Wilmette Life (Wilmette, Illinois), 25 Jun 1931, p. 33

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Alaska on the north, to Chinaý onth west, and Europe on the east. Miss Armnstrong has gone to spend her vacation at hier home in New Hampshire.. Miss Frances Bredin, Misýs Alice Donham and ChaàrIes, Var- ney, alU of. the French department, have Ieft to learn more French, in France. Miss Bredin and Miss Don- hant wil travel tog.ether and spend their time in Brittany and Norrnandyi Miss Virginia Robson, the schoôl dietitian, -has also gone to France. "Duke" Ch -ilds- of the PThysical E ducation (lepartmnent, has gone as usual* to bis camp at Owmakonize,, On- tario. Canada. Mliss Dorothy Fitch of: the Art 'de- pa rtment has traveled out" to Cali- forniia to-study.at the University of California. Miss ,M ary He len Pa ul of the Latin departmént, and pre sident of the -\V'oiiian's Faculty, club, has Ieft for a sunîier's study at the Acca- demnia A mericania, Porta' Sanx Pau. crazio, Romie, Italy. AMiss Elizabeth Packer,. dean of girls at the' school, wilîl spend lier va- cation touring the noQrtliwçvst Linited btates. and Alaska. Miss Anita -Séitiiev of the Frenchi. departnîent lias gone Ito the Orient. whiere she ý vill stay at Shanghai aned Varlous other parts ot China:' M\1iss Elizabeth Stanvood of'th tiLgsh departnint lias iollowed lier usual sunimer's prograîn of going: to bier ranch at Hiaydeni, Colo. Rob>ert Carpeîuter, also of the ]Jiglishi departiieuit, lias goiie to a ..%idandi woolly' ranch in Idalio. jolini -au is another ranch entlius- iast, aind is out at i.ellowstoiue kark, \\yo.. Miss Dorothy Walker bas £ound lier ranch in Ariz'ia. Jr. ohnî Hudson lias selected a most interesting souindiing course tu' pursue en i the Oengahclabora- tories, at Ftrday, Harbor, Wa.sh. Quite a.few nimem bers of the faculty> bid farewell to N-'ew rier this sumn- ,.ner, as they' have taken up, various. inew occupations elsewbere. .Miss Lillian Fogg of the ýEnghish departnxient, willot be returing. next faîl, as she is to be maruied the end of th snonth. She éxpects to reside ini Boston after lier rnarriage. ivhich are at present on the list as -expected next faîl: Affiliated witb thîe Eniglish depart- ment wvill he. Miss Beulah Hall, oi * Grinnell, Kanis.; Richard S. Petersoni, DeKalli, 1112; forÎinerly ýan ,instructor * at the Harvavlrd Scoifor Boys in Chicago. Ini the Mathematies department ýitiwîey, . potn lformer New T1rie students. -Thae,. Historyý department will agai have the pleasure of seeing Miss Eniilyn Waltz, who is returnîng after a year 's absence. The designers of Frigidaire dishes lust ouf of the ov4en can believe that a cabinet b. set upon tuis porcelain sur- int.nded for the home face without fecir of the. slight. skould combine beauty with est damage. utility. But vaider its gooci-IooIçing, Tiiot 1, why the topof your useutopheAdvnc.dFrigid- Frig idaire is smooth und diot, cire embodies nôo Jess than 25 und maode of PorceIain-on- outstandinm advantaamiesthutm DOWINTOWN ISPLAY UOOM; 151 Xi. Michigan Av@. Tel. Randolpbi 4951 Evanston * 11shermai Ave.,- .Gieenleaf 4490, W. G. Bcyrer * 1191 Ceptral Ave. - Wllmette, Si Pau.aannan *Fune 47 or ly 9 Evanston Business College 1718 Sherman Ave. W. H. CaJIow, Prop. Frigidasire is finish.di Porcelain becquse Porcelain ib: t I GIENIERAL OFFICES: 219 E. North Water St. Trel. Whitehail 8141 Rubbard Woods 984 Linden Ave. - WÏlmette M21 Publie Service Company of Northeru. Illinois at ail their ofices WH4EN YOU PIUY AN ELECTRIC REFRIGERATOR BDE SURE I1 IS PORCELAIN, FRIGIDAIRE'S UtiIi*ty. Top iïs good-ookimng and usef ul toro

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