Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Jun 1931, p. 50

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yen by the oup music i I2ss ,ol. Miss Dorothy Wiedlin of 120 Park avenue is spending a week -at Barroji L.ake, -Niles, Micb. wherc sic is at- ten(ling tie graduation.of ber coui > Misq lMrraine Cronin. Mi,ç Florence Brans nM, 817 Central avenîè,. went to0 Monticello scminairy, Godif rey. Ill, Iast .week-end f0 .attend. tiéc ' ommencement festivitýiesý and ber class reunion. Phones Wilmette 183.184 who are packing their sea chests pre- paratory to a two vweeks'. cruise on the U. S. S. Fairfax of the destroyer fleet. They will leave for Norfolk, Va., June 18 and the Fairfax wil put to sea June 20. With three other destroyers the Fairfa3e-rviii rende7.- vous off tie Delaware capes and then proceed south ta Bermuda. They are F-hieduled to be back ,at Norfolk, Julv 3. 'IMrs. L'. M. Branch, a former Kenilworth girl. is- now living at 2021 Harrison street, Evanston. 1119-1121 . Central Avenue -.Q UTTEEýS-wSPOUTS-LEAKYl ROOFS LAWN MOWERS SHARPENED AND REPAIRED Lau'. Swings and udbniture, Trellises, Flower Ried Edgieg <and Fenciug VertUiIzeroSeedouToolu and Garden Supplies, Both tbe 'lifeguards are 26 years old, and have distinguished athletic records in the schools which tbey at- tended before entering Northwestern wvhere they are enrolled in ,the medic- ai school. The lifeguard s will go on duty at 9 each -morWing. The, fact. the. la ke has, receded Smeans that the beach will be larger this year, according ta the Kenil- ,worth club which annually sponsors the' use of the beach.. Mernbers of thé.' ciub's beýach committee.,are Stanley H. Kight, chair-man, Frank W. Ketcham, David T. Sanders -andi John L .Wilds. The Ildred: G. Bentleys have ,iented their home at 804 Elmnwood avenue to Mrs. Stella S. jannotta of Chicago and, Florida for the sunimer. The Benticys have gone tbý their surn mer place at Grand Hàven, Midi. Mr. an, Mrs. Herbert J., Leach, 630 Wasbingtoen avenue, with their daugh' ter, Flairriet, left hy motor. yesterday w'i their niece, Miss Irenc Baehr, of Glencae for Colorado. They will open the 4paehrs' sumrfer ;lai ear Denver. C1SJOYCU *A4l 7. -el liitUÇ L IU1 the history of the school. Conference titles were won by the 1football andi basketball teains. The grid teain, which won ail five of its Big Ten gaines, shared t, e cham- pionshi'p with Michigan îhie the. 1ba'sketball five one1e~oto twelve conférence gaies to win un- disPuted 'hold on the title.' Othe'r teams to finis*h weil up in their re- speictive sports are swiming, base- ball and tennis. The swimming teamn was second.in the conference stand- ing andý the base.bali, tearn. third. The- tennis teamh won ý si x out -of eight ,matches. Win 52 of 78 Came, During the entire yearNortliWest- cru team 1s1 competed insentcih contçsts, winning ýfifty-two. of then for: anl average of 66,6 pret Fifty-eight of these engagaments weré with Big, 'len opponients, of ýwhici the Wî,ildcats.won thfirty-eight.. Roth tie,. asketball and football teams - ad enviale records. The grid1ers won seven straiglit gaines, dropping the elghti aiid Iast. gaine ta Notre. Dame. The, cagers lost but. an- gain 1e in, a l<ung s-chedule of sevent.een, Ëoiitests. Illinois vas the oiîv teamn to 'upset the, NWildcats ýin the cage Thie basebail fine turcd -in thc l)est year.in cthe, recent hî.story of the sport. The t ean 11i won six out of nine' conference gaines, which piaced theML in third pasitian. In thie entiré. sched- nIle of conference ýind non-con ference gaines the teai -%von 10( out xof 15 Riley la Grappîing Champpion Almiiouglh the, wrestiing teanli did not fare so ý,%el.lini its dual mncets, W11nning -0ni1vane ont of six matiàches,i tliec nibers Of the tcam Won 'firsr place i li the Big Ten cîianipioîîs hips. T c conferlence chiamplionis were, Jack liev, h. eavyweight'w Wes Erown. 175 paunds: and Be.h XMiIierý 1-45 polids. Rilev aiso ývon, the, na- 'I'lie ~viuunng tea i ontîire out o~f five duali ilets, blit drp bt tlic Mg Ten aId l(lte national tities, wvhich it had. \\,(Il 'avèar ago. L-oss oif the entire 1929-30 teanmhx- gradua- tion accoutcd fo>r tic WVi.ldcats' failuire to inake as hbig a splash as tistiai in the water sport.. Public Service Store or your nelghborhood plumbor's. Today. New York, and SprÏngfiéld, Mass. an!ý will return by way of Canad'a. Th(. ccpect to be gone about threc weck - Dr. and Mrs. G. H. Webstcr, <h! Linden avenue, annhounce tic birtîi ': a son, John Wolcott Webster, Thuir- - day, June 4, at the ]Evanston hospit "*: Mr$. Web ster»,and the baby are epected ,home thfe end of the wcek. HARDWARE-HOUSEWARE, r Càarrying water t *I*phants used to *urn tickets t. the SIg Show. But corrying

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