Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 18 Jun 1931, p. 52

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Etîrollînient at Central playgrounc shom-ed the l)est increase over that of last vear, accordiing to the first re- ports filed at the recreation. officç. The playground lias had the sinallest *attendance of theý three playgrounds rnaintaincd by the Playground aud Recreation b)oard, for the past three. years butthis -vear, the opening day *enrolînient exceeded' that of the Vil- l age* Green, always one of the best atten(led' plavgrounds ini the village.. Vattmian park ,leads. the, field in é pefling day attendance .this yeéar, baving registered -185 Monldair morn-: in.g. atone. Central- playgrouid :an- nounced an enrollinent of 130 fortfli first half cda' of the playgrounds.aud Village .Geenii. 117. Vie attendance at Village Green was Increascd to 165 before the end of the day, while *the total enCtroilmeiint for the day on the otiier two playgrounids, was , not a.-vailab)le Tuesday mnorn.iing at press time. * Progranms for the first weeks ac- ti-ities were ,vell under wvay Tues- * dai, morning- after the first day of~ the season having been devoted to registration and organization of plavground groups. Practice bas been called for tryouts for berths on the playgroulid bail and kickball teams, whicb participate iii a village wide schiedule beginuiug îext week. Par- ades and »picuics were also planned to give -added interest to tlîe regu-, lar prograni. Next week, besides ixaugurating the kickball and playground. bal Ieagues, will also bring the first local cpntest %vhen poster niakers on eaclî playgý,round wl submnit thieir best h;asdiw.%ork to détermîine tbe entranlts if the. village 'ide coitest. Thei pré- cise day of tbe contest lias 1ixot beei announced as yet, but Dire ctorý Da- vis tbinks it wvill be conducted Wed- *nesday -afternoûn of the third week or on Jpily 3. Pet shows are' also ta- be conduct- ed on eacb playground and 'ail t.e. playgrounid boy s andý girls will bring, collections of dogs,,cats, rabbits and other pets to compete for ribbon s. Past years bave seen pet sbo,.s wherein everv lind of pet froin alli- gators to a variety of Slietlantdlpo- Malrolm îBatour Photms Mfiss Ruth Kinxg, (left) dcughter of Mr,. and Mrs. W. J. King, 611 For- est avemte, Wfilmnette, apid Miss Vera Thaleg, (right) datighter of Mr. and Mlrs. 0. IF. 7'Juleg, 617 Greenleaf avenue, Wilme-tte, were awarded honorat-y scholarshi/'s at the. 4511î annual commencement of the National College of Educationi, held in Harrison hall Wednesday, June 10. These scholarships, given -in recognit ion of 0'utstanding ability in teaching, carry with t hemk thte opportimity of assist'ing in the children's school conducted byl the college. HOST TO R. O. T. C. Eýdgar L. Fielding of 2034 Clîestnt avenue entertained'on*iiFriday eve- ning at a supper bridge in hoor of the graduating class of the Naval R. 0. T. C. nunit of Northwesterni uni-, versity, of which ble is a miember. Dr. and M.,rs. Edward S:- Cumnîiiis- kev, 1336 Elmwii.%ood avenue, ivill giveï a slîower Saturday evening, june 20 for tlieir son. and dauighter-ii -lav,, Mr. nd rs.Edward F. Cummniskev, Jr., wvho wvere'%wed recently-. Miss Ai nice Drake of 1221 Ash-. land avenue, a short tinte ago, spent i two "or three days as thîe guest of* lier friend, Deacone.ss Fuller, of Chase House, Chicago, at lier suni-ý iier cottage near the Dunes, Nlichi-ý ganl City, md. MARR NAGE ANNOUNCED Mrs. Auna P. Gomm of Rogers Park announces the marriage on April 18, of *er 'daughter, Evelyn Stewart, to* Edward F. Cummniskey, jr., son of Dr. and Mrs. Edward F. Curnnîiskey, 1336 Elmwood avenue, \Vihniette. Miss Florence Anita Mitchell of i009l Oakwood avenue entertained 'a. group of twxýenty-two friends at.a pic- nic party Su.nday, *June 15, at b er father's cottage at Lake -Beulab, Wis. MNr. and Mfrs. Walter B. Mitchell of San Antonijo, Texas, are spendi ng. the summner at 1006 Central avenue.. attendance. The programn of the al- ternoon consisted of reports bv the president, the delegates aind twvo memibers of the club, of the recenit meetings hield oni Long Islain(l by the Gardeni Club of Anierica,. Mr. Mark. Cr-esap,. the president. gave a verv brief sketch of the genl- eral atmosphere. of th.'e coniventioni leavitig the detailed accoûtnts to, the other repres en'tat ives., She called at- tention to.the fact that the gar- dens-on-displa%, jn Long .Islanld were etibanced- iv the' verv splendid architecture of thebé -ouses w %hiclh represented thework of thie'leading-ý architects of thiis counitr%. Uach bouse.was of rare grace anld']eaut'. ,Mre Fredrick E. Williamso'n at- tended tie meetings as delegate froin the Kenilworth Garden club and brought. back ber impressions Of the ,entire three .davs' prograni. Stie bas a -most charming and spirited wav in tèllinig of ber experienees and w-as most. discrimirîating in tlhe détails.' Unusual arrangements in gardenî planting, flower and vegetable iflait- ing, combinations of floweriug shrubs .and eveFegreen, such as yellow roses Mu front of' blue spruce, tlîe use of for- get-me-nots in profusion, turf steps- in th'e t erraced gardens, and many other itemns vere b)rought, to 'tle. at- tention of bier listeners with *great clarity. AIl of the gardens whiclî were visited were very large and ini- cluded the gar-dens of H-arold, George and Fredrick P ratt, J. Pierpont Mor- gan, Paul Cravatb, Robert Bacoû and Louis Gass Ledyard. M rs. Charles Ware took thîe nmexubers with .a, word picture along with hier oni the trip east and gave a very cléar and concise report of oie dav's thnill and joy of gardeni beauty.anid ne- vealeçi how mu ch. inspirationi is gaiiied fromi these initeresting mieet- îngs. Mrs. Noble Gillett told of anotiier day's visit.to: sontie of thiose Woiiderful places and, added a Iicture of îthe hio spitality',éxtended, to the memibers of the Garden Club.of America. Shee, gave an accounit of the« dininer given on tlîe evening of the second day in tlhe ind(oor tenniis court of one of the spacious homes. Six hundred-fifty ~neinbers sat down, together. in this '.auvago. -0- Margaret Mary Moran, daugliter of MLr. and Mrs. John J. -Morai, 924 Greculeaf avenue, is now convales- cing from 'a serious case of .lack inca- &Ies, from which.she was fil for. three *teks..4 leaf avenue.i -o--- Donald Hight of Boston, Mass.i The Arthur E. Ruifs, formierly of thie bouse guest of James Aider, 931 1320O Maple avenue. have moved to Greeniwood avenue. Tbe boys ar- ýMaywood, N. J.. They lef t Wilmeçtte i rived in Wilmette last Saturday from' lýune 13.kPjDartmouth coilege., nue £romthie at, Tucson wh sophonîore ye. -rsity of Ari: te conîipleted Mr. and Mrs., A. H. Modine, 140 Meirose aiFenue,. Keniilwortlî, enter- tained 'th eir fi-ve-hundred club on, Friday evening of last week. 4, I

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