Seli-Sprayin g Juisectieide *SPRJTZ 93- the famous insecti- cide used exelusivel>' for years b> A merica's, largest Furrier-si Fine Hotels ad Restaurants, Dearmenýt S to r e s, Ujhol-. sterers,.-Clio th ie rs, Railroads, Milis, Industrial P i a n t-s and Goveroment Institutions; a nd nom this famous moth, and insect destroyer is ready for home, use. We are sending to the homes- on the North Shore our ýspecial representa- tives to explain "Spritz-The Power- fui Instant Acting Insecticide." These representatives will demonstrate, to you this unusual product whiçh every home wil1 want as an absô1ute protec- tion against rnoths, flics, mosquitoos, roaches, bed bugs and other house- hold pests. This materiali 18 fot only most powerful in its insecticide1. valuie but automatically sprays itocif' with the turfi of the wheel, is cean, 'eÇ and more economical than anything ever offered. Spritz will flot mtain and used on.the most deficate fabrics. Spr itz ýcan safely be,.u sed around f ood, products in kitchens, etc. Spritz bas a dlean, pleasant odor, which quickly disappears. Neverthe- Iess it deodorizes and c1ears the air Amon ywilllI al onbe refuineth -PamITZ COMPANYs vialýfr ntn 1735Beemnt AenueCHIC GO race slln 1415