Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Jun 1931, p. 18

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A Fitting Vacation Topicý To k..op FIT for'vacation,'camp and play,'your cbild must enjoy. happy foot bsalth. In hoo, ;'~ he ool& Pper FIT:that directsand "a*d the normal, healthful deveIopmnent of the juvenilé -foot. Ouffit, for outing time befor. summer takesý you too far afiId from Foot Heaith Headquüarters. 4i Footnote -PLAYTIME MOCCASiNS. illustrated; for smnall boys and their ýbigger broa bers. ýCrepe - soles.. Sizes 1,0/2 ta iO ' at $4.Ô6, i to 6- at $5.oo and 6¼ ,,-ta 8,at $6 oo. PaDL &PI'PEJŽ CHILDREN'S SHOIE SPECIALISTS 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 EVANSTON ion'r. IEric W. Swif t, of Chicago, an- nouinced the awards at the annua! convention of the association 'in2 New York City, and personally presented the prizes to J. R. -Per- shal,' advertising manager of the Public Service Company.of Nor thern Illinois.- The awards -té this company in- cluded a first place in the gas posters and billboards division, 'a stcond place in the' electric poste rs and bill- boards division, and 'a third.pla'ce in the electric and gas§ merchandising newspaper advertising division. More than five thousand advefise- ments wýere submnitted :in the cOntest hy vrirtually every public utilityý com-. pany ini the country., Mr. and Mrs. William Henry Pier of 'Flintý, Mich., arrived Tuesday, of hast week for a stay.,of several days with their sonf-in-law and daugliter, Mr. and, Mrs. Burt Allan Crowe: of 234 Raleighi road, KenilwiÊ-th. - They- were on,.their way to 'Portland, Ore$ and' the. Pacifie coast, where they will spend the- summer. ttttt t tttl SOUTH WABASH A' ýco CHICAGOIS SINARTEST MEAiL - ILOOP APARTLWENT MOTEL ilnwaukee division of the plant, Flower, and Fruit gùiId, visited the five stations ta which the guild serds its Tuesday flowers. Thé district visited extcnded froni Thirty-fourth street, ta Fifty-ninth street on the south side of C hicago and t hé place s visited were 'th e.VIsit- ing Nurses association, 3456 South State street, in a colored district: the. Visiting Nurses association,, 734 West Forty-seventh street; Univer sity Of Chi'icago settiement, 4630 Gros-, street'; Church' Home for Aged Per- sons, 5445 ýIngleside, avenue,..and BilI- ings. hospital,- 950 East Fifty-ninth street.'- They saw the flowers distribl- uted and found the ýrecipients verv' liappy anxd gratefufl to receive them. there hasý been a good. supply of flo wers sent in each day to the Nýorthî Western station depot, for the Plant, Flower and Fru it guild, the attendant at the, booth reports., But'there can neyer be too many flowers1 for' the needs of the institutions that are: sup-. plied with flowers by the Flower gulild. How Flowers Bring Happiness Miss Edna Fo.ley, superintendent of the Visiting Nurses Association of Chicago,* to which ' the Mihwaukee division of the North Western sta- tion section. of the Flower guild sends fl owýers, wrot e to T. V. Purcell, presi-- dent of the guild: "Soine Pink roses went to a base- ment ini which a. httle old wonian was, celebrating lier eightieth birthday. Shie was. thrilled because no mnçmbe!- of lier .family had' lived to be eighity and she had sQ wanted to, break the family record. * "Du'ring lilac season, someone took aii enormous quantity of ilacs to cour Hulmboldt sub-statt aýnd one of the, inuirses went out- bearing, what must have seemed like a small bush of' theni. She took thetn ,iùto the home of a patient whose days were -numibered. Whien the lilacs. -were put: in every empty Jar in the bouse. and place-d in'. theQ bedroom, the patient'ýs j oy,.was beyoâd description. She' felt t hat we had prepared lier for a n'eighborho od reception. "Ijt is flot possible for people who see green grass and 'green trees and gYrowing flowers every day, to ap- preciate the pleasure that their flowers give ta 'the sick and lonely. Please uirse them'to keep up the good Taire one home with you fonight;, there's nothing as deIpcta ble and .enj.oyabi as this exclusive d.li.cacy of-ours. Xinnetka avenue, Winnetka for the past five years, lias rented a suite of offices in the McGuire and Orr Keniýi-' worth shop' building at' 505 Kenil- wvorth avenue,' Kenilworth. E. E. Stults Realty comnpany's Winnetka office and McGuire and.Orr'sEvans- ton office re 1presented ail parties .to the transaction. 16o8 CHICAGO AVENUE 4- e~ k v W141toénIl 362Q

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