiiliar, mount a bill if one is bandy. From a heigbt you may be able to spot a house, à church or camp or something else sizeable and reassur- ing. If there is no hill, try sbooting at

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