Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Jun 1931, p. 28

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You'1i Certainly Swim!. And forý freedoM and cofrnfr, you'd. better have 'al1931l Suit! Here areo the new ones: 'y I. WOMEN"S SUNBACK SUITS,' SS.50ý T-Iwo shades'of geen- and three of blue;, briefly, smarily cul! Fit'perfectly, as al Spalding suifs do., WOMEN'S CATALINA SUITS, S5 TO S7.50. Appliqu.d in colorful contrasting paterns-for: the. woman wbo wantsber suit not quit. sio sporfyl MEN'S SPALDING SUITS, SS.50 Great Savings for. Golier and Tenais Player For.fb. R.slof.Thi Wek'ÔNLY: GOLF BAG WJTH FOUR CHIANDLER CLUBS. à,6.95 CHANDLER GOLF BALLS. 3 FOR Si PAMOUS $9 LEE, DRIVER RACKETS." S7 RALEIGH LEEý RACKETS. 71 44 S4.95 For The golden text was, "I know that, whatsoever God doeth, it shall be for ever : nothing can be put to it, nor any thing taken from if' (Ecci. 3:14). Among the citations vvhich coin- prised the. lesson-sermion, was the' foliowing from the 'Bible: .Let every soul ble subject, unto the higlher powers. For there is. no. power but of ýGod: the powers that be a're or- dained' of God" (Ronfians 13:1). The lesson-sermnon also. included the following passages f romn thé Chriýtiàn Science textbook, "Sciencc and Heaith with Key fo -the Scrip- tures," hy Mary Baker Eddy: Si. is the, lifie, substance, 'aiid.cotinuiit% of ail things. We tread on forces. Xithdraw theini, and,'creation xuust coilapse. Human knowledge cails theni forces of' natter; blut divine Science> deciares that they belong wholly to divine Mmlid, are inherent in this Mind, and'so restores thet their. rightfui, home and classifica- tion" (p>.12) Former Wilmette Man Gets High Rail Post Charles C. Camieron of Chicago, wvho was a resîdent of \Vilintte for niany years, hias heen promioted to. tlie positionl of genieral traffic mnan- ager offftie Illinois Central railway, a nle\wlv created post with the coni- pany. Nlr. Camieron liad been freight trath.c ma-nager for several years. Lt wvas» thirtY7SeVen Years ago Mhn~r. Camieron 'began with the Illinois Central as a clerk ini the gemm- erai freiglit office at. Ne.w Orleans. Mlr. Camieron was' promnin.çnt i Wilinette nasonic circles, having bee i master of WVilmiette Lodge 931, A. F. and A., M., several years ago. * GOING TO CALIFORNIA Mr. and Mrs. M.t LeRoy Minorý and family of 929 Sheridan road are leav 1ing next Monday by .11 ,otor to sl)end a year near Vani Nuys, Calif., a-t the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harrv. E. Hughes. During thiat timie Mr. and NIrs. Hughes will occupy the iiors' home iii WiJlmette. hands of the Pioneers. Although the Pioneers collected twelve' bits to Mt. Prospect's. five, errors were enough to speli defeat for the locais. A féw of the Pioneers' stars were, absent Suniday, and the defense suffered accordingIy. -Four biowsand'several errors gave Mt. Prospectsix 'taliies in the 'first two innings. After this splurge, Phil Seghi, star. Nothwestern , twirler , pitched for the locais and, restricted the visiting sluggers ý to onle lhit. However, Mt. *Prospect was able to score the winning, umn ithe last inning.. The Pio eers, knotted the count i the seventh inning on hits by Ed Schueétt, Art, Loggi and Fred Krase. Ed Schu.ett -also coliected two) other bits' and started at third tô carry away the honors. Bud Schuett wvas, sîiked in- this gaineë and ivili probabiy be ont of thie lineup, for soine imel. The :Pioneers,,are' hittin>gtheball lat a .333 average, and the le adiing swatters, H. 'Scllueter, Eti Schutett and Fred Krase ail have an average over .400. -Next. Sunday the Pioneers tra.vel to La1-e Zurich to ellcounter that De. Seifert to Wed, Dr.Alie Haller July 4ý DrMartin Seifert,- who wil open at office in, the Brown building, Wii- mette, August 1, is to be married July 4, to Miss Alice. Haller, daughter of Mfrs. Sarah Haller of Forreston, 111. 'l'le cereinoiy will take place at the tutheran church -in Forreston anid 'will he performed by Dr. Seifert's father, the Rev. F. A. Seifert ýof Yorksville, 111. Dr. Seifert is a' graduate -of- the school of medicine, University of liii1- nois, and is lloivconipiletint.g his initerne- ship at the Evanstoni hospitak.'He and lis bride wiil make. their homte-in Wil- Miss Betty Ryerson, 210 Sixth sfrée t. will leave tomorrow. for the east. She' wili visit her cousinea Pine Orchard on LQnz * Island Sound.f &Martha's Evansfon Telephone WiImif«e -724' II~ _________________________________________________ -y-, Land.") We.feel that this addition' to our staff wiII be wel- comed by the discriminating womnan of the,,Nortb Shore. I Founlain Square 4.. v Il 1, HIGHLAND PAR :87

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