Training Course Of Scoutmasters Ends in Banquet The twenty-six nien, taking the Standard. -(advanced) course in Scoutiastership held their gradua- tion, banquet at. the Howard-Udeli cafeteria Wednesday eVen ,j une, 3. The high point of the, banquet was the inspirational address, "Scout- ing .Applied to Life,*' given by.Dr. Douglas H. Cornehi of the Glencoe Union, churcb.. Dr.. Corneli was a Scoutmaster in one of the first, troops in'this. area back in 1910. and 1911 and bas been -active in Scouting ever since. Myron C. Ryboit, Scout E.xécu- tive. cong"atutated the men for com- pleting this training in, their effort to becomne better leaders of boys. Tfle president of the North Shore Area couticil, Henry Fowler of Wil- mette, made the presentations of the Traininig course certificates to the folhowing nmen:. C. Roy Terry, Deputy Commis- sioner of Winnetka; Robert Mehren, Assistant $coutinaster Troop 24, Winnetka; Wendilh Hill, Scoutmnastei Troop 31, Highland, Park; HIerbent R. Smnith, Scoutinastër Troop .30, Highland Park; Louis Young, Assis- tant, Scoutmiaster Troon. 36, J1hghi- IWhitney Medal Goes to Ten Boy Scouts At an assembhy of ail the Win-, netka Scout troops at the Communlity flouse .Jun e 4, ten outstanding Scouts were awan ded the Whitney medal. This, is the medal ,given for the out's demonst àration in- the past ,yean of bis "amibition 'and energy controlled by Reason" as symbolized on- the medal. The mnedals arc each Tcast fron a different mold; hsn mtawo are exactly alike, and they can- not be- reproduc.ed. Mn. Whitney makes these unusual -awards, and it 'was b is b onor to present them hast Thursday. The winners of these awards are looked upon, with high respect and honon. The awards were first pre- sented in 1929, the:firs*t one ýbeing an hionorany medal given to Dr. J. W. F.-Da.vies, -director of the Comimunity House. The list f rom dtien on is as follows: 1929-Chief Davies; Billy Coleman, T'roop 14; John Ballengen, Troop 16; Stanton Schiuman, Troop '17; James Lyons, Troop 18; Emory Sawyen, Troop 19,; and Victor Hanison, Troop) 20. 1930-Kenneth M.Ncbareni,. Troop 14; Kent Blatcliford, Troop.15; Bur- rage Farwell, Troop 16; Richiard 01- sen, Troop) 17; Williamn Bracket, Troop 18; Robent C. Wensted, Troop. 19; Franklin Taber, Trooôn 20; and Winnetka Scouts Earn Honors, at Board of :Review The Board of Review h'eld, in the .Winnetka Village bail on, May, 29 observed a large numher ofBo Scouts in various tests., Herbert W'. Sieck was in charge.' He reports the folloWing Scout ad- vancenient as a result of the Scouts'.. work in My .T'roop 14: Second, Class-jack Metcalf; mentf badges-David HïoffT- mian, wood-carving; Hubert Howardl personat health. Troop 15: Tender- foot-Robert Muhike, M. Sclioenthal :_ First. .Class-Fred Kriebel;, merit badges-Bill, Chichester,' woodcarv - ing and bookbi nding; Fred Kriebel, if e saving a nd swimiming, Cliarles Mc Nain, meta'! wcwk and potterv Troop 16: Seconrd Class-Ted An- derson, Lee Barritt, Bill Burkhardt. Charles Hahn, Bol) Potter, Gilb>ert Rietheimer, Fred Steuhl and John Wright; 11f e-Robert Greenihalgh:, mierit badges-john Bull, path fin *d- ing; Bob Greenhaigli, cooking. Troop 17: Second Class-Bob Rackin:i menit badge s-Fra n kin. 'Murdlock. fremianship; Donald Rahn, fireiaî*i- ship and woodwixrking. Boy Scouts Progress. Assistant Scoutnmastén Troop 5Z, * 1I)cerfield;ý Jamnes G. Russeil, Scout- master Troop 52, Mundehein; John Bird ' Scôutmnaster Troop 72, Liberty- ville;'-H_ Engelbrecht, Scoutmnas- ter, Tnoop .54, Mundelein, and Bert Smùall,' Scoutmaster. Troop -.7, Mun*- * delein. The'training cusewas givýeinonýe and soinetimies twice a .îuontl s1 ince Novemiber 1930, b1w the Nontt hSho(re Area council of the Boy Scouts of George Body, E agie Scout of the Kansas City-Missoitri *couni, lias beent secured to take charge of the naturé study department of Camp ,Ia-Ka-Ja-~Wan for this sea- sonl acCording to a» announcement bylMyron C. Ryýboit,, Scot ec Boyd( is a graduate of the Junior c(olege in Kansas City and wilh enter the sophomnore class at the University ()f -Chicago this coming fali., He has i rop 10; £,unaiq. iahn, roop 17; Phil-. SWabacker, Troop 18; Sidney Craig, Troop 19; Charles Meichen, Tnoop 20; Martin W eisner, Troop 24; Ray 'Davis, Spe -ial; and Tom Lanson, Special. Scout Officiai Praises Members of Troop il Tuesday, May 26, Troop Il was vis- ited. by -Mr. ICier and Mr. Maloue ton; Second :Cas~s-tanle j ones Class-Ray Rennacker; menit badges-Perry Crawford, radio and civics;. Robert Davis,'woàdcharvilig and bookbinding. Troop 19: Tender- foot-P. Greer, C. Jacobs, J., Venne ma;, Second Class-Bob Buguelin and Bob Eastman>; Star-Haàrvey. Mc- Clure; menit badges-.Tom Anderson, personal heaitha and. bookbinding; Sydney Craig, personal health and pathllnding; Milton Cornelius, scho- larshiip; Robert Eastman, printing; parade in Wulnxýette, May 30, Cub discussion themeé. Several memnbers Sc Pack 63 had fifteen members prescit.. of that troop have registered for this hi The pack had been practising drlliing summer camping season. Awards for, t h for several weeks in preparation for advancement were also given out at the event. -This.neanly concludes ihie the meeting. A session of the Board Cubs'- activýities,' for the- summer- of Review w'as held at the close *of 'a Radoph McCandlislx, Cub Pack 63, the regulan gatbering.- Reporter Ki Wiltmette. Herbent -Meyer, Troop &3, Wilmette. One of the world's Freatest Boy ýout supporters is King Prajud-. Âpok cf Siam who is now 'visiti1ng he United States.. Boy Scouts of Nolrfolk, Va., 'ted as trafic officer s ata recentI JWâflis, convention. uias; na illy !.jnnell'on his Cooking Merit badge. We then talked oven the plans for tire, track meet and. weenie roast to be held ,at the beach Thursday, Juinc Il. Fol- lowing thatý we gave the Oath and Law:., and were' dismissed.-Stanley Cochran and George Colton, Troop 1, Wilmette.,