Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Jun 1931, p. 46

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for Proficiency Awards to boys and girl s of the ,Stolp) and Howard schiools who have nierited themi througlh athletic pro- ficiencv during the spripg months, -mr iade at special asseînblies last week-end. Awards were made at Stolp Fn.- day afternoon- by Superinteüdent of Sirhools J. R. Harper., vho at the. saine assemibly presented miedals to winners of the'vanious evenits.in the animual Piel(l Day -track. meet held ý ast tu esday The special assemfbly fo wrds at the.Howard school was postp)oned fromn Mondav until Tues- day and the'awarding of medals, ban- ners. and lettÉr5 was made bv LoWell *F. Todd, principal, of the school, Tuesday afternoon., Girls' letters wene awarded on the basis of àa.point, system which- ex- tended from February 1 to June 2 of this year., a previous awarding, havimg been made at the end of the first haîf of schools Boys -,%in their le.tters by participating iii the m'a- jority. of ganies played in the vanjous sports in which sclhool te.amns are con- ducted, which iii ,this instance were track and playg jround bail. A boy or girl who .)had prevjously be.eti awandeda "W" forathletic pro- fciency' receive.d stripe for bis:sec- ond letten and in cases where the boy has won, bis letter in ail four 'sports in whichT school teains compete he received a gold star.. Girls receiving gold stars wene required to have %von- letters each vear of their granar school comipetition froîîv the sixthi. tbnoughi the eighith grades. Receive Gold Stars Bôvs who received their .gold stars wene David Miller, Edward Mee. \\'illiatilCondy, Franl, Hooper. Fred Herr Tom Finlavson, -EdwarÀd Snyder, Ltidwig Skog, Georgeý Green. an-Id )avid Cressy. Girls. reecivin.g them- were: _Mary Ella Waidlner, Jane Horstîing, Eleanor. Bunpee, Virginia Ann Snlorf.Mrin Kehl, Aniîamarie Boo 1 laorWilliams, EVelyni Youngquist, Atm Bayliss. Josephine BaîhatchjetVirçýinia H-u etiel, Franées .Haskins,. '7ingjnia Green'. Betty Kay NIonga,* Barbara Behir. Eleanon, Stren. Boys and girls of eachi school-who wvenc honored at the special as- semiblies and neceived awvards %verc: * Ianson, Beverly Baird. eighth graders, Estella Brenner, Sue Spinney, Jean Cut- ler, Eleano)r Herbon, Katherine Sh.anki se.venth gradere Girls Get.GeM Stars Gold star wlnners. wl.n ners . f the hilghest athlýtlc. honor that can be be- stowed on g9rammar school gIrls, sig- nlfyini that they have Won letters each ytar ' throughout the three years corn- were guests of honor at ;the weekly luncheon of the Rotaryclub Wednes- day noon at the Shawnee Country club, when the annual awarding of the Rotary Medal Was made to the boys most representative in scholar- :ship, sportsma n ship, and -athletic. ability took place. The luilcheon is -an annual affair and onlly eighth grade boys who h;%ye mion lettens in aIl fourmajor sports during their. last year in school and who have kept 'up a high standard of scholarship and sportsmanship arç invited and may nreceive the awargd>. The medals are gifts of the Rotary' club uponi the recommendation of-the 4oys, Work committee, the, mem- bers of w hich are Daniel M. Davis.