Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Jun 1931, p. 47

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The~ sixth season. of sumnmer play- grounds for children will open: oficially at 9 o'clock next Monday mnornling at ail playgrounds. Three piaygrounds will be Coni- ducted and wrll be in operation, free of charge, for fine .consecutivéý weeks. Daniel MIN. Davis, Wilmette's directorof recreatioininounices.. The playgrounds are to be located, at Central, school grounids, Vaittnani park, and the Village Green*and will i)e conducted. during the following lîours . 9 to 12 in the inorning and f romin 1O'clock -to 4, o'clock in the aft ernioon. Experiencéd plavgrouid directors wilile éiiv charge ,at eachi l)lavground during those lîours and a program for children - of, al'ages will l)econducted, Mr.. Davis states. Mliss Dce Riggle of Evanston, 'bias been assigned to the Central play- ground, Mrs. ýGertrude . Fanckboner, physicai education instruictor in the' Xiimette school, to Vattrnan park. and M fiss Bessie C rrol Bieiýer, pbyvsical education inistructor in tuel Chicago public schools, to the Village Green playground. Botl M rs. Fanckboner and M.,iss- Bierer bave * hen meînibers of the suflnmer play- g round staff ïiii Willette in pre ;vious vear 's.. M rs. ,. Fanckboner having ser ved t%o vears at the Village Green ail(l,.\Miss Bierer last summner at the saine playgrotindt xhile Mrs. Fanck- .4loner wa.s on . leax'e of absence., Miss Riggle bas served as plavgrottn(t i- *structor for the board of education in Cliicàgo for tw,ýo vears and ,an in- structor on the Evanston piaygrounds1 for two vears. She aiso liolds a dle' * grce inipyîa education. Staff Members Assist I)udieY C. Stonei of the Recreationi staff. xviii. assist witlb bovs' work at. theVae Green. plavkround dur- * ng the mornings . this sumnmer and> Glen WM. Gatbercoal.,.1another. staff assistant, has b)eeni assign ed to, the *saille, position at Vaittman park and Willbe: 01pli utv al l av. 'MssJoe Skidniore, aiso staff assistantxiiil be in' charge of the 'Village Green play- ground for' the first tvo. weeks of Enjoy Sand-Mom the season until Mfiss Bierer, whlo 's to have the playground permuanen tiv, is discharged fromlier duties.in the Chicago schools. Director Davis announces that the llayground program bhas been con-. sîderablv changed for this vear. A great nianv~ of the actîvities have beevi dropped and new ones substituted. Perlbaps the greatest change xiii be in the swimmning programi which has been, conducted 'at. the 'Wiimette Iieach ini coo1peration witb the M*i- mette 'Park board. Free swimiming lessons have heen given there .year- ly anid. ;wîll lie continuied' this year 1111(er the itistructioii. of Dudley. CC' Stone, and Mi§ssJoe. Skidmore, iwho have served ,in , that, cap acity for. sevérai vears. However this yeëar, their, prgram xiii include two after- iloons 'eachi week reserved especialiy. for chiildren attending the sumier- plavgrouinds. -.This ie w prograin bas bee.n made' possible through the courtesy of the Park board and we hope it . Niil be possible for every child who is a regular attendant at. the play- tendants> at the' playgrotinds and have achieved special merit, duninïg the summher will be inùvited to the- camp. Accommodations cati be haýI for thirty boys and it niay be pos- sible if the demand is sufficiently large, that this number cani be in- creased later on. Mr. Stone and Mr. Gathercoal will supervise the camp. The, moriig playground program anid the atbletic prÔgram for after- noons alternating' with the 'beach and feld trips differs somewhat front that. of last year. New handicraft activi- tics have been added and' others dropped. The boys piayground. hall league and the girls kickball league will be 'played on the sarne afternoons, Mondfays and Wednesdays, whereas last- year. the boys' gamtes >were played.on those txvo.afternoons, and. the .girls *on Tuesday and Thurs- Tuiegdays and Fridays of each weeIV will be gixren to 'the Beach program, twvo playgrou nds, clos ing Tuesday and *~ ~* - k '~ - J~ ~, s - ...*.'~ "-a"' * f '~'** -" ' ~~MP *.' 'Camp For. Boys Thle climax 'of the field trip pro- grain. whicli bas already been givenil enthusiastic recelition, according to M the recreation staff, is the week's ' camnp 'for boys to be 'conducted at Camip -Hastings at the close Of theI iiine weeks' program iii mid-August. Roys who hve been regular. at- lie- "iýv

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