Doors Open I1:30 Show Sîarts at 2 P. M., COnti*,UOUa aweningar During Week Doors Open 6~:3o Show blate 7 P. m. TONIGHTS PICTURES "IIVIRTUOUS HUSBANDS"l Froni The -Stage Play "APRON STRINGS"ý-AII Star Cast "1 CNT ADANCE" BARBARA STANWYCK' Starts ut 8:45 At-Klngs Ôr lietter Nw FRIDAY & SATURDAY, JUNE 12-13-<Twin, Features) Sut. Matinee Pricesýi. . duits SOc, (Ids .10è, WHEELER, WOOLSEY and DOROTHY LEE Starts Frldiiy 8:05; 10:55 .4tort-s Saturdaiy 2:014); 5:00; 8:00;, 11:00 "TUE SPY".1 NEIL HAMILTON Starfis Frldiay "#:06; tl:5;-Sitturttay 3:20; 6:20; 9:26 Comiedy * eenSong 7-,News SUNDAY & MONDAVI JUNE 14-15-(Twin Features) MARLENE DIETRICH and VICTOR McLAGLEN' SUnday uat 3:25; 6:40; S:5-I.ongna- ut ô:00; 10:05 "TE PERFECT ALIBI" ALL STAR CAST 'unday ut 2:00; 5:15; 8.:25-Monudaye ut 8:40, News. .Krazy. kat Kartoon TIESDAY& WEDNESDAY, JU-NE 1I -17-(Twin Features> Whiie .agreeig tivat Bob W00!-. sey is perlectly 'iooney'" intihe hilariouts comed-'v, "Cr-acked Nuts," hundreds of patrons at tihe Teatro del Layo oit Fridiii and Saturday, J une 12 and 13, wutbce70,011 it shouting that this Sanie Wqolscvý provides deight fielentertai .nmen. I-is "sidekick," Bert Wheeier, u'ilI, be tihere, to heighr'en tihe.;nrirti,. ATTRACTIOýNS ctions -for ie beauti- 1 Lagô include soine 1 AVitJl VV.vIii dlJj FUwVJi ; .LO tors' \Vivs," starring Warner Baxm- ter. and "Too Young to Mýarrv," fea- turing Loretta Young, "Gun Smokc" with Richard Arien, and,"Thie Sin Ship" with Louis Wolhcîim; "Cit-y Streets" with Gary, Cooper, and "Thre e Girls Lost", with Young, Wayne and Roach. PATRONS ON ALERT Xiimette th eater patrons are on, 1. vv lui, Tvv in 17é,gers 'lie' Iast shall be 'first in this story about a week of Teatro del Lago de- igiits. * XiII Rogers with thiat hauniting grin and dry wit has tempted us to knoiick oUr movie 'caiendar topsy turvy, and taik about, him even before *the other l)riiliant stars who 4ppear caàrlier it- the .week. On Thursday, Vriday and Saturda-v, June 18, 19 and -20, XVii Rogers is the star of "A,;Connecticut Yankee iii King Artlîur's Court. " Though 'lill's the central figure, the work of other luminaries il aiso win' praise. Tihere .are, for example, Maureen O'Suilivan, Myrna Loy, Frank AI- bertson and William F'arnum. There *is a total of more than 5,000 players. in this travesty on, King Arthur's court. This is, a film that the w'hole famnily Wiil enjoy. Tonight (Thursday) the Teatro del Lago iil présent two features: "Virtuous Husbands"ý with Eli Ott Nugent and Jean Arthur, and "Ten Cents A Dance." featuring Barbaý-ra Stanwyck and. Ricardo. Cortez. Both films are, topnotch 'entertainimcnt. Gags and Action Apleuty' Bert .XVhccler and Bob Wooisey vvi11 provide niost' of the gags and action ini the hilarity riot, "Cracked Nuts," one of the, featurcd pictures. at the Tea.tro del.Lago on Friday and Saturday, June 12 and 13. Edna Mav Oliver is funny, as usuai, and Dorothiy 1Lee, of course, is pretty. "The Spy," .which is the second - bigý reason for going to the- Teatro del Lago on Friday and Saturday, is rich in colorful detail of intimate 1fife in miodem !Soviet Russia. This dram-a-ý tic romance prescit-s Kav Johnson,, nc i Laion and Johin Halliday.* Où Sunday and Monday, lune 14 and 15, "Dislîonored." and "The Per- f ect Alibi" will be the twvo attractions at the Teatro dcl Lago., Marlene D)ietrich, *hose charns set American. hearts* thumping -in. "Morocco," is co-starred- with Vic- tor McLaglen in "Dishonorcd." This is Director Von Sternberg's third pic- ture featuring Marlene Dietrich for "G....... fEl-e-R i t lod uUJI "GrNS-MO E'l tielarfiArien "TUE M SIN .........................Loulis Wo)lltehn "1CITT 4TtEETS ..... ...Gary Cooper 6"3 LOST GitLS".................Yvunng Wajyne Rouchi "6THE 311LLIONAItE" . .--George Arliss "0011,5 GIFT T10 WOMEN".............ank- i~Fay "THE MO(N 3MiN" .......eIls Ay res, Jean JHarlow "LAUGII ANDJ (RT 141CIV"............:.......... LIla Lée "TRADEUR OUX",.........Hrry Carey F dwvina Uooui d veo Mrnents of a great story. "Wornan Hlungry," the - ther' pic- turc, presents- Lila Lee, Sidney Bakmier, Fred Kohier and Raymo.nd SATU DA# Hatton in the sensational romance of FRIDAY and.STUDâ a Bostonsociety girl who goes west June 2-13for. adventure and fInds more than Juo 2-8she. bargains for. There are7 gorgeous COrMMUNIlTy :HOUSE technicoor scenes in the 'Navâiô-