ý chairnian.:and Fnank A. Wilson. >This vear marks the third annivers- arv of the finst awarding of the medals and boys who have received the medals in times past and are now in high school wene also guests Wed- nesdav to see the ten eighth grade boys of this year receive-he-gifts. T1he ten thus honored Wednesda-v were: David Miller, Edward 'Mee. W-illiam Condvý, Frank Hooper, Fred Herr, Tomi Finlaàyson, Edlwardý Sny- der, Ludwig Skog, . George, Green. and -David'Cressy. petition f rom the sixth through the ecighth grade, are:, SMary Ella Waidner, Jane Horsting, Eleanor Burpee, Virgînia Aun Snorf, Marilyrn Kehl, Annamarie Booz, IEleai-, nor1 Willlarr s, Evelyn Youngquist, Ann Bayliss, Josephine Baflatchet. Girls from Stolp who did flot receive letters in the June award but who; are deserving of special mention are: Bille PIopp,ý Lorna Tidemnan, 'MIargaret Bach, Barbara -Reed, Elaine Bluck, Lorene Buzan. Jean O'Brie-n, Ruth Meusel, Ruth Durham,: Nancy. Durgin, Patty Wiley,ý .hosephine Baîhatchèt, .Beýryl Tolen, Bet- ty Bows, :He len Born, 1Miriam, West tSusan Mcgahon.ý Howard Girls: 'Wlnnirig letters for first time In June awards: BettyHoar,, Rose Marie Milîs, Roberta Rogers, of the sixth grade. .Sixth graders winning- white stripes signifving the second letter they 'have earnedwithin the year: DorothY Davis, Jeannc MacDonald, B3eatrice Leal; Irene Barorî, Berkeley Weakly, virgini Marsh, Louise sebreiber, Dorothy ier Edna Baughmian, Bessie Bouchikas, çaroTf Eden-berg, Seinia Behrens. Howard seventh grade girls winning letters for the. first time: Mary Louise Schaeffer, Marjorlje Statîbitz,' Helen Pearson, Dorothy Byrnne., WVade. Howard Ruff, froin Howard school, William Jenkins, Williami Condy, Frank _$v.irles. William Crawford, Frank Hooper, Lowell Snorf, James O'Neil, John, i4ndstroQi, Stolp. Lightwelgbt teai:. Robert Specht, George (reen, b~on Barber, from How- -rd school, Donald TPoeppen, tPon An-. derson, .:Ed Mée, Johin Neville, David. M Lller f ro m . Stol' p schoo '1.Wl. m ; a ,Heavyweight teami: Wlim 'y monvil1e, George, Collas, William Sch.1- PIayground Ba~l] Awia?4s Playground bail letters were awarded to the followlng boys for playlng in the miajority of gaines il, the inter- school ifayground bail league: Pewees: Stolp schoôfl: Bih Jenkins, Frank Hlooper. F'rank Swirles, Billy Condy, JIM Koegel, J1ini O'Neil, Bill Craw ford, Roger Wlhiiamns, John Lind- stroni, Don Roberts, and ,Jack Deirtrich. Howard sehool: David l-lias, Gergld May, H{oward Ruif, Alan Henrickson, William Wade, John Speredes, Harry Kaup, Herman, Meyer, Lawrence Haugsý- ness, Don Searif. Li-ohtweights: Stolp sejhool: Ed Mee, Berrv Berblinger, Don Anderson, Djave Miller', Emil, Anderson, Diouglas,]Ilnd- ley, Hoîner Bonnen, Bob. Blanchard, Paul Emrich, Gyaharn Burke.ý Howard school: Howard Baill, Charles Moreau, George, Green, FraflkKoenan,, Robert Speeht, Robert Steffens, Armen Jor-jorjan, Frank Brehta, Gerald Spin- ner.. * Heavy-,weights.: Stolp ..Chool: Joe Mockler, J im Burrili, David Cressy, Tojni Finlaysofl, Grant Goodrich, George Batties, Don Ford, Jan Stevens, Paul Ogilvie, William. StackljoUse. Howard sehool: Fred Kaspar, William F.! 3iponville, Ludwig Sk.og, .William. $chaî'a, Ed Snyder, WValter Robinson, Fred Herr, Stanley Brychta,.1GeO-rge Collas: Be gin Women's Golf Classes Nex.t Week The first meeting of the women's golf ýclasses will be' held nex.t Fni- day,:it,,is* annoui.ced f rom. the -wom- e 's 'd epartrnent of the, Playgrouni and Recreation board. * Thie.morning' class will be lield. at If) o9clock at the-Village Green. and the evening. class at \'attinan park at 7:30 o'clock. Registrat ion may lbe made nom-with Miss Joe Skidmore, recreation. assist- ant in charge of w»omien's activities, or it miav be made pnior to .1he open- ing of