Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Jun 1931, p. 60

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are regular subsvrlbueýs LU éithrU 'v L*Mm.LLxIiEi, w INNETKA TAL.K tr GLENCOE NEWS.. .Rates-"5 cents a line ln one paper. 25 cents a lune in any two papers, 3cents a line ln a-Il three papers. MINIJMUM CHARGE ON1E DOLLAR. Average -of five words to -the. line. No black face type used. - 10% discount o011U ailesh wth order advèrtluements when brought to our ofleat :1232 Central Ave., Wilmette,,or $61 Lineoin Ave., Wlnneét"a *Deadine- for Isrinà--celsi dadvertlsements *11be - the WILMETTE LIFE or al, three papers; Wednesday 9 o'celock for the WINNETKA TALK and Thursdày 5 ýo'clock forý the -GLENCOE NEWS. Telephones: Wllmette.4300, Winnetka 2000, Greenleaf 4300 or Sheldrake 5687. NOTICES AUCTION SAI4I ON'AOCOUNT OF MY EAIt'LY ) *parture to the flaeî fit. co.t5t,, I will adi u nblie auctiil i .a1lm oîs hold go(etds, eal Esta te, andi persoli 1) roperty, ,iune 2L), I 931. Sale ,colin- n,1eines at 2,IP.M., vou are iivited to lî,îîk ov.el- this property, leefor-e day gbf 'sale, locatie( ait I 42-S ShurinirAe. NorhlrukIllinoils. Enest Staelble. owîer.1 ,TN6- ti m d iT ANDO FOUND LOST 'il F Riz 1 FI"lERR RE ia-le, black headl, white tail. wite, feet. IReward. Tel., innetka .1830. 21,T6-1 tj>ý LOST-II I "s G COu(N'rA IN 1 N( 1 blue 1paiamas -. 1afid underwear. ý60)I Centiral Ave., Tel. ~imte21 2i1,6 1 o 21,TNi6-.1 te ILUSiT - 1LATIXI'M ANtI)IIAMONI> bar ,pin~, Satuirday night. fZeward. <'ail Miss Air. Winntetki 1174. 2 1 TN6-lt 5 Atfr4OUES NEW V ARRIVAI, 4 111S. 0F NAPLE beds,nafle . &îndl ine oehests, coneri eupbaard, tables, and chairs quilts Co)VerlÈ,,ts and h>okied, rugs, \Very large Collection Io cijoose -frlont. Antiques< niakelIdeal gifts for the Jutiv bride. Mai-y Annu Dicke, 8SSWsigolv 'l BIk. So. of Mafin St.. 5LT.N6ltpi ANTIQU'ES FO1 A.ESAI.WL mit cliest of ca wel>s, 2 tea. tables.- Several ovecasiunal ichairs1, Soilie old uIzass,.chna', îdjewelvy. Phjoiie j Vnnitka MoS. TN-t TUIE LITTLE 1I-bUSE1 No Malns Lan.d, luis ovpen sl rt Sa-1:3 INTEREST, ~en closed, to 15 INSTRUCTiON WOMAN WHO() WAS FORIIERLY piipiI of G.reer Auto se-hool, and wýho. luis hatd'iiimny Year-is of' experience wishes to gîve private instruction ln auto diving for reasonable sumj. Cal Wvilmtette 4t18 for appointnient. li LTN6-ltc ('UITAESNS, DIZAPERIES, SLIP COV- ers made to order, 'Estimates given.i * Katherilie, Baker, 4536. Oakenwald. *AVt' o 011 nemornings, Drexel 4578. I ef. Formerly Matrshall Fields Dratp- erie-s. 17LTN6-ltc, UPTOWN D)ECORATORS - 5 RM. home decorated $44. Rmns. papered $Ç; Ceillngis calclmined $1.50. AUl work, guaranteed. Briargate 2627. 17LTFN5-2tp 26 PETS 1)1,1. .'.t.BSCIODOG ANDCATF hsta.('iljpiig, Stripping, Btig Boardig.1000 Ridge Rd. Ph. Wil- mette 5004. 26LTN6-2tp 286-A SAPPIE HOR0ES W E ALWAYS HAVEI ON HUA7D about 15 head of high-grade three- and flve-galted saddle homses. Weý spectlize in training. for pIeasure usae and furnish horses perfectly man- nered for the novice rider. Prîces from $200. up. Write for circular. Al hinassguaranteed. Drakewood Farrû, )eerield, . I.Pi."> eerfield 3M. 26A-LTN45-tfe L.OANS' TO PRÔPERT Alake and buy lst and 2 EVÂNSTON BOND & 618 Grove St. mhortgags T 0. CO. niJigs. 411Ji'-ltp W I T E WOMAN WANTS DAYS work, cleanlng, washing windows, laundry. Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Good reference. Ph. WII- mette ' 220. 41 LTN6-lnce WASHING AND I1nONING TO DO AT home by ýexperxenced and, rellable womnan. Sp)eclal care:given to blanketz and curtains.. Cali Kenilworth 4730.' EXPER.- COIORED WOMAN WANTS position,. general, housework, good cook. Good N.«S. ref. Phone Gree.nlesÉÉ 5948. 4lL6-ltip RELIABLE WHITE' GIRL WISHES t.Ieaning, serving, cooking, care of ehildren, by day or hour. Winnetka 955. 41LTN6-Ilp YOUNGý WOMAN W ,ýA NT S GEN. hsvkc. Go hone nights. Tel.. Wilmiette 2 HIH SCIIOOL GRADIjAtES WILL care for cilidren ait each, .from 1)9 tII12.A.Mý. CaIl Wilmnette 3150., 411L6-lte VA NTFD. WASHING AND i) iROXINGC to ftake home, ill eau -and .deliver, Ph. Wlhitte 3246. 41 LTN!6-Itc EXP. Y'OL'NG CO WOMAN WANTS4 permanent houseworki by weOi, stay- -oîne tuhs j~f. '&l U ersity, 0183 evenlings. 4-LTiN6-ltlp GI"NERAL ILOUSEWOiIK BY %IID-, ieged white %woinan. Cook -. Clean -Reliable. lZeas. Llkes Children. Ph. Longbeaël'h 0847. 41LT2N16-Ite (IA.NUYR5I 'TAKES 1ELD ELY anI coflv. people in lier pleasant home, exu. care. Phi. Wilmiette 4299 WHIITE. WOMAN WANTS WO ItK AS8 hIOUsekekeper in smatjl lhomei, ori, ill nlurse ehiltiren. ýN. S. Rlef. Phi. Wiiiret- ka 2848. 41LTN6-1jc SITUAýTION WANTED) AS G;ENERAL ma il and 'good cook. s. s. Ref. will- ing to. leave City. Ph1. Douglas N5). WIIY HIAVE VYOUR WASHING -DONE alt homle w~hen It is less troubleýsonie .antciI more ec-onon-jical to send it out. For bext serýviée caîl Glenvoe 73. 41LTN6-lne EXPEIENEL) iElIAN LAUN- dres wiheswork by. the day. N. S. ruf. PlIofle Wiinetia '3572. 41LTN6-Ine EXP. WOMANN of work. Phone Winnetka Lake Forest Ph. Winnetka, yrs. old Ital trainilng and rmore than 3 yrs. .gencies Evanston Highland -Park EFFICIENT' HELP 7 General.nmalds iVith reference 2 to 5 ýyears. ù Cooks excellent references froin N. Shore homes.1, 1. 4 Second malds each have A-i ref. We place only expýerienced help. PAULINE'S AGENCIES 74811lm St. Winn etka 2662 41LrN6-lté GOOD EXPERIENCE D WHITE COOK ,or general housework. N. S. Ref. Ph. Winnetka'2022. 41LTN6-ltlî NURSEMAID, EXPERIENCED, R1E- haâble. $12. Ph. Wilmeitte 3096. 41LTN6-liic 42.> SITUATION WA14TED-MALE HOUSEWVOIK, CARE OF LAWINS, drivingj by h r. or trip. S.* Muller, 111. Glno'7î0. 42LTN6-Itp) YOUNG GRA INATX 2 y'eis old wanits position as hlou.sÀŽ- mniaijnd gardener oîir iny kind of l'Ilk P. Wiliiette 2)567. 42LTN6-1 i(* EXI'EIUENCEI 7,AA-7,17) houisenian. N. S. references. By dity or week. Plhoné wiîîetk.a .124'S' 421,TN6-1 il) EXPEfl. FISTCAS OUSEMAN atnt yard inan. Age,42. Waints %vork on il. s. lef. G-eorge W 'k.Phone Unii- versity 0235. LT -ti EPEIENCD CA UF FEUüR. t. yreoI. 'ý2*y1s. I place liiiVinn. *Good1' efs. George Wivle. ilinette 707-J. '42LTN6-1tp feuîr and housemnan: 15 years experi- eni .-~ 5 re. Iobert EePhi. .,Wiltiitte .2543. 421,TN6-lne-ý EXPEIIIENCED M-%1AX, WASI-LW'IN-, dlowvs.care of la1 s garden wark,'. etc. Wiinnetka 1552. 42LTN6-ltip UNlýIV. STUDENT, AUE 21), WOLIý) like, p"oition drîving party, miaki ng. tour this summner. Tel. Wlilmiette 38,64. 42LT1\ -1té E WRITE MJAN ýgardenineg or anv. kînd qf m-ork by day or week.- Very handy wlth tools. 8 years at one place. Excellent ref. Phone Wlnnetkça 3690.- 141TN6-tp lu INSTRUCTION DRAMATIC, ART- SUMMER TERjN ('ÉfS 'weeks, startfng June 1Sth. Mrs. Rex Elton, Fair, WII. 4305. 15L6-Itc illtýLL't41-I e SENIOR, GIRLS WISH- TO TAKE syial chiîdr-en to beach during hirs. 9 :30 to 12..- For information, calI WiI- mette 4M9.. *4ILT6-ltp. GIRL, 18, WANTS WORK A S NURSE- pald or anthri elper. Ref. Ontarlo Î332 (Waukegan). 4LN-t EXPERZIENCED W'OMAN WOULD like lnurslng and upstairs work or ivork by the da.y. Good North Shore refer. Ph. Glencoe 73. 41LTN6-iiie IRISH- GIRL W A N T S GENERAL housýework. Besti referenees - 3 years ln .,Winnietka. Cal Winnýetka 1535, bétween one and fivýe Frlday and afjk for Nelly. 4ILTN6.ltp Or nY Ii. i2iecoiCU14645. 42LTN6-ltp- MAN WANTS WOREK AS PEIVAý%TE chauffeur. 15 yrs.' experience. Ref. Ph. Triangle 191,2. ' 42LTN'6-ltP HO(USEWORKWINDOW WASHING sprintlifei.nlng, drIving car and land- scape work byr exp. yoqng man. Plh. Wlnnetka 1397. 42LTNS-4tP I I

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