Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 11 Jun 1931, p. 5

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* The animal summner school coii- * ducted under the auspices of the' \Vilmiette Public scliools wvill start on onday, June 15, and continu for six weeks. Supt. J.. R. Harper will be in .charge. Parents desiring to have.their cil-- dren, take siim-iner.sclhool work may have theni enirolled a't any tinie. LIt is nlot cofil)ulsory for a child to attend during the entire six weeks. A Smaill tuitiofi charge. is made. Miss. Frances I)onnelv x ý,vill hjave aun art class at the Central school,. ilu which there will lie îuéh oppor- tuîuiity for indivîdual Nwork and. mdi- vîdual help., announced uy. the VV.Iiiete r~.a district, in charge of the beach. Sand accretions during the winter; have enlarged the beachi consider- ably, and, according to officiais of the park district, it ill lie in excellent, condition for the opening.' James Henshaw will again beiiu chargé of the life guards, and Mrs.. Margaret Hilton' will serve as 1each niatron. The same regulations . regarding the use of the beach 1w *W\ilmette resi- dents and the sarne rules 'governiing the. issuance of beach cards wilI be folloàved this y'ear as 'in, previous years. it %vas annotunced. Residents wvill be aIllowved to -purchase a season Hold 0Occupational. School ticket for $5, -the fe necessary to ini- M îs Iaur Flntv ~iî ciidctsure leraviing expensesý of the beach anocpationial schoo)el for childrefi SU)Cr.Si1 ilrom four to see en ears old> indlu- . Non-residents or residents flot hav- su eni le ew îndegaren oomingseason tickets will. be charge d of the Cetntral selhool ini the former one dollar on Saturdays and Sundavs Sailroîresidence. at 914 Central for their Swlin and. fifty cents on avenute. It. is planned to hiavè fli wéeck days. This fee, officiais say, is chidre <bmos ofther wrk nt-designed 1)imiarilY to keep the beachi d ,rs s thle b \i%-n~wIch buss a,. inuch as possible for the,.exclusivée thie e kixdrgarten room is sur- s fvlaes roud(e(i li a finle Iawil. Seasoný tickets will entitle the Th nmbr f ouse t î older, familv, anid guests to use .t't Oftered ini the summiier sclool th-i)eacl, facîlities for thre sumimer,- but vea wiIl epnd n .th enoliiinfot more. thaîn oie fan ilv wil l e al'% it ý%-as.atinounced att the sc100oo f olice loived to .use a ticket, and reasoiîable, tl'is .week. discretion is expected ini the enter- NI-r. EithVivin's~\lelod \Vy tinmient of guests by ticket hiolders, --------------,,1t is Pointed out. piuanko classes for -the ssummer will. start on Fridlav, Junie 19, at 8 o'cloèk i ii the *nring at the Central school and at 1 o'clock li the afternloon at the lLogan school.. Realtors Signalize End of Member Drive 'Teriniatioli of a highlN successful mllenîhclrslipj drive will lie signalized Tuesdlay. evening, Junte 16, at a diii- lier meeting of the North Shore Real Estate board to béeheld ini the Siawv- nee ôiîrclubi),Wilmette, )eginl- niiingat, 030 o0cdock. *'l'lie nmeiershîlp canipaigii, started early this spring, lias increased the roll b) approxirnateiy fifty. percent.' it lias been announiced. Prizes iih the contes.t wil.l be awarded at niext Tutesday's meeting. Othier features of the session Inèxt Librarian A nnounces Vacation Loan Plan Miss Anie L. Wh'Iitmack,, lbrariani a t the Wiliiette Public library, has niade thie following announicement regarding summer vacation reading: "Are vou going to ýthe Rockies, to' the Wî,-sconisîni ods or to M.\ici- ,gan farns ? There are bouind to lie timies when ih willlie ttoo ,hot, or.to rainy, or for, some reason you wi%,ll i)refer 'tà stav i ndoors with a book. \Vhy not borrow 'books fromi the. Wilnîiette Public library on the va- cation loan plan, whIich is effective until September 30?: Adults * may borrow ten books anîd children six." Miss Whitrnack. states that she wil SDr. W. IV. I-Iaz(kinis, 'ilmcttc Hcalth conmissioncr iiid coin- inander of tteý Seventh District. . A'merican Letgiïon, w'a' i «I éd the gaz'eI oa a joinit vmeting Iwre of the /posts iiitflic district, which iin- chides t/he north shorc', to bc leld ll'cdnesday z<'nnqJunte 17. .1 streiet proceioli, eompri si ig sez'- 'rIbalids amid drum cors. - wIl pr',ccdc the' meeting iii LI. -. O F. Pupils Invited to Seli Their Used Textbooks' Puîîils ini the \Vilrnette Public schools vdho would like to seil their second hand books have been in- vited to bring themn to the schoois Thursdav and Fridav of this week. The tvo paren t-teacher orga taizat ions in the village have madle, arrange- mients to store the biooks during the summner and seIl themi to other pupils wvhen school openis again in the faîl. Onfylxniboks vhich are ini fairlygod con diti on-Will' be.accep)ted. Names of childreîi who bring the books will be taken, and when the volumes are sold the pupils wl be refunded. New Trier High school will hold its annual commencement exercises tonight, Thursday, at 8 o'clock in the Leslie F. Gates gymnasium. The class of 1931 numbers 381, in- cluding twenty-three. students ýwho finished their work at the end of the first semester of the 193Q-1931 school term, 327 june graduates, and thirty- one other1 students who will.,complete their- work. during- summer school and receive diplomas later. Tiwo hundred and. eighty-one of te381. members of the class- plan. to go to college next fail, according to statistics recently compiled at the high school.- They wiIl scatter to ninety-two different institutions.. of higher legrning.- Forty-five of' this year's graduates plan to. Work next year,* ten will return >to New Trrier for pôst-graduate work, and forty- five others aretundecided as .to théir p)lans. .George' Ogan is president of the class -of 1931. Other officers are' SalIy Clark, vice-presidenlt; Virginia Rietheiuer, secretary, and Dorrance Nygaard. treasurer. Win Sclolarships *Arnong the members of the class .who have won scholarships are: John Barden to the University of Chicago, B3arclay jones to Armour institute, George Ogan to the Uni- .versitv of Rochester, and Ruth Off- ner and Dorrance Nygaard to Grin- nell college. Colin Finlayson of the class of 1932 is the winner of the Yale Club 'o award 1he annt prîzes also v exercîses... this y ear. This ýe at tlie Another important part of the pro- grain will. be the dedication of the niew, east. athlletic field by. Jesse R. Gathercoal,. president of the New, Trier board, of education. > Dr.1-Frederick IF. Shannon, minister of, Central church, Chicago, will be the commencement speaker. He is a clergymman of wide prominence in' the middle west. The complete prograrn for the ex- er cises follows: .Carey ed the Sunday school mnembers who are passing fromn one departmient to another. Special features of the ser- iewill include m]us'ic iy the B. Y. ]P. U. orchéstra, whicli will play for the processionai, and antherms and responses1 offered by the Junior:and Senior choirs. help a woman who was locked out of lier home. Mr.~ and Mrs. C. H. Ilowe, with Mrs. Charles Howe, Jr, of Kenil- worth,, are driving to Knox c ollege to attend., the graduation of their son. t. 'W: . 3rw nas........ l, President, ret ary, JRecel Benei [lton (audience standing) ......Rev. *H-oaceG:Sm (Continued on, Page 6) Rooirns for Rent Nice single room, private home, women only. 470 Chestnut St., Winnetka. Near Transp, Ph. Winnetka 1011.

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