the ýclàss p)eriods next Fridal. *T., D. Harvey, golf. professional of the_ F.va'nstoni Communitv Golf co urse, %vill l>e the ilistructor. He lias served iii that 'capac-ityv for the recreation 1classes of both Evanstonl and Wil- mette ReC*reatiOn departmüelt,. for the 1past twv eays. He will give a cours e. 1of six leÇssonsý and. will cover, iii: the : course aIl. the essentials. of g(olfing. Planis arce bein1g ma de to hav 1e the. class, gain experience additional- to the .lessýons 1Y' attending a "Stop and Sock" stand in a group for practice. Mis- Skidrnore anniounices. 7 :15 p.nI. Plaground bail for men. Vil-. lage Cleaner vs. Elites. Village Green., Wednesday, June 17 7 :15 -p.m.-Playgrouind bail for . men. Hawks vs. Ridge Ave. 'Pharmacy. Village Green. 7 :15 p;m.=Plavground bail for .nen, 'Schreibers vs. Junior A., C. Village Greèn. 7 :15 p.m. Playground bail foi ',men. FPCeshmnen vs. Washington )Park. Vil- lage Green. A.555E. Ax'I .8lu Liay The informaI Field day programn and plîysical education demonstration that bas been an institution with the .Wiliiette public schools for eighteen years, was held last Tuesday at the V'attman park and the Village Green. The morningý progrmwa t the Vattmaîi park and included a demonl- stration, of, ail thýe different activities that make up a well balanced physî- cal education program. Sixteen hun- dred children from the second 'te eikhth: £rades participated-ini Vth.e ev ents. Costuming was ývery simple but verv colorful to illustrate the folk dances and'singing games inherited fromi European counitries and which form a part*of every physical educa-, tioi, progra 1m. Most of the costumes were mnade in the school rooms, es- pecially those in the lower grades. Children iii' the first, five grades demionstra.ted.the rhythm plays aind folk, dances, wlu-ile. the sixth, seventh and eighth grade boys and girls denm- onstrate(f the more complicated pro- gram, including. marching, showNNr hv the Howard eighth grade girls; calisthenics ,ýsfioWn by the, Stolp) eigbth grade-girls;:Étactics,-shownl by Stolp seventh .na de'boys;, formiai gymniastics, demonstn 1ated hx' Howard seventh 'grade boys; .gaines a nd relays,,dernonstratçd by HoWard. and Stol-.v .eveîith grade girls. and eighth grade b>oys, and a rendition of the E7,nglish Sailors' '. Hornlpipe h1) Howard and Stolp sixth grade gir,: given as a finîal numiber on~ the' pro- grain. Hold Field Meet 'The afternoon pnogram was a track and. 'ield meet in -whiich rep- resentatives, of each noom i in the schâoo system ,.completed with repre- sentatives of the oether rooms for the houons. Bannpers were awarded to te.room in each ýgrapde having the highest nuniber. of points and were won l)v Miss Mary Reese's nooni of Howard, second, grade, MNiss MIr, përie Van Horne's third grade nooth at,.Laurel,, Mrs. Margaret Loftius' fourth grade roomn of Howard. Mfrs. Lois Lro' fifth grade room, of Howard, Mrs. Kathenine Julian . sixth grade roomi of Central. 'Miss Orrel DavWs seventh grade rooni of Stolu),I.anid. Mrs. Pearl jones' eiglhth IpL-jie; . Donald Maxwell, Logani SchO01'" fourth place.* Fourth grade girls: Adelaide Koenaul, Howard school, first place; Lucille Heerens, Howard school, second place, Marfan Witt, Central school, thirdl place; Helen Harrison, Howard schoocl, fourth place. Fourtli grade boys: Bob De 'Vinney, Howard sehool, first place; -DIck Hall, Howard sehool. esecond place; Cha rIes (Conltitiued onl Page6)

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