?ças, Corn, Tratoes . vegetables of standard quality awaiting in tins for immediate use. Vegetables you'11 want during the% coming weeks. Buy now -at A& P's amainl low.prices; GOLDEN Corn IONA FULL STANDARD QUALITY Peas 1x. 3 IVORYSoap .Deliciouüs Apples. Canlaloupe, Jumbo Green Beans..... Freésh Tomafoes- Californie: Carr Ofs. NO .23 IONA ,FULL STANDARD QUALITY Tomatoes. 4C25c Luncheon Bread BRAUNSCHWEIGER SMOKED Liver Sausage 24-OZ. LOAF 7C ** *.L23C F andSaturday Only!, BuIk Cane Sugar IOS47c 4CAMES 3. Ibs. 25c 36 s, 3 for 29 c 2 Ibs. 15c, 2 Ibs.. 15c bunch 5c short distance west of Hibbard road. Mr. and Mrs. Williams lbad been visiting on' the northi shore, and had started that morning on the return trip> to Dallas., Mrs. Williamns was 'taken to the Evanston hospital, where it was founid thatshe had suffered a fracttired left' arm, cuts about the face andllea(l and a mild.concussion, according to the Xilmete police re- port. Judge Williams suffered 'onlY two slightcuts, onie on each knee. The automobile into which 'the jur- ist's car crashed wvas (Iriven 4y Mrs. T. R. Krainer. 2915 Leland avenue. Chicago, who escapýed'uniinjuire*d. ýShe was held on a tech jiical charge of reckless drivinii., Tii ýcase came up) bef ore Judge E... Pettibone 'Monday and was. contintied until 'todav' (Thursday) at 4 o'clock. HOSTESS AT LUNCHEON ,Mrs. Henrv G. Prosser, 80.3 Lakei avenue, was hostess at luncheon1 andi bridge last Saturday at the West- ntôrelanld Country club in boliot of, Mrs. Willianm Poole of Glasgow. Scotiand, who, with' Mr. Poole, is visiting the latter's brother and wife. Mr. and Mrs. joseph Poole. of. Ev- anston. Mr. and Mrs. Henry G. Prosser,1 803 Lake avenue, attendied the con-1 vention beld by the nIanufacturingý group of the National School Suplt June 4-5 at Wauwausee, Imd.J 15c New Potatoes, peck 26cj ýetsAre'Down s E vér y:Ci e ver A&P c nK]r,1U auca vnn n wvill entertain her guesta at the higb school and college -homeconiing diii- nier dance at Shàwnee Country club. AVIENUIE C. C. Renaeckor O»posite St. Joseph School Also Private' Instruction Studio 1133 CENTRAL AVE. TEL. WIL. 3651 FULL STANDARD' QUALITY 3NO. 22 sCANS2 . Premium SodaCrackers LBN 23tc I to> Va Il 4a 7 U-Y aeciA ion J181 L North Avenue Boosters ini the second contest. These two games, gave the big guns a chance to increase their batting averages and sharpeni up.for the. Mt. Prospect nine %vho will- iii- vade.the Pioneers' field, Wiltùette and Hibbard road,. next Sunday. Up, to date, the Pionieers boast a record 9f nine gaines wvon to one gaine lost. The gaine sclieduled for last Thuresday with the Evans'ton Tigers was postponed. In the first fray. Frank R'oemùer took care, of thé pitching in fine style. The Donoh 1ueBoosters couldn't solve' his. curves urrtil the last inning. but' they were unable to connect hard en.ough, to overcorne, the big lead of the Pioneers. Meanwhile, the Pioneer guns. put, up a terrific frônt, scoring five runs in the first inning and con-, tinually adding on .to brin& the* total to. twelve. Vic Deinlein connec ted for four bits, and. withi sup)erb 'field- ing ivas easily the star in- this gaie. The second -g,%te turned out to be a slugging contest. The North Avenue Boosters took the edge in the early part of the gaine, but the Pioneers with a steady. pace over- This game featured extra, base hit- ting in which almost every Pioneer, figured. Fred. Krauss, Ed Schittettand Frank Roemner, however, were the out.standing. Harry Schlueter twirled and aithougli he wasn't at bis best, he pitched a. steady gaine and helped along the scoring with three hits. The Pioneers will be unable ta present full st'rength next Sunday against the Mt. Prospect nine whorni the Pioneers recentlY defeated in a l4-inning battie. 'Soite of the local* boys are gone for. a vacat ion and wiill mý.niss several tough encounters. HAS HOUSE, PARTY Miss Mary *Beai, daugliter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter 1. Beam, 411 Sher- dan. road, is holstess at, a week-end housepart y at- he t homre. Her guests. ire Miss. Mary Troxel, Miss I Mary Berkey;' Edward .Bornenian, Conrad Barger, and, Francis Kelsey alI of, Food Stores E ýý N l', ý V i (-) N ýe