ILeague club>, according to that organi- za tion's lunie bulletin:- Entertainment W. Frank Mc- Clure, chairman, and Benjamin Bis, both of Wibnette; reception-Bishop Edwin HoIt Hughes of Wilniette, Harry W., Mons of .Kenlilwortli,.-nd Williamn B. Moulion and John Vanl der Vries, both. of Winnetka;.Ilouse -.Walter J. McGuire of Glencoe, chairman; billiards-L*ouis K. Gilîsoni Of Wilmette; building-A i 1b e rt Reichmanni of -.Kenilworth; public affairs-William B. Moulton of Win- nietka, and E. A. Zimimerman of ,Wilmette.' Frank D. [.oonîis .of Glencoe and Merritt Lun of Win- nietka are members of the Public. Af- fairs commiittee, who were al 1pointcd a year ago and Continiue,,to serve uni-. tii june1, 1932. The "Hlltof Faine', colUmn iiOf*thie June issue of the Union League Club Bulletin also contains the naine and picture of RaIph R. HawXhurst Who-, wvas recently re-elected pre.sidenit of the' Village of Kenilwortlî. MOVING TO NEW YORK -The Arthur E. Ru fs,-1320 Maple avenue, are leaving Wilmette byniotor onSaturday tor their newv home in New York City. Mr. Ruif, who liasý been iii New York since May, retuirned this week to the village to he presenit1 at his sons' commencements. Cordon1 mvas graduiated f roni New Trrier Highi school and Howard froiii the Hlovard schiool. IYour Wedding 'P rxercses, i mc 5Cool to ue. held Saturday, june 13, at 1 :30 o'clock on. the school campus. The chief feature of the exercises. will be the dedication of the new mémorial administration' building, erected by frî ends of the. late Edý- ward B. Butler,' who served for 31 years1 as president of the institution. Samiuel Insull *will present the building in behaîf of' the donors; N.' C. Mather, president of, the school, will make the speech of acceptance, and Flag day a d dress, and the dedi- tory address- given by Dr. Frederick F. Shannon, pastor of Central church, Chicago. Officers of the R. . T. C. will judge the military drills. BiIIy Smythe Obtains Medal for Boat Race Billy Snxythe, son of- Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Smythe of .43 Kenilworthi ave- nue, Kenilworth entered the motor boat race f rom Milwaukee onf Chi- cago on Decoration Dav. He mwas one of fourteen out of fifty. to finlish. at the Municipal pier alid, obtain 'a medaL. He is 16 years of age.,and %va s the youingest of the contestants. Thle Smnythes. are leavinig for Port-, age Point, Mich ..on* June 13, %where they, spend thesummier season everv ye ar. Mr. and i.s.ý Lloyd 1Hil1 of the, Belden hiotel1 have taken their house. for, th esuninier ionths. -.\r. Snîthe lias been at Niagara Falls attending an en velope convention. 'JL LLGLL. Skoki. Ridge Glenco.. FRENCH TRADITIONAL DO.MESTI C ARCH ITECTURE. JUNE SEVENTH TO JULY: FIRST Hours: Eleven A. M. fo Ten P. M. Daily Inslituted by Beird & Warner MOTOR ROUTE Sheridan Road'fo Park Avenu., Glenco., West on Bluff Street, North on 1Bluff té Dundee Road. West on Dundee to Skoki. Ridge; OR Green Bay Rond to Skoki, Ridge CONTEMPORARY HOUSE ARCHITECTURE, Follown-JuIy 1 ri-I LiveForever. icantaToupe; the breakfast "Better Pictures B etter Values"4 BLERNIE STUDIO, 1623 Sherman -Ave.,. Evanston ýTeI. -UNI.8998 16o8> CHICAGO AVENUE +EVANSTON i i * 1- 'ODL & IIPEý CIIILDRENS SHOE SPECIALUSTS -W ýWýwVV V 7WIF a -0 -0 e> 0 9 f -W -W