* norrow (Friday) nigIht at 8 o'clock. -\-Twetitv,-three will, he awarded di- 1lonas for coxnpletiing thie fouir-vear acaderuic course, aud ten'* will bc graduated froum the thir.ee-yeàr coui- niercial course. * Tho se vwho vill receive' dipflonias *for four v-ears' %work are.: Clemeîitipe Ailttnno,. Marie Arndt, Çaroly n Beal,11 Joanr Beyer, .DorôtIhy Braunt, Heleni Deinilein, Margaret De.Mlarce., Gladys *Enigels, Elizab)eth Fab)er,',Mary Hoff - mimu, Rose Koenii.g, Cecelia.Kramier, Màargaret Reley, lizab)eth icis Paulinie 'M\clocbliin, Mv-rtle 'Meizer, * Rita eversMatira 'Murray; Ceei Sclirnitz, Marie Sturmi, Agies Tlieo- bal!, Rita Wel r aiid..Vivin. Vs Finish Commercial Course T1lie girIls ganai ironi the coîIinercial cotir., s arce. Genevieve iCorrado. Gemma - a , ]'lanr l)Oetscli, \Marcel]. Doetsclilla Hein, Florence . Kriesant, Lo(rrainie * Partliuin, Mary Reckert, Franices Selzer aiffl Ruith Silith. 1 "'lie progr7lm for thec exercisce,, ni- çlndes tl nuibers b I)N the Mallinic- krOdt gîce cltub, a solo b)%' Margaret *DeMarco, atnd adIdresses lb Mz-ri Jo,- the Rev. U. F. Bellock, 'S. J. The, .e.J. A. .Xeui-naw milawvard-the' Arînouance Program F~llwi', i the coîuplete prograin ior.,lie exercisesHad * 1 siA-eayîi'fuij y4ju .Jacob)Is-Bofld The followi~ teachers will be represented ôn the prograni: Walter Knupfer, Anita Alvarez Knupfer, Winnifred Mickey, jennie Lindley. Cara Dona Park~er, Ruth Miller Pi- grami, Elýaine Nelson, and Louis. Zan- Amon g those taking part ýwill be: Herbert Horni, Garfield Horn, Dora Crawford, Raymond Hanson, Helenl janows,1 Dorothy D)avis, Shirley Kiken,,,MIary Jane MthlHubert Gary, 1Charlotte. Lickhalter. Mildred Sperrv,,,M-argel, Small, Rose Suekoif.' Evelynt Suekoif, Charlotte Johnson, Ray Jonson_, Ellen Jones, Lillian Jones., John Mattison., Bernice Levin- son, Ann Do-rothv Schuman, Cath- erine Reynolds. Beatrice Levinuson, Frederick Aschbacher, Aithea 'Mur- phY, Alice Leviton, Eldon1 Sel1lers, juliet Rusnak. Louise Gerslhenow. 'Mariaîi Grawols. Ruth, Jean Wo'od, Sailv* Glaser, Jerome I4ofeld, Nora Glassenhberg, Fran ces Collins, John Rodgers anid Mary Rodgers. The Cuckog>Coc... Grant-Schaeffer Ma1itnliikroq[t Glee club_ Third P tlonaise........ebd mîms .1argiq'etDeac Miss tt-ie Sturnu L1rakseYe theiLo)rd. , A. 1Randegger Clas,; of '31 cient'erl'iIg of Diplomlas hid Honors SThe 11ev. J. A. Neumlan p_.Rv.R F. Bellück, .S. J. Reeshial.... .... _....Mendelssohn' Orchestra COOK COU NTY, ILLINOIS NOTICE ýis heréby give that on Uitec Fifteenth -day of June, 1931, at the Village Hall, Wimett, Illinois,: Polling Place, a special, election wiIIle held in, and for School District Number 39, Cook County, Illinois, for,-tIi purpos. of voting "for" 'or "aýJgainat» the following propositions: 1. To authorize the Board of Education of. - School District Number ýý39, Cook County, Illinois, té: issue bonds of said'Schiool District in the amount of Forty-four Thousand, Dol- laris ($44,000). for theupse. of building am, addition to the-lHoward School now owned and used by a Wd School ýDistrict for school purposes, said bonds to becoune due in numerical order Three Thousaxid Dollars ($3,000) on JuIy 1 of each of the years -1933 to 1938, inclusive, One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) on JuIy 1 of each of the years 193 * to 1948, inclusive, and Sixteen Thousand Dollars ($16,000) on July 1,,1949, and bear interest at the rate of four and one-half per cent (41/2%) per, annum, payable seau- annually. ANNVERSARY SPECIAL MARKINC OUR l2th YEAR 0F SERVICE 2. To authorize the, Board of School District Nunber 39, Illinois, to issue bonds of said,. Eaication of Cook County, School District Lugene L. Ray STUDIO t 606 CHICAGO. AVE, EVANSTON UNIVERSITY 2238 J. Clerk, Dated this. Sth day R. HARPER, Board of Education of June, 1931. In the amount of Twelve Thousand Dollars ($12,000) for the. purpose of paying, cm encumbrance against the sàchool1 property Of Isaid School District, conaonly knhown as the "'Sanderson property," adjoining the Central Avenue school site, which said prop.rty is now owned and used'by said School District