Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Jun 1931, p. 61

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1553. 43LTN6-ltp ---____ 48 FOR SALE-AUTOS EXPE111ENCID (COUPLE -w OUbD)- like work in homie. loutseman and NASH SPORT COUPE 1928. A-i CON- chauffeur;. woman cook and general dition. .30 day. guarantee.. $300. M and hoius;eworýk. Gomi N. S. i'ef. fui4nished. M S;ervicýe garage, Oak St. and Carl- 'Small j%age-s. Ph. WNinnetka 3341. ton Court, Winnetka. Phione Winn. 431'6-nc 149, acter 6 p.m., Winn. 3561.- 4SLT.N6-1tp -4 white <-ouples withj 50 AUTO SERVICE refqEren(e o<f 3 to 7é yrr. lPAI'lTNES >AGýENCY SIM1ONIZING $4, $5, AND .$6. CARS EmSt. 1 Wiinnetka 2662, called for and: delivered. Call Kenil- 43LTl-ltc worth 115e. . 5L6lp FREE, SERVICE TO EMPLOYERS -Everything in; HI-GRADE HELP. 1efereénces POSITIVEbY INVESTI:, GATEF).ASK YOURNE HOR LEE EMÎPLOYMIE2NT AGENCY 1 631 Benson Ave.. Evanston, Davis 81161 U EI STATE SUrISERVIýSION 43LTN-ltc WHITE CO6uPL.E WSH O.SITION -man, (chauffeur or housenian, wonin an, inaid or general work. 15 yris.' expi Ref.. Ph. Plaza 2110-Apt. 210-A, M.Edenfieid. 43[,TN-ltp COUPLE LIGHT COLORED, EXP. coOk, chauffeur and butier. -Good N. S. ref. Phone. Irexel 3-,45.' 43,6-ltp 404 HELP wANEFEMALE WANTED AT ONCE Cooks Secondmaids * Nurses G'.eneral Malds Cou ples * uthave gnr(od mworkIng ref.- PAULINE'S AGENCY 48EImSt innetka 2662. 44LTN6-tc I~X("1'VESECRETARY, STENOG.- r.tpher, for dignified positionl wth 1Univ(ersity. Northwestern graduate prefe1nrd. tate Salarv, qualification, and experience. Addre.,s B--71; Box 40, Wilmete. .44LTN6-ltc * ExilER 1ENCED GIRL11 FOI! GENER- ai hou eork. No laund.ry. ReftleeeS. * 1(1S9 Spruce. Winnetka 17.. 45 -HELP WANTED-MALE YOUNG MAIX OVER 23 YEA.ILS 0F age to assist local mnanager in sale ot. high grade electrical. produet sold throughout the world, Applicanit should have fair acquaintance in Wilmette, Winnetka,, Glencoe, .and .Hubbard Wo0ods. Address J. C. Zuiendel, c/o' Electrolux Iac., 4554~ Broadway, Chi- cago, 111. Suite 361. 45LTN4-3ttP w0 sq. f t. for bachelor, hskPg., $10 n'o. 21# s(4...t. for couple, hskpg., $23 mo. i'n 'sq. f t. for couple, hskipg., $35 no. ,Gýs& eec..free. 750,Glencoe Rd. Glen- coe 770. .5ILTN6-jtp NICE -LAROE .ROOM, NEWLY DEC-. orated, Lcomfortabld. at ail seasons, ..3 wvindowjg; large closet, Reasonable rent. Near Winni. station. Winnetka 415. . 51LTýN6-tp FUWN1Ç_SI-ED OR UNFURNISHED rooins-jtwin beds, private bath If de- sie.Near transportation. Cal Wil- mette 4934.. 51LTN6-ltp NICELV FURNÎST¶ED FRO N OO'M, near transportation and aIs6 garage.. Ph. Wilnette 1858. 51LTN6-ltc NeICE. SINGLE. R0OOM, PRIVATE home, women onily. 470 chebtnUt St',, Wintnetka. Near trans. Phone Win- netita1011. 51LTN6-ltp CQMFORTABLE ROOM W1TH KIT- chen 'privileges, la private family Cal Sun. or ev-enipgts. Phone Winxlet- ka. 3641. 51LTN6-ltç TrWO NICE ROOMS, DOUBLE, SIN-' gle. Close to trans. on east side. Ph. Winnetka 3690. 51LTN6-ltp FURNISHED ROOM FOR 1 OR. 2. Close to trans. 554 Arbor Vitae rd., TWO NICELY FURNISIIED. ROO'MS foir housekeeplng, close to transporta- tion, also gar age. 1023 Main street. Wilmnette -3007. 51LTN6-ltp QUIET COMFORTABLE 'ROOMI FOR wvorkinig man. Nicely 'fuËnished.. Very, convenient. Sullivan, 906 Burr AVe. Hubbftrd Woods. 5ILT6-ltp LARGE CLEAN; ROOMIS SUITABLE fr2hot and cold . water, hotel serv- ice, $5, $6 and ý$7 pe'r wk. Central Hotel, 629 Main St. Wlmette 1080. 51TN50-tfe 53 BOARD AuND RwwM LOVINO CARE FOR REPINED CHIL- dren in beautiful country home. Pony, Pets, gardens, etc. Write B-72, Box 40, Wilinette. 53LTN6-ltp) PLEASANT HOM"\E. FOR ELDERLY person or convalescent, near lake, resi- dent, nurse, M41 Hinnman, Ave., Ev- anston. IPh.. Univers.,ity ý2104. 5.ILTN6-1 ti 'W1L-M IET TE BUSINESS LADY woffid like t(; share completely fur- nisbed apart!.feflt near ' trans. wi!th lady. Ph. Wilrnette :)61., 55LTN%6ltp 58 FORRN-PRTES 4 AND 5 ROOMS NOW AVAILABLE IN -LJNDEN MANOR', 17-01Merrill St. HUBBARDNVOODSý Best kept-up building en north' shore. Reasonable rent-exclusive tenants. Agent at building, 7 days -a, week. .W. H. CLARIS 180 Linden Ave. Hubbard Woods 1ST JF'ZOOR A.PARTMENT IN EAST s ide home. trge Ilving rai., bedrnt, kitchen and bath. Light sunny room, private entrance porch, yard.. Also attractive .separate roomi. Near trans- por.tation> References. Phone Wilimetle 204. 56L6-Itp FOR RE-NT 6'RMN. APARTIMENT, .W heat, Centrally located. $60. Wýal1ter P. S;with & Co. 3a7 Park Ave.. Glencoe 702 56I4TN6-Itc 4 ROOMI EFFICdIENCY, REDECORAT"- ed. thro.ughout, modern equipmient. Move in .n.ow~. Lease from. Jiily 1. SchellI Bldg. Tel. Winnetka 159#2. 56LTN6mltp FOR RENT 4 RM. FLAT AND BATH, stove heat. Haîf xnonth concession. 716 Ridge Avè.,near Washington Ave.> Ph. Wilmette 5066. . 56LT6-ltc FOR. RENT UFUNSHDAPARTr- t7 FORR 5IKNr-5IURIBWUU 2ROOÔM lFURNISHED .A milt, reasonably priced. 50: St. Phone Winnetka 690 oi F~URNISHED AND UNFU, apartmeflts for rent.l priced. Wlnnetkaý 690 or 19 ;TN52-tfc FURNISHED ÀPARTmE.NýTS, 1, 2 AND 4 rooms. Ceptrally located. South and Eastý front. Ph.' Wilmnette M399 57LTNO-3te TH-IREE , ROOMIS-NEÂTLY FUR- nihed. Available for.summer -montha aut advantageous rentaI. Schell Bldg., Trel. Winnetka 1592. 57LTN-ltp. CU .FOR. RENT-HOUBESI DELIGHTFULLY LOCATED 1 BLOCKC -from Central school-sun room, 4 bed- roomst 2 baths, rear stairwayý for'sers'- ant.- 011 heat. 2-car gar. Only $125. Beautiful, east home, on large ravine. lot - 4 bedrooms, and large billiard room, can possibly be1 used as bed- Yoom. 3 bathsi , h eat,.2-car gar. $250. DOROiTHY'K. ROSS. 6638 Vernon Ave. .Giencoe 30e, 60L6-ltp ATTRACTIVE HOME, .4 BDRMS, 2 baths. lav., sun rm., glazed porch, FPrig., oil heat, 2. car gar., and Iovely yard. 1150 a .month. France-s J. Wnscott 902 Spruce Street', Wlnn»etka 1267 6OLTN6-Itc 7 ROOM: RESIDENCE. 2 CAR GAR. Lge. lot, fr.uit trees, Sun and slpg. porches, a blocks to trans. afld schools. R. H. Scihell, Tel. Wlnnetka 159É. 6OLTN6-ltp CONVENIENTLY LOCATED. 6 BED- roomi, 1 bath. bouse. Sun an~d sleep- ing porches. Garage. 011 Ileat. Inclus- Ive of stove and electrie refrigerator. Only $90. DOROTU1Y K. ROISIS 663 VERNON AVE., GLENCOE 305, or heat,gail. imiprovemelits.Ci Gece OTN-t 331 .. 56LTN6lç-1tt _____________________6 ROOM STUCCOHOP. NEWLY CONVENIENT, MODERN 4 RM4. APT. decorated.. Garage. Large, yard., Ex- Eckar't B'*Ig. Winnetka 843. ceptional. value. $60 month. Ph. WII- 56ýLTN62-tfC mette 3414. 6OLTN6-ltc 4 ROOM KITCHENETTEP-APTr. HUM-] 5.OO BUNGALOW, $40 PER phrey Building: Call Winnetka 98 or mnh hn inta77 3328. -5LN6tc6OLTN6-ltp WJLM. ~IFE NOM

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