Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Jun 1931, p. 13

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T1hese are the days wlien your dog needs more care than at any other time of the year. Even the miost so- ciable dog may become snappish and ill-tempered if bis tneeds are not met. Allow him free.access to the cellar -bhe will soon fin-d that iis the coolest place to lie, and will use it as. a com- foftabic retreat when sufering f rom. the heat. Keep his -pan of watér filled, - in a cool, -and shaded place. A dog, needs more water than wc do, and should have bis pan freshly filled scveral times a day. It would be well to have one, inside the bouse, that lie is -fa- miliar with, and also one on thc out- sidf. If your, dog must be chained for a few, hours whilc you are away from home, make, him a long trolley, line between two trees or two. buildings, so tjiat be may get plenty, of exer- cisc. Besurc tbat at least one end of his run is wchl shaded, andin a cool place where be, wijl not sufer from too much suri. Use a mild solution of lysol iii bis latbwater to rid him of fleas during the- summer months. If fluesý bite bis cars badly, Oil of Citronella applied' -morning and- aftcrnoon wihl prevent this to a great extent. lxeep vour. dog.'s collar on at a-11 tiines so thaàt he will npot be coisid- ered a "lostdog"; if ýout alone. Run your' fingers under' bis collar fre- rluieitly- to niake sure lie is flot. out- grow,-iig it, and. that; it is tiot too, tiglit for. comnfort. If your city au- thorities insist upon muiizzling: yotir dogs iruzzle shottld be prop erly fitted anid rcmioved wben not necessa-yý. Keep) somne identification' on your dog (i ail imiies. SO ofteni one does niot applreciate the im)portanice of tis nilafter the dog is gonie and ho an'îounit of eeort recovers him. Don't shoot y.our dog, or becornc' unnecessarily alarmced if b e bas a .'fit"l or "foamns" at the mouthi. These arc sy miptomis of a nuniber ofdier cnit coniditioc)ns, practically none Of. wiharc danigerous to nmaiikilid. .1n suich cases, puît your (log in the base- mient or bathroom, telePhione your veenl-rn n -nd ioct li a fcirre. er, vo if Yonl qualified to advise you. And don't caîl your veterinarian- as a last resort, but consuit bim bvy telephone if you~ are in doûbt regard- ing your dog's condition. It is botb humane andi economical to ýgive at-, tention, to yonr 'dog's ailments promptly, -if symptoms, of sickness appear. Irene C. McLauglîlin. Editor WiLtzTIe LiÉÉ: Wbile Monday evening's rainstorm asat its heigbt and men'and won-, en were crowdcd under tbe shelter at the Winette station, patiently waitin.g for taxis,, cars or, umbrellas, John Wclton Fisher, 'Jr., modestly exbibitcd a kindliness andà thougbt- fuless .% 'hich .deserves bonorable mention'in the. neigbborbood news. He drove bis car alongsidc tbe plat- form and said, quietly, "'May I take someone homne?"-' And when two people were seated with him 0ovifthe front seat hie explained that sonie lueighbor had taken him hiome wbien hie camne ont fromn town and be thouglbt t was bis turii to take his car out in the rain and, perforni a smaract for some of his fellow townspeople. Wben one of bis pas- sejigers steppcdont. of the. car* be callcd back, "This genefous act oughit to qualify you as a Master Scout." -Oniloo-ker. PLAYWRIGHT HERE (I. Whitfickt Cook, son of Mr. and Mrs. Georcýç- W.. Cook, 531 Eighith street, Wilimette, Nvh > bas heen in New York Citv al year, mihl spend june andi julv mîtihbis parents. His latcst pla.v. -Saints Parade," made its first, publi *c appearance ir. New laven last spring. H-e, wàill ret urn to New York in August.: Mr. auid.Mrs. ýH. 0.. Crews, 61,3 Cen- trai 'avenue." were aningthe north shore residents toô atten d the dedicationi ccremoiuies for the newv Abraham Lin- colin monument in Spri-ngfield, Ill.. -o- Miss Heleni and Miss Dorothy Scars Ieft. Kenilwortb June 20, for New. York, whiere Miss Heleni will rernain soite- time and Miss Dor'othy wil1 stay only a f ew days. LAWN MOWERS SRARPENED AND REPMIBD Larme Swings and Furnittare, Trellises, Floteer Bed E<Iging and Pencing FertillizewuSeedsouToolm. and Garden Supplies Theoutstlantding9 Val ue in eelectric' refrig eratio today. M M the -ne w YUKO N E VERYONE3 who bas seen- the new Yukon mnarvels at its aualitv. its beauty, and its value. Open Sundag afternoons 3,p.. M. to 6 P. M. The Bible and W'Orks of Mary Baker Eddy and ail other autboriz&i Christian Science Literat-ure anay be read. borrowed or purcbaséd ar the Reading Room. TMB PUbLIC 15 CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND THE CHURCH S ERVICES AND VISIT THE RIEADING ROOM DANNEMARK ELECTRIC CO. 1151 Wilmette Ave. Phone Wi1. 214 Open Tues., Thurs., Sat. Rvenings 1595 F. O. B. FACTORY K E LY 1 NATO Rýi,